Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Vine Media


第一天 靈修──Day 1 devotional “For all the people”

For the English version, please refer to the latter part of this page


“關乎萬民”—— 這是給所有人的。











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Day 1 devotional “For all the people”

The shepherds on the hillside could not have failed to notice the angel’s final four words.

“For all the people.”

Not only for the priests, not only for the Levites, not only for the Pharisees, not only for the comfortable religious types who knew and lived by the letter of the law and expected everyone else to as well.

These were the people who might cross to the other side of the street when the shepherds came to town. The shepherds had the sort of job that respectable people didn’t want. Their language might have been coarse, their jokes unholy, their belches uninhibited and their drinking heavy. They came to smell like the animals under their charge.

In religious society’s view, they were right down there with the lowest of the low—the tax collectors, the lepers, the Samaritans, the Romans.

Yet the angel made that great announcement to these unruly, bottom-of-thebarrel shepherds. They were just the sort of people Jesus would pay the most attention to: the little tax collector watching from a tree, the Samaritan woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery.

All the people.

TWR exists because not all of the people have yet been reached. In fact, of the 17,743 people groups identified in the world, 7,425 are considered unreached, according to the research initiative Joshua Project. Those unreached groups comprise 42.5% of the world’s population—3.37 billion people.

We believe that when the Bible says “all the people,” it means it. During this Advent season, we invite you to consider with us some of the world’s leastreached people. We’ll explore some of the ways God is using TWR to reach them and how you can get involved.

Come. Journey with us as we anticipate the coming of the Christ child, our King, the one who came for all people.


Lord Jesus, we praise you that you reached out to us
through your blood on the cross. Your great gift is available to all.
Open our hearts and minds to those groups
that are still unreached.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Website: https://twr.org/advent
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support https://www.twr.org.hk/2016_update/donation.php



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