Friday, February 14, 2025

Vine Media



By Robert D. Foster

你無法掌控你生命的長度,但你能掌控你生命的寬度與深度。 你無法掌控天氣,但你能掌控你周圍的道德氣氛。 你無法掌控自己的長相,但你能掌控你臉部的表情去向人表達你的情緒。 你無法掌控別人的機會,但你一定能抓住自己面對的機會。 你無法掌控你有些朋友的大筆收入,但你能智慧地管理你自己微薄的收入。 你無法掌控別人的惱人錯誤或習慣,但你能掌控自己沒有使人煩惱的習性。 你無法掌控雨天或困難的日子何時來到,但你現在可以儲備資源,使你能度過患難之日。 你無法掌控你的頭長得離地有多遠,但你能掌控你頭腦內容物的高度。所以,為什麼擔憂你無法掌控的事?去忙著處理那些靠你控制的事吧!




本文改編自「週一早晨觀點」,這是一系列由羅勃.符思特所寫的默想文章。他不收費,鼓勵人們複製,只要註明出處即可。若有任何問題或評論,請寫信到29555 Goose Creek Rd, Sedalia, CO 80135, U.S.A.或傳真 (303) 647-2315。符思特先生最近剛慶祝他91歲生日。就像他的勸勉,他每一天都繼續「抓住這一天!」

思想 / 討論題目
你是否常發現自己想要掌控--或至少擔憂--實際上超乎你能掌控的事?這樣的想法對你的生產力和每天的行為有何影響? 現在或最近有什麼事消耗了你許多精神與心力,雖然你對那件事無能為力? 在作者所列的那些建議中,有哪一項是你最能掌控的?請解釋。 在文章最後引述了聖經中的兩節經文,強調上帝掌管一切。讀這經文是否給你安全感和確據?你相信這經文嗎?為什麼?若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:

By Robert D. Foster

I came across these observations some time ago, written by an unknown author. Although I cannot give proper credit where it is due, nevertheless these timeless insights are worthy of our consideration. Read each thought and then, like a cow chewing its cud over and over, meditate on it and apply the idea to your personal and professional circumstances:
You cannot control the length of your life, but you can control your life”s width and depth. You cannot control the weather, but you can control the moral atmosphere that surrounds you. You cannot control the contour of your countenance, but you can control its expressions and what it communicates to others. You cannot control the other person”s opportunities, but you can make certain to take hold of the opportunities that come your way. You cannot control the larger incomes that some of your friends receive, but you can manage wisely your own modest earnings. You cannot control another individual”s annoying faults or habits, but you can see to it that you yourself do not develop or harbor tendencies that would become annoyances to others. You cannot control difficult times or rainy days, but you can put resources aside now that can carry you through times of adversity and need. You cannot control the distance that your head can rise above the ground, but you can control the height of the contents contained within your head. So why worry about things you cannot control? Get busy controlling the things that depend upon you!

Don’t worry about circumstances you cannot change. Concentrate on attitudes you can change!
Author Unknown

Here are some similar thoughts God gives to us in His guidebook for living, the Bible:

"And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans" (Romans 8:28, Living Bible).

"Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to understand everything that happens along the way?" (Proverbs 20:24).

Taken and adapted from Take Two on Monday Morning, written by Robert D. Foster. Permission to reproduce with proper credit is freely given and encouraged. For questions or comments, write: 29555 Goose Creek Rd, Sedalia, CO 80135, U.S.A., or fax (303) 647-2315. Mr. Foster recently celebrated his 91st birthday. He remains determined to “seize the day” on a daily basis.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
Do you often find yourself trying to control – or at least worrying about – things that realistically are well beyond your control? What affect does such thinking have on your productivity and everyday behavior? What is an example of something – either right now or in the recent past – that has consumed a lot of your mental and emotional energy, even though there is little if anything you can do about it? In the list presented by Robert Foster, what stands out most about things over which you do have control? Explain your answer. At the end, two passages from the Bible are cited that emphasize God is in control. Does reading these give you a sense of confidence and reassurance? Do you believe them? Why or why not? If you would like to consider other Bible passages that relate to this topic, look up the following: Psalm 37:4-7; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 40:31, 41:10; Jeremiah 29:11, 33:3; Philippians 4:6-8