#17── 旱地──Dry Land
English version at the bottom of this page
二、大地:第十七章 旱地
有一個小地方,我喜歡稱之為家。”Terra Firma”,它是拉丁語「堅固之地」(Firm Land) 的意思,在神的話語中是一個非常具體的東西。在上帝的話語中,「大地」所指的是「土地」,而 「旱地」則是一個較小的主題,是沒有海洋、大海、湖泊或河流,就只有可親吻第一層天的陸地、一個沒有水的地方。
「旱地不僅是我們的目的地,它是我們的宿命!」241電影《水世界》(“Waterworld”) 中的主要反派人物對他的船員如此喊道,以激勵他們。這是事實。人是為旱地而生的。在電影《水世界》(“Waterworld”) 中,有這樣一個場景:主角帶著他的愛人潛入深海的一座沉沒的城市,舀起一把泥土,她驚訝於它的數量如此之多。但是,對於一個在海洋上出生長大的人來說,這是一個驚喜嗎?尋找乾燥的土地成了這電影所追尋的情節,最終,凱文.科斯特納 (Kevin Costner) 和船員們成功到達了那裡。萬歲!這麼愚蠢的電影題材。
在創世記的第三天創造中242,我們看到最偉大的創造奇蹟,就是上帝將這片土地聚集在海平面以上的一個地方,並稱其為雅巴沙 (Yabbashah) 243 或「旱地」,是有別於一般古老的海下之地。我認為我還不能理解大陸或島嶼是如何形成的。
當我讀到這段敘述時,所有的土地都是一個超級大陸。在創世記1:9的奇怪措詞是「使旱地露出來」,在希伯來語中是 “היבשה ותראה אחד אל־מקום” 或「到地方:一個;使出現:旱地」我們必須以這種精確的解釋來繼續。創世記中沒有一個隱喻性的的描述──不是比喻,也沒有隱藏的意思。當上帝親自坐下與摩西口述這個故事時,不要認為有「黑暗的奧秘」被寫下來,一切都是按原樣寫的:大地──是在六天之內從黑暗和虛空中形成;旱地──出現在一處。
有兩節經文為我們澄清了這個奇怪的偶然事件,就是大約在巴別塔的時期,人們的語言分裂,但同樣的話,出現在兩個地方。這裡是詹姆士王版本 (the King James Version) :
在創世記:「希伯生了兩個兒子,一個名叫法勒,因為在他的日子,大地分裂了; 他哥哥的名字是約坍。」244
而在歷代志上:「希伯生了兩個兒子:一個名叫法勒; 因為在他的日子,大地分裂了;他兄弟的名字是約坍。」 245
約瑟夫 (Josephus) 寫道:「他被稱為法勒,因為他出生在民族分散到幾個國家的時候;因為法勒在希伯來中是分的意思。」247因此,根據他的說法,這是列國的形成。但是,他們到達那裡是因為土地自己移動,還是萬國之始源於語言的分裂呢?從他的敘述中看不清楚,但我們從創世紀和歷代志上已有了敘述的解釋。
然而,聖經特別告訴我們,是大地被分裂了。希伯來語中的詞是:「裂開(是)大地」或「地裂開」。「分裂」的詞是 帕拉格 (palag) 248,土地的詞是 厄雷特 (Erets ) 。249 這與創世記中所提到的是同一個希伯來語的詞,是未有列國萬族之前的,所以,我們看到人與實際的土地不能混淆。它說的是大地本身,它就是這個意思。我剛剛讀完一篇關於這個主題的文章《創世紀的答案》(“Answers in Genesis”),他們沒有爭論,意謂他們撒謊了。他們說:「(就像英語中的「大地」可以有多種含義一樣,希伯來語中的厄雷特 (Erets ) 也可以表示民族──因此 erets Yisrael 就是指:以色列的土地(國家、人民)。」250 這是一個明目張膽的謊言,旨在欺騙並引導人走向與《聖經》明確記載相反的方向。在厄雷特 (Erets ) 的定義中,我們沒有看到任何一個民族群體。當「聖經學者」改動經文以符合他們的教義時,這令人難過。
241 執事,水世界(1995
242 創世記1:9-13
243 Strong’s 3004 יַבָּשָׂה 乾地、旱地、土地
244 創世記10:25 KJV
245 歷代志上1:19 KJV
246 我不贊成將《雅煞珥書》作為新教教規的一部分,但作為聖經以外的同步文本, 在歷史文獻中是獨立存在的。
247 《猶太人的歷史》(Antiquities of the Jews),弗拉維烏斯・約瑟夫 (Flavius Josephus),第一冊,第六章,第4段。
248 Strong’s 6385 פָלַג 分裂、分割
249Strong’s 776 אֶרֶץ 土,土地
250 answersingenesis.org/bible-history/in-the-days-of-peleg/。
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Part Two: The System of Visible Creation
II: Earth──Chapter 17: Dry Land
There is a little place that I like to call home. Terra Firma. It’s Latin for “Firm Land.” It’s a very specific thing in the Word of God. Where the “earth” means “the land” in the Word of God, “dry land” is a smaller subject matter. This is the area where there is not an ocean, or a sea, or a lake, or a river, but there is land that kisses the first heaven, absent the water.
“Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny!”1 The main antagonist of the movie “Waterworld” shouts to his crew, to motivate them. And it’s true. Man was made for dry land. In the movie “Waterworld”, there is a scene where the main character takes his love interest down in the depths of the ocean to a sunken city and scoops up a handful of dirt. She’s astonished that it exists in such vast quantities. But, to a person born and raised on the ocean, is it a surprise? Finding dry land becomes the quest of the movie and eventually, Kevin Costner and crew make it there. Hooray. Such a silly movie premise.
In Genesis, on the third day,2 we see that the great creation miracle was that God gathered up the land into one place above the sea level and called it “yabbashah”3 or “dry land” as opposed to regular old land, which was under the sea. I cannot think that I understand how continents came into being just yet, or islands.
As I read this account, all of the land was one super-continent. The curious phrase in Genesis 1:9 “Let the dry land appear in one place is thus in Hebrew: “היבשה ותראה אחד אל־מקום” or “Unto place: one, and let appear: the dry land.” It is with this exact
interpretation that we must proceed. There is not one metaphorical account of anything in Genesis. Not a parable, not a hidden meaning. When Moses sat down with God Himself to dictate this account, do not think that there were “dark mysteries” written. All was written how it was. The earth was formed in six days from darkness and void. The dry land appeared in one place.
There are two verses that clear up this strange happenstance for us, and it is around the time of the tower of Babel, where the people’s languages were divided. It is the same words, in two places. Here they are in the King James Version –
From Genesis: “And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.”4
From 1 Chronicles:“And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.”5
They are identical, and I wonder why this is? We know that many things that are meant to have no confusion are in the Old Testament twice. When Hezekiah asked for the sun to move backwards, it is recorded in the book of Isaiah as well as 2 Kings. When Joshua asked the sun to stand still, it was recorded in the book of Joshua as well as Jasher.6 Jasher notwithstanding, the Word of God gives us backups, when there may be confusion.
Josephus writes: “he was called Phaleg, because he was born at the dispersion of the nations to their several countries; for Phaleg among the Hebrews signifies division.”7 So, from his account, it was the formation of the nations. Did they get there due to the land moving on its own, or was the language division the start of the nations? It is unclear from his account, which seems to be an interpretation of the accounts we already have from Genesis and 1 Chronicles.
However, the scripture tells us specifically that it was the earth that was divided. The words in Hebrew are: “split (was the) earth” – or: “The land cracked.” The word for “split” is “palag”8 and the word for land is “erets.”9 This is the same Hebrew word mentioned in Genesis before there were nations of people to be confused with actual dirt. It says the earth itself, and it means it. I’ve just finished reading an article by “Answers in Genesis” about this subject. They have no argument, so they lie. They say: “(Just like the English “earth” can have a variety of meanings, the Hebrew erets can also mean nation(s)—thus erets Yisrael, the land (nation, people) of Israel.)”10 This is a blatant lie, meant to deceive and lead in the opposite direction from what the Bible clearly says. Nowhere in the definition of “erets” do we see any mention of a people group. It is sad when “scholars of the Word” move the scriptures to match their dogma.
Whenever your dogma and good theology seem at odds, throw out your dogma.
1 Deacon, Waterworld (1995)
2 Genesis 1:9-13
3 Strong’s 3004 יַבָּשָׂה – dry ground, dry land, land
4 Genesis 10:25 KJV
5 1 Chronicles 1:19 KJV
6 I do not condone the book of Jasher as part of the protestant canon, but as an extra-biblical, synchronous text, it stands on its own feet as a historical document.
7 Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius Josephus, Book I, Chapter VI, Paragraph 4,
8 Strong’s 6385 ַפָלַג split, divide
9 Strong’s 776 אֶרֶץ earth, land
10 answersingenesis.org/bible-history/in-the-days-of-peleg/
──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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