Thursday, March 13, 2025

Vine Media



By: Rick Warren華理克






A. 停止找藉口。
B. 明白完美主義會癱瘓成果。
C. 面對你的恐懼。
D. 聚焦在最後的成果,而非過程的辛苦。





© 2010《標竿人生》版權所有。摘自華里克博士專欄。華里克博士為《標竿人生》的作者。《標竿人生》已被翻譯成多國語言並在全球發行。書的內容闡釋: 基督徒應當過謹慎規劃、有清楚目標的每一天。本書被譽為改變20世紀的百大基督徒叢書之一,華里克博士也寫了《標竿人生教會》及《標竿人生耶誕節》。

思想 / 討論題目
你或你所知道的人當中(家人或同事等)有拖延、不必要的延遲的毛病嗎?描述一下對你來說,那是甚麼感覺? 拖延重要的事情或責任,有甚麼潛在破壞性的影響? 想一個你或是其他人在工作上、或是在家裡拖延的事件?結果如何?有辦法解決嗎?為什麼? 如果你現在已經拖延了一些重要的工作,你可以採取怎樣的行動來解決?或者你會給習慣性拖延的人甚麼建議?註:若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:


By: Rick Warren

Most of us have experienced the eight phases of procrastination:

Phase 1: “I will start early this time.” (Hopeful phase)
Phase 2: “I have to start soon.” (A little tension phase)
Phase 3: “I should have started sooner.” (Creeping guilt phase)
Phase 4: “There is still time to do it.” (False reassurance phase)
Phase 5: “What is wrong with me?” (Getting desperate phase)
Phase 6: “I cannot wait any longer!” (Intense pain phase)
Phase 7: “Just get it done” (Get it over with! phase)
Phase 8: “Next time, I will start earlier.” (The cycle repeats phase)

Procrastination can result tremendous damage to others and ourselves at work. It causes unnecessary pressure and problems – and it wastes opportunities, time and money.

The problem is: Procrastination is addictive! The more you succumb to it, the harder it is to change. Putting things off for another time becomes a way of life, causing you – and often others – a tremendous amount of misery.

The Bible offers this insight into the problem of chronic procrastination: “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done” (Ecclesiastes 11:4).

What is the solution? I have four suggestions:
• Stop making excuses!
• Realize perfectionism paralyzes performance!
• Face your fears!
• Focus on the gain, not the pain!

In other words, whenever you have something important to do, do not delay: DO IT NOW!

What have you been putting off that you know needs to be done and should not be postponed any longer? Something at work? At home? Or at church? Now is the time to move into action. Do It Now!

It might help to offer this simple prayer: “God help me to DO what I already know I need to do. Help me to do it NOW!

The Bible gives us two additional observations that are helpful as we determine to overcome the destructive habit of procrastination: “Never boast about tomorrow. You don”t know what will happen between now and then” (Proverbs 27:1). “This is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 37:4).

This is the ONLY day we have – and we may not have all of it! So, DO IT NOW!

© 2010, Purpose Driven Life. All rights reserved. Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, the author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages and sold throughout the world. It affirms the importance of having a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. It has been named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th Century. He also has written The Purpose-Driven Church and The Purpose of Christmas.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
Do you – or someone you know, perhaps in your family or a colleague at work – have a problem with procrastination, putting things off unnecessarily? Describe what that feels like for you. What are some of the potentially damaging effects of postponing important actions or responsibilities? Think of a specific situation at your workplace or at home when you or someone else procrastinated and failed to do something in a timely and acceptable manner that was very important. What was the result? Was it possible to overcome the consequences? Why or why not? If you have been procrastinating about something important at work, what steps might you take to move yourself into action? Or what advice would you offer to a habitual procrastinator?NOTE: If you have a Bible, consider these other passages that relate to this topic:
Proverbs 10:4-5, 18:9, 24:27; Colossians 3:17, 23; Hebrews 3:13-15; James 4:13-17