Monday, February 17, 2025

Vine Media


第十五天 向敘利亞人傳福音──Day 15 Reaching the Syrians

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page










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Day 15 Reaching the Syrians

Hope for Syria is a daily radio broadcast produced by TWR. It examines difficult life issues from a biblical perspective, inviting listeners to call in and interact with the program presenters. It includes devotions, prayers, Bible readings and counseling for Syrians who are working through trauma.

Designed specifically to bring the hope of the gospel to those grappling with fear, shock and loss, Hope for Syria episodes are produced in the Syrian Arabic language. Jesus met both spiritual and practical needs when he walked the earth. Similarly, the media team in Syria balances spiritual themes with medical and psychological guidance. Following the tragic earthquakes of 2023, each episode was modified to reflect the daily struggles of the victims.

Also popular among refugees, Hope for Syria has attracted listeners from as far away as Europe. Syrians uprooted from their native land are discovering the program on social media and on media players that TWR distributes.

In Syria, generations of children have never known anything but war. A 19-year-old Syrian named Muhannad said, “I am so tired of all that is happening here. I cannot bear the daily conflicts, bloodshed, fear and exhaustion.”

Before the 2023 earthquakes, there was already a humanitarian crisis in Syria. But since the natural disaster, many children have now lost families, homes and schools. They’ve been forced to grow up too fast, experiencing immense tragedy at an early age. TWR’s programs are a voice of hope for children with nowhere to turn.

Youth in Mind is a 15-minute weekly radio program in Syrian Arabic. Through peer-to-peer interaction, counseling and support, the program helps Syrian youth understand their spiritual and emotional needs. The program presents listeners with the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Episode titles include “Being a Syrian,” “Facing Shock,” “Proof of the Resurrection” and “True Love.”

As violence and human rights abuses spread throughout Syria and its surroundings, the need for Youth in Mind became apparent. The youth are having to navigate adolescence amid the trauma of war. They need a safe environment where they can voice their questions, frustrations and hopes for the future. By having conversations with youth leaders who can set an example of God’s compassionate and unconditional love, the youth are able to have their deepest emotional needs acknowledged. In time, they learn to incorporate core biblical values into their struggles.


Heavenly Father, I pray for Syrian young people struggling with what life has dealt them. Direct them to the Youth in Mind program on their media player. Speak into their broken, questioning spirit with your unconditional love.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry,Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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