Friday, March 14, 2025

Vine Media


第二天 東北非的索馬里人──Day 2 The Somali people of northeastern Africa

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page


他們的主要宗教是伊斯蘭教,占 99.7%,而基督教僅占 0.3%。索馬里憲法規定伊斯蘭教為國教,禁止穆斯林改信或傳播伊斯蘭教以外的宗教,並要求所有法律遵循伊斯蘭教法的普遍原則。憲法要求索馬里的領袖政治家必須是穆斯林。


索馬里人認為自己是戰士,男人會把留在家中照顧牛群的任務交給女人,這樣他們可以訓練自己成為更有能力的戰士。他們是非常個人主義的人,氏族界限分明,其中最大的兩個是 Somaal(主要是游牧牧羊人)和 Sab(通常定居在社區中,以農民或手工藝者為主)。




生活在南部非洲的索馬里基督徒Awaale說,許多穆斯林對基督教有疑問。他說:“穆斯林面臨的主要掙扎是關於三位一體的教義。他們難以理解神有一位兒子,即耶穌基督,他們寧願將耶穌看作先知,而不是神。” Awaale解釋說,穆斯林害怕因接受任何基督教教義而背叛伊斯蘭,從而違抗安拉和伊斯蘭法,這可能導致死刑。“他們害怕放棄伊斯蘭,最終墮入地獄。”




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Day 2 The Somali people of northeastern Africa

Somali speakers are ranked among the least-reached people groups in the world. They live mostly in Somalia and are across other countries in the northeast region of Africa, also known as the “Horn of Africa”, such as Ethiopia, Kenya and Eritrea, and also in the Middle East. Somalia itself ranks second this year in Open Doors’ World Watch List of countries worldwide where being a Christian is most difficult.

Islam is the predominant religion, at 99.7%, whereas Christianity is at only 0.3%. Somalia’s constitution declares Islam as the state religion, prohibits Muslims from converting to or propagating any religion other than Islam, and requires all laws to comply with the general principles of Shariah, or Islamic law. The constitution requires Somalia’s leading politicians to be Muslim.

Somalis adhere to a single faith and share a cultural heritage that is an integral part of their nomadic lifestyle. A typical Somali family owns a herd of sheep or goats, which the women and girls care for, and a few burden camels. Some may also own a herd of milking camels. The men and boys enjoy taking care of the prized camels. The more camels a man owns, the greater his prestige.

As Somalis consider themselves warriors, the men sometimes leave women in charge of the herds, so that they might train to become more effective fighters. They are a very individualistic people, sharply divided by clans, of which the two largest are the Somaal (primarily nomadic shepherds) and the Sab (normally settled in communities and working as farmers or craftsmen). Fights often occur between clans, resulting in many deaths.

A Somali´s life is often dictated by the ability to find water, as the area is extremely drought-prone, having minimal rainfall. The nomads live in easily collapsible and movable huts, enabling their homes to be moved with the herds in search of water. The more settled farmers live in permanent round huts.

Having an abundant supply of food is a status symbol among the clans. Each family periodically holds banquets for their relatives and friends. A family’s prestige is determined by the frequency of its feasts, the number of people invited, and the quality and quantity of food served.

According to Awaale, a Somalian Christian who left his homeland and now lives in southern Africa, many Muslims have questions about Christianity. “One main struggle for Muslims concerns the doctrine of the Trinity,” he says. “They find it difficult to comprehend that God has a son, in Jesus Christ, and rather see Jesus as a prophet, not as God.” Awaale explains that Muslims fear betraying Islam by accepting any Christian doctrine, thereby disobeying Allah and the Shariah, which can result in a death sentence for conversion. “They are afraid of abandoning Islam and subsequently ending up in hell.”

Awaale shares how saddened he is by the fact that his own family is angry about his conversion to Christianity and condemns his faith, which they claim is a false belief. “I cannot return home to visit my family and even most friends, as I would probably be imprisoned or even executed for my betrayal of Islam.” The crime of apostasy (disobeying Allah) is regarded as worthy of a death sentence, according to Shariah. “The irony is that it´s so sad and frustrating that they deny and do not understand the truth and hope of the Christian faith.”


Heavenly Father, I pray for strength and abundant courage for believers
living in Somalia, surrounded by hostility and hate. In their lonely moments,
may they see Jesus as their King and conqueror of their foes.
Protect them, Lord.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
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