Friday, October 18, 2024

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思想 / 討論題目
在你的經驗中,你認為工作或其他事上的成功,「運氣」扮演什麼角色?請舉一或二例來支持你的觀點。 雖然大衛.湯瑪斯和哈維.馬凱用不同的方式陳述,但他們都同意,愈努力工作,運氣就愈好。對此你有和看法?請解釋。 本文作者引述許多聖經中的例子,看起來好像是運氣好的情況。你怎麼看那些狀況? 本文作者最後說他相信上帝的眷顧(祂的供應與引導)與人類每天的事件有直接的關係。你是否同意?為什麼?註:若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:


By: Robert D. Foster

Many of us are familiar with the quote from the late Dave Thomas, founder of the highly successful Wendy”s restaurant chain: "It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get." One of my favorite columnists on marketplace issues, Harvey Mackay, takes a somewhat different view: "Lucky? NO. Good business. Taking risks, being creative, and reading and reacting to markets will trump luck every day. You can bet on that!"

Consider this: Was it luck that transformed Coca-Cola from an inconsequential headache medicine into an internationally known, top-selling soft drink? Was the concept for Levi denim jeans, utilizing rivets instead of buttons, simply a “lucky” decision in response to miners that needed pants?

Or was it luck, or good fortune, that was involved in determining what the Swanson Company do with 260 tons of leftover turkeys? The novel idea for “TV dinners” was the product of one Swanson salesman who remembered his days serving in the U.S. Army and the three-compartment trays that were used for meals. The result of applying the military meal approach to the “problem” of many tons of leftover food: Frozen turkey and two side dishes. Before long, it turned into an innovative concept for quick-serve meals to meet the needs of a changing, busy society.

As both Dave Thomas and Harvey Mackay observed, “luck” in business – and in most endeavors – usually is a byproduct of hard work, creativity, perception and a dogged determination to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.

The Bible is filled with examples of amazing circumstances that support this view:

Was it “lucky” that a ram was caught in the bush on top of Mt. Moriah, so that it – and not Isaac – could serve as Abraham”s sacrifice to God? (See Genesis 22:13). Was it “mere chance” that Joseph became prime minister of Egypt, putting him in a position to intervene for the people of Israel during a time of famine, as we see in Genesis 45:8? What it “luck” – simply being in the right place at the right time – that caused the waters to pile up so God’s children could walk on dry land, as recounted in Exodus 14:19?

Yes – instinct, timing, market conditions and hard work are all part of the formula for success. But I would like to suggest an additional consideration: the role of Divine Guidance or “Providence,” the word often used by the Pilgrims who dared to journey from England to the shores of the New World.

As someone has written, "God, sovereign One, that His eternal purposes might be revealed, molds all events, both moral and physical." We may not understand it fully, but God’s providence is so combined with human freedom that it is not fatalism. It must be tied in with His justice, power and benevolence.

Consider this assurance from the Scriptures: "For we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love the Lord, even to those who are the called according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28).

Reflection/Discussion Questions

1. From your experience, what role do you think that “luck” or “being lucky” plays in being successful, at work or other endeavors? Cite an example or two to support your view.

2. Although they state their positions in different ways, both Dave Thomas and Harvey Mackay seemed to agree that the harder people work, the “luckier” they become. What is your perspective on this? Explain your answer.

3. Robert Foster cites several biblical examples of circumstances in which at first glance it might appear that luck or good fortune was involved. How do you view those situations?

4. Mr. Foster closes by stating that he believes God”s providence – His purposeful provision and guidance – is directly involved in the everyday affairs of humankind. Do you agree? Why or why not?

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to review some other passages that relate to this topic, consider the following verses:

Psalm 37:4-5; Proverbs 3:5-6, 10:4. 12:11; Jeremiah 29:11,13; 2 Thessalonians 3:10

Taken and adapted from The Challenge, written and published by Robert D. and Rick Foster. Permission to reproduce with proper credit is freely given and encouraged.