Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vine Media


第十九天 繼續通過廣播開展工作──Day 19 Continuing the work with radio

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page







節目將以三種語言開始廣播。湯姆與另一名宣教士和每個部落的兩名成員,共同組成一個委員會來管理這個工作。“這個節目由他們做主,” 湯姆說。“廣播中的所有細節,他們都有最後的決定權。”





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Day 19 Continuing the work with radio

As the family of Ivan and Doris Schoen and other missionaries served in Suriname during the latter half of the 20th century, both the Wayana and Trio tribes went from animistic faiths to embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the 1970s, the Schoens heard rumors that another unreached, Stone-Age tribe made its home farther into the jungle, said Tom Schoen, the youngest member of the family. They came across indications that the rumors were true, and they decided to search for the mystery tribe.

“We looked for three years,” Tom said. “The Wayana and the Trio completely bought into it. They had just been delivered from the power of evil spirits. They were excited to be part of the expedition.”

By the time the Akurio tribe were found, they had almost died out. They lived in bondage to evil spirits. The result was a downward spiral: a high rate of suicide, intermarriage, increasing health problems. Only 86 or 87 of them were left.

The Wayana and Trio welcomed the Akurio into their villages. All but one came to faith in Christ. Tom said he thinks that early experience is why the Wayana and Trio are on fire to reach other nearby tribes. They also are concerned that discipleship continue for members of their own people as they move farther out to fruitful places for hunting, fishing and gardening.

That’s what led the tribes to radio, and to TWR. Tom Schoen, who had pastored a church in California, and his wife, Junine, joined the ministry. Working with the tribes, they made plans for a transmitter and station in one Wayana village and in one Trio village. Praise God that one of the necessary government licenses has been granted. Perhaps by the time you read this the second one also will be approved. In the meantime, Tom has been busy translating programs into the Wayana language.

Initially, programs will be broadcast in three languages. Tom sits on a committee with another missionary and two members of each tribe to govern the effort. “They’ll be the owners of it,” he said. “And they’ll have the final say on what takes place on the radio.”

Wayana and Trio missionaries will stay for as long as six months with a tribe they encounter, and sometimes another team takes up where they’ve left off.

“But they feel like if they had these radios, man, it would just be huge because they could even leave those radios there and broadcast teaching materials in the language of these other people.”


Dear Lord, with a thankful heart I praise you for the missionary movement happening among Suriname tribes to reach further and deeper across their country. Open doors for the radio station development so your Word can be broadcast across Suriname soon. Stir my heart deeper into missions as I see the Wayana tribes reaching their own country.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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