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二、大地:第十六章 塵土

詩篇24:1宣稱:「地和其中所充滿的、世界、和住在其間的居民、都屬主耶和華的。」216你我都知道這一點,因為我們記得創世記1:1:「起初神創造天與地。」217所以這對我們來說並不奇怪。但如果我們已經忘記了,以賽亞就會迅速地提醒我們:「我手立了地的根基、我右手鋪張諸天、我一招呼便都立住。」218《聖經》中,上帝創造了大地,這一點非常清楚,以至於它被用來作為提醒我們其他事情的先導。出埃及記20:11「因為六日之內、耶和華造天、地、海、和其中的萬物、第七日便安息.所以耶和華賜福與安息日、定為聖日。」 219

大地是上帝的產業,祂創造了它使我們得以居在其上,而大爆炸理論 (The Big Bang) 則是一個可笑之事,因為沒有其他的方法可以意外地把大地給創造出來的。即便是理查德.道金斯 (Richard Dawkins)──有名仇恨神的人、也是科學家,他宣稱大爆炸很可能是來自某種東西,好比一個聰明的設計師:「嗯,那個設計師很可能是來自宇宙其他更高智慧的地方。但這種高級智能本身必須通過一些可解釋或最終可解釋的過程來實現,它的出現不可能只是自發地跳出來。這就是問題的所在。」220實際上,即使便是智能設計中最堅決的反基督的人也承認,智能設計是一種極有可能發生的情況。但我們在這裡不是要聽取傻瓜的建議,不是嗎?221讓我們看看聖經繼續對上帝的大地說了些什麼。

天是耶和華的天.地、他卻給了世人。222聽起來已非常清楚了,是嗎?我們知道(並且我們稍後也會探索),穹蒼和第三層天是屬上帝的,也是唯一屬上帝的,是祂所建造以彰顯祂的榮耀和祂喜悅的,但地卻是給了世人。當撒但在《約伯記》中出現在道成肉身的耶穌面前時,撒但說牠在地上走來走去。我們知道牠想要吞吃約伯,就像牠遍地游行、尋找我們成為牠可吞吃的人一樣。 223我們知道,在哥林多後書中,保羅稱牠為「這時代的神」,但有時人們將其解釋為 「這世界的神」,這完全是沒有根據的。大地是屬主的,但在一個時期、故事結束前,撒但有權統治其上的人民,但牠並不擁有這塊大地。哥林多後書中被誤用的詞是「aionos」(永恆)這字,即「時間的循環,現在與未來相對」224。既然上帝擁有大地,並允許人類治理它225,「神就賜福給他們、又對他們說、要生養眾多、遍滿地面、治理這地.也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥.和地上各樣行動的活物。」226人類擁有這個大地的恩賜,我們要治理它,雖然我們沒有做得很好。227但世界和大地在聖經中無論如何都不是同一回事。

世界意味著人民、大地意味著土地,儘管我在引用約翰福音3:16時曾犯過錯誤,認為它的意思是只有一個大地…,然而,這又是一種錯誤的翻譯,所以我的措辭是正確的。約翰福音3:16確實使用了這個詞:”kosmos” 中的 “kosmon”,意思是整個受造區域(大地)。228同樣的錯誤在《希伯來書》中出現過兩次。「時代 」一詞被誤譯為「世界」。真的很可悲,在這麼精確的翻譯上欺騙人們這麼久。「就在這末世、藉著他兒子曉諭我們、又早已立他為承受萬有的、也曾藉著他創造諸世界.」希伯來書1:2;「我們因著信、就知道諸世界是藉 神話造成的.這樣、所看見的、並不是從顯然之物造出來的。」希伯來書11:3 。這個詞不是「世界」,乃是不正當的翻譯使我們相信,而是「時代」(ages) 或「紀元」(epochs),甚至是 「年代」(eras)。

約翰福音3:16真的很困擾人。每當我在任何社交媒體上引用這句話時,我通常都會用大寫字母 “THE” 作為重點。即使是在臉書 (Facebook) 上,我也會絆倒人(在真理上,而不是在錯誤上)、猶豫不決、兩眼放光。以下是昨晚我在臉書 (Facebook)的個人資料上遇到的一個例子。 229

波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart) – 約翰福音3:16 – 上帝如此愛「世界」(world)──單數──只有一個世界。想一想吧!

比利-鮑勃 (Billy Bob)– 在希伯來語中,「世界 」就像人、魂!靈的領域。

波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart)– 最後一個字是正確的──領域 “Kosmos”──它的意思是整體的全部(Strong’s 2889)。 先生,上帝如此熱愛宇宙,甚至差祂的兒子來到大地。聖經中唯一提到的 「行星 」是 「流蕩的騙子」。

比利-鮑勃 (Billy Bob)-先生我可沒有提到行星。

波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart)但我剛剛做了。在創世的第二天,唯一被造的是一個蒼,置於大地之上,如同一個穹頂。大地坐落在深淵的根基上,太陽和月亮是在第二層天內。聖經如此教導,我也如此相信。 230

這就是爭論的摘要。有一個 “Kosmos”,因為這個詞的意思是「所有存在的總和」,所以即使我的定義也是多餘的。上帝愛大地,愛大地上的人,為祂自己創造了大地,並把大地交給人去治理。上帝把所有的動物給了我們──起名和制伏 231。在被逐出伊甸園後,祂強調了這一點,作為一種恐懼的詛咒。232詩篇作者寫到了這一點,但又對其進行了擴展,正如希伯來書的作者在引用詩篇作者的話時也是如此。「使萬物都服在他的腳下」233──指的是大地和其上的居民。雅各更直接地談到了這一行動,他說:「各類的走獸、飛禽、昆蟲、水族、本來都可以制伏、也已經被人制伏了.」234這是人對大地上的動物生命的支配權。234

人類對植物群也有支配權。「神說、看哪、我將遍地上一切結種子的菜蔬、和一切樹上所結有核的果子、全賜給你們作食物。」235我許多「消遣性藥物使用」的朋友認為這節經文意味著他們可以自由地攝取鴉片、大麻和其他植物──而沒有任何害處236,但我們知道這是異端邪說以及不是上帝完全的計劃。當然,我可以在毒籐裡打滾,但這是最明智的做法嗎?植物既是食物又是工具…,要明智地使用並保持敏銳。 237

詩篇 24 篇教導我們大地是耶和華的。它還教導我們,祂將它交給我們去照料和管理。但大地在哪裡?具體在哪裡?相對於天、水和它周圍的一切而言,它在哪裡處於萬物的中心。這個想法被稱為:「地心主義」(Geocentricity)──我的微軟2010版文書處理軟體 (Word) 在編程時沒有考慮到這個詞,因為微軟的編碼員顯然心中沒有聖靈,尤其是那些在語言編程部門的人。如果他們有的話(最不可能),他們會明白並把這詞包含在內,因為它是《聖經》中關於大地的核心思想。甚至這個詞:「地心說」(Geocentrism) 也被定義在「天文學」之下,正如我們所看到的是「地外之物」,與大地本身無關。相反,「天文學」應該是「地質學」的衍生品,是對大地的研究。

「天怎樣高過地、照樣我的道路、高過你們的道路、我的意念、高過你們的意念。」238 「倘若耶和華創作一件新事、使地開口、把他們和一切屬他們的都吞下去、叫他們活活的墜落陰間、你們就明白這些人是藐視耶和華了。」239

我被兒童主日學牧師保羅、邁克和佩吉教導我──「天堂在上,『地獄』在下」──很好的一課。誰會想到,這其中有那麼多的真理,這個真理無處不在,而人們卻視而不見。甚至連流行樂隊”Cake “也是如此,他們寫了一首歌叫:《綿羊上天堂》”Sheep go to heaven”,歌詞是這樣的:


山羊…下地獄」 240


216 亞拉姆語聖經的淺顯英語翻譯

217 BSB

218 以賽亞書48:13

219 以及出埃及記19:5,以賽亞書45:18,詩篇102:24,詩篇121:2,詩篇146:6 和希伯來書1:10

220 “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” 2008年,採訪對本.斯坦 (Ben Stein)

221 詩篇14:1

222 詩篇115:16

223 彼得前書5:8

224 Strong’s Concordance 165 – 尤其解釋為「時代」(Era)

225 詩篇115:16

226 創世記1:28

227 閱讀約書亞記10:1-36,瞭解一個偉大的失敗故事。特別是第21節。

228 Strong’s 2889 – 宇宙,整個有序的創造。

229 比利-鮑勃 (Billy Bob) ──是一個虛構的名字,對話是真實的。

230 名稱由原來的改變。

231 創世記1:26 「神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。」

232 創世記9:2 「凡地上的走獸、和空中的飛鳥、都必驚恐、懼怕你們.連地上一切的昆蟲、並海裡一切的魚、都交付你們的手。」

233 詩篇8:6, 希伯來書2:8

234 雅各書3:7

235 創世記1:29

236 如果你在這一領域尋求智慧,請查閱聖經中關於醉酒的每節經文。

237 彼得前書5:8

238 以賽亞書55: 9 神的話語翻譯

239 民數記 16:30

240 作家。John M McCrea 出版商。華納/Chappell音樂公司, Stamen音樂公司

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Part Two: The System of Visible Creation

II: Earth──Chapter 16: Dirt

Psalms 24:1 declares: “The Earth is Lord Jehovah’s in its fullness, the world and all its inhabitants.”1 You and I already know that, because we recall Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”2 So it is no surprise to us… But if we have forgotten it already, Isaiah is quick to remind us. “Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.”3 It is so plain that God made the earth in the Bible, that it is used as a precursor to remind us of other things. Exodus 20:11 NASB “”For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”4

The earth is God’s property. He made it, we live on it, and the Big Bang Theory is a laughable matter. There is no other way that the earth could have been created via accident. Even Richard Dawkins, notable God-hater and scientist, proclaims that the Big Bang likely had to have come from something, like an intelligent designer: “Um, and that designer could well be a higher intelligence from elsewhere in the universe. But that higher intelligence would itself would have to come about by some explicable or ultimately explicable process. It couldn’t have just jumped into existence spontaneously. That’s the point.”5 In effect, even the most resolute anti-Christ enemy of intelligent design admits that intelligent design is an extremely likely scenario. But we are not here to take the advice of fools are we?6 Let’s see what the Bible continues to say about God’s earth.

“The LORD has kept the heavens for himself, but he has given the earth to us humans.”7 Sounds crystal clear, yes? We know (and we will also later explore) that the firmament and the third heaven are God’s and God’s alone, built by Him to show His glory and for His pleasure, but the earth was given to man. When Satan presented himself before the preincarnate Jesus in the book of Job, Satan said that he was walking around on the earth. We know he sought to devour Job, as he seeks to devour us all, roaming around, looking for someone to eat.8 We know that in 2nd Corinthians, Paul calls him the “god of this age” but sometimes folks interpret that to mean “god of this world,” which is completely unfounded. The earth is the Lord’s. Period. End of story. Satan has permission to rule the people in it, but he does not own the land itself. The word in 2nd Corinthians that is misused is the world “aionos” which is “A cycle of time. The now as opposed to the future.”9 Since God owns it, and has given permission to man to subdue it10 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” 11 Mankind has the gift of this earth,

and we are to subdue it, although we’ve not done a great job.12 But the world and the earth are not the same thing in scripture by any stretch of the word.

World means the people and Earth means the land, although I have been guilty of rephrasing this myself when I quote John 3:16 to suppose it to mean that there is only one earth… However, this is a mistranslation again. So my wording is correct. John 3:16 does use the word: “kosmon” from “kosmos” which means all the whole of the created area (the earth).13 The same mistake is found in the book of Hebrews twice. The word for “Ages” is mistranslated as “Worlds.” Sad really, to delude people for this long on such an exact translation. “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;” Hebrews 1:12 KJV, and “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3 KJV… The word is not “worlds” as this malfeasance would have us believe, but rather, “ages” or “epochs” or even “eras.”

John 3:16 really bothers people. Whenever I quote it on any social media, I usually write the “THE” in all caps, as the emphasis. Even on Facebook, I’ve caused people to stumble (on truth, not in error) and balk and double-take. Here is an example from last night that I encountered on my Facebook profile.14

Pauly Hart – John 3:16 – God so loved the world. Singular. There’s only one world. Think about it.

Billy Bob – In Hebrew, “World” is like unto People, Souls! Spiritual Realm.

Pauly Hart – The last word is correct. Realm. “Kosmos.” It means the totality of the whole. Strong’s 2889 sir. God so loved the cosmos that He sent His son to earth. The only “planets” mentioned in scripture are “wandering liars.”

Billy Bob I didn’t mention planets sir.

Pauly Hart – But I just did. The only thing created on the second day of creation was a firmament, placed over the earth, as a dome. The earth sits on the foundations of the deep and the sun and moon are within the second heaven. The Bible teaches it, and I believe it.15

This was the sum of the argument. There is one “Kosmos,” for the word means “totality of all that there is” so even my definition is redundant. God loves the earth, loves the people on the earth, created the earth for Himself, and gave the earth to man to subdue. God gave us all of the animals to name and tame16 After the expulsion from the garden, He underscored it, as a curse of fear.17 The Psalmist writes of this but expands on it, as does the writer of Hebrews when quoting the psalmist. “You have put all things under his feet,”18 meaning the earth and its inhabitants. James speaks more presently of this action when he writes: “For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race.”19 This is man’s dominion over the fauna life on the earth.

Man has dominion over the flora as well. “Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food.’”20 Many of my “recreational drug use” friends take this verse to mean that they can freely ingest opium, cannabis, and other plants – with no detriment,21 but we know that this is heretical and is not the perfect plan of God. Sure, I can roll around in poison ivy but is it the wisest thing to do? Plants are food as well as tools… Use wisely and stay sharp.22

Psalms 24 teaches us that the earth is the Lord’s. And it also teaches us that He gave it to us to tend and care for. But where is the earth? Where exactly? Where, in relation to the heavens, the water, and all around it. It is at the center of all things. This idea is called: “Geocentricity.” My Microsoft 2010 version of Word was not programmed with this word in mind because the coders at Microsoft obviously do not have the Holy Spirit in their hearts… At least those in the language programming department. And if they do (most-improbably) they would have understood to include it, for it is the core of the Biblical idea of the earth.

Even the word: “Geocentrism” is defined under “Astronomy” which, as we have seen is “Extra-earthly” and has nothing to do with the earth per se… Rather, “Astronomy” should be a derivative of “Geology,” the study of the earth.

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”23 “But if the LORD make a new thing, and the ground open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down alive into the pit, then ye shall understand that these men have despised the LORD.”24

I was taught by Children’s Pastors Paul, Mike, and Peggy that “Heaven is up, ‘Hell’ is down.” Good lesson. Who would have thought that there was that much truth in it. That truth is everywhere and people are blind to it. Even the pop band: “Cake” wrote a song called: “Sheep go to heaven.” The lyrics are:

“Now I just want to play on my panpipes
I just want to drink me some wine
As soon as you’re born you start dyin’
So you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell
Sheep go to heaven
Goats… go to hell”25

Boorish truths are simple and for the simple, really. There is no need to dig into the subject of “Where is the earth?” For it is right outside your front door. It is in your vision. Unless you happen to be on a watercraft, or actively in the water at this very moment, you are probably on the earth.


1 Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation


3 Isaiah 48:13 KJV

4 As well as Exodus 19:5, Isaiah 45:18, Psalm 102:24, Psalm 121:2, Psalm 146:6, and Hebrews 1:10

5 “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” 2008, An interview with Ben Stein.

6 Psalm 14:1

7 Psalm 115:16 CEV

8 I Peter 5:8

9 Strong’s Concordance 165 – Era, specifically.

10 Psalm 115:16 (Ibid)

11 Genesis 1:28 KJV

12 Read Joshua 1:1-36 for a great story of failing. Specifically verse 21.

13 Strong’s 2889 – Universe, the whole of ordered creation.

14 “Billy Bob” is a fictitious name, the conversation was real.

15 Name changed from the original.

16 Genesis 1:26 NASB “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’”

17 Genesis 9:2 ESV “The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered.”

18 Psalm 8:6, Hebrews 2:8

19 James 3:7 NASB

20 Genesis 1:29 BSB

21 Look up every verse about drunkenness in the Word if you seek wisdom in this area.

22 I Peter 5:8

23 Isaiah 55: 9 GOD’S WORD Translation

24 JPS Tanakh 1917

25 Writer: John M McCrea Publisher: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Stamen Music

──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
Permission for VineMedia to use

SUPPORT – Pauly Hart

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