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讓復活與我們走過每一天──RESURRECTION IN EVERYDAY LIFE (Dr. Abraham)- 2010.4.25

証道:Dr. Kuruvilla Abraham

“The lord is Risen” “He is risen indeed” This is how the members of the early church greeted one another when they met together for worship every Sunday. For them the remembrance of Easter comes around not just once a year. Every Sunday is a celebration of the presence of the Risen Lord in their midst. They deliberately changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday for such a weekly remembrance. In fact for them Resurrection is a reality present every day.


For many of us Resurrection either happens after our death or once a year when we celebrate this festival in our churches. It seldom makes an impact on our every day life. Look at the experience of the disciples. After crucifixion they were all frightened and disillusioned. Some of them went back to their earlier profession, and as they were out of touch with them for some time they could not make any headway. They lost all hope in themselves as well as in the master whom they had followed.


But the appearance of the Risen Lord transformed their lives. The fearful lot has now b turned the world upside down. They did not wait for another world to experience the reality of Resurrection. They proclaimed the active presence of the Risen Lord in their lives here and now. Resurrection made a difference in their lives.


What is the relevance of Resurrection for our everyday life?


First, a vision of a new world of relationships and commitments is breaking into our lives. It is not accidental that the Risen Lord appeared first to a group of women who followed him to the end. Their implicit faith is vindicated. All of them named in the Gospel for today have vivid memories of the kind and compassionate presence of their master. The Resurrected Lord appears in the midst of our loving relationships. The Resurrected Lord is present to us through our mutual and responsible relationship with others.


Today our life is completely shaped by the world of technology. Seldom do we realize that we are part of a world of faith. But Resurrection reminds us that our lives should also be nurtured by values that are generated by faith.


Let me take an example from our day to day experience. When my wife goes to a doctor she is subjected to a clinical examination. The doctor wants to make sure by objective tests the proportion of minerals, salt and glucose in her blood. He checks her heart rate.


There are scientific/ biological principles that govern our bodies. Our health is dependant on their coherence. But when I relate with my wife those principles and the clinical conclusions about them do not matter.


Our relationship is based on mutual love and trust. We need scientific and technological principle for a lot of our activity but to reduce everything and every aspect of life to technology is a distortion. We need those values like, love, compassion, mutual respect and care which are generated by faith for living an enriched life.


Today we are facing many crises of global proportions – financial crisis, ecological crisis and disintegration of families and communities. One may call this a crisis of relationships.


Listen to theses words from a scientist:


“I used to think that top environmental problems facing the world were global warming, environmental degradation and ecosystem collapse…..But I was wrong. The real problem is not these three items, but greed, selfishness and apathy and for that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientist do not know ho to do that. We need you”


He was addressing to a group of church leaders. Proclamation of the faith in Resurrection is an invitation to take this world of relationships seriously. All our relationships are transformed by the power of God. When we treat the other as an object to be manipulated, for our comfort or for our advantage we destroy humanity and God”s creation.


The transforming presence of Resurrected Lord, confronting us with a world of commitments and relationships is the source of renewal. Resurrection becomes an everyday reality through our commitment to the other. The faith community , the Church is committed to nurture values necessary for a life of responsible care for the other and for nature.


Secondly, the Resurrected Lord creates a community of love. The disciples were frightened and they lost all purpose in living. But a new solidarity built around the Risen Lord created a community that is aware of its responsibility for the other, especially the weak and the marginalized. Wherever there is a community of love the Resurrected Lord is in their midst. I want to express this as a personal testimony.


The year was 1977. I was in charge of fairly large congregation in the city of Bangalore. A baby girl was born to me and my wife who incidentally is present here. She took ill shortly after her birth and despite good medical care the infection, the meningitis. Caused sever damage to her brain. It was a traumatic experience for us. We asked God, why have you done to this? We were thankful that her life was spared. But to look after a mentally challenged girl was not easy. We tried to understand the meaning of it.


Our experience took us closer to many parents who have the responsibility of taking acre of similar children. We prayed like everyone else in similar situation for healing. But God has not granted miraculous healing, but a greater miracle happened. We were led to provide a home for such children. Liza”s Home. There are about 20 people. Some of them like our daughter have no speech; some find it difficult to move around without assistance. They are all from different religions. They live together and it is a community of love.


When people come to our center I tell them that members of our community have no great skills and not good at speaking any of the languages. But they excel in one thing: they are proficient in God”s language -LOVE. God does not speak Hebrew, or Greek, Chinese or Indian. God knows only one language and our children seem to have excelled in it. In their embrace, their kisses in their dance, in their songs they live out God. . On this day is the Easter. They would have gathered together to praise God. When we break the bread with them and when we share the bread we say BROKEN GOD IN THE MIDST OF BROKEN PEOPLE. This is resurrection for us. A community of broken people united in love. What else is resurrection?


香港中文大學 崇基學院禮拜堂
Chung Chi College Chapel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sunday Service Time
10:30 a.m., Sunday
Chung Chi College Chapel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Sunday Service is conducted simultaneously in Cantonese, Putonghua and English with the help of interpretation.
歡迎任何人士參加   All are welcome


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  • # TAG

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