Monday, September 9, 2024

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給中國大陸弟兄姐妹的公開信──Open Letter to my brothers and sisters in Mainland China

English version at the bottom of this page



你好,中國大陸基督的新婦、基督的身體、以及全世界的教會 (Ekklesia):

我的名字是波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart),我很高興有創造這世界的耶和華神賜福我,讓我明白祂是如何創造這世界的。這個追求不是有意的,我也不怎麼期待會以這種方式來打破我生活中的規範。我從小就相信以《星球大戰》(Star Wars)和《星艦迷航記》(Star Trek)成名的喬治.盧卡斯(George Lucas)和吉恩.羅登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)與福音書是相容的。我錯了。

自我從 2012 年到今天的學習過程中,我對我們的上帝和祂的創造系統感到大吃一驚、不知所措。每一天我都會發現在我腳下的世界是誰、什麼、何時、何地、為什麼以及如何運作的。就在前幾天,如果我採納這 6,000 年的古老大地上有一次大洪水的話,那麼化石燃料如何改變名稱的謎團將被拼湊起來。即使在地質學上,恐龍也沒有辦法被埋得那麼深,而且牠們在大團塊中也分解得很好。


我意識到我所寫的內容在我所居住的政府、喬.拜登(Joe Biden)的新美國以及他對我們經濟上的壓制(我從未在領導者身上看到過如此愚蠢的行為)來看,並非主流、受歡迎的東西。也許在未來我們會看起來更像你們的國家,所以,你可自由決定是要按照他們的方式生活還是要被關在監獄裡──這是一種可悲的情況。我的國家在世界的警察部隊裡一直是可恥的;我們入侵的目的就是為了鴉片、石油、黃金、控制和流人血,這都是可恥的。從那以後,這裡已沒有好的總統領導人了……嗯,從來沒有。這個國家是在共濟會的膝上形成的,許久以前就交了給中央銀行家。

很久以前,在沉思的時候,我在身上紋了一個紋身,就在我脖子後面──「羔羊在我身上」或中文的「義」字──我這麼做有幾個原因。我這麼做的第一個原因是對所有與我會面的人宣告我的本意:我在祂面前是個義人──但原因從這開展,是一個多方面的想法──我永遠看不到自己的義、我的義伴隨我左右、我的義總在我的腦後,或我的義是我最後的想法……這些英語的習語對我來說很可愛,但它們給了我站穩腳跟的理由。但我認為這紋身會留在我脖子上的最後一個原因,可能是為了拯救我的劊子手的靈魂,因這會是禁止我宣傳福音的唯一方法……上帝整全的福音猶如他們把我的頭砍掉一般。如果斷頭台工人看到我的紋身,讓他明白他正在對一個已經付了贖價的人做那不公義的事、如果他明白他所砍的是什麼,讓他的靈魂在那日子後與我相遇。儘管創世記 6:3 應許我還能活在這地上 120 年,但我也可能必須接受殉道者的呼召。

有人告訴我,對這靜止和封閉的世界(稱之為「平地球」)的信念不是救贖問題。我告訴他們,對很多人來說,很可能就是這樣。即或將到來的是「科技奇點」(Technological Singularity)1 ,如果那個時候到了,幾件事情就會同時發生──您手機上的識別芯片將植入你的手中,你將被迫接受獸的系統控制,沒有它你將無法在市場上作買賣。然而…… 下一步,相信我,它會發生的,就是即將到來的外星彌賽亞。

很多人對此嗤之以鼻,但讓我問你一個問題:自從喬治.梅里愛 (Georges Méliès) 於 1902 年發行了《月球之旅》(A Trip to the Moon) 以來,為什麼他們一直向我們展示這種場景。有一本小說,書名是《月中人》(The Man in the Moone),這部小說的曾祖父是1638 年在英格蘭教會擔任主教的,這會使你驚訝嗎?在路德(Luther)嘲笑哥白尼(Copernicus)的 100 年後 2,教會會開始了這樣的異端邪說,這真是奇怪嗎?對某些人來說,這一定是容易的,而且每天都越來越容易相信有外星人。但上帝的道另有宣稱,祂說我們是祂的唯一。再讀一遍約翰福音 3:16 3,問問你自己……只有「一個世界」或「一個救世主」是否較易相信?



我把馬丁.路德(Martin Luther)最著名的一句話留給你:



波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart)


1 科技奇點(英語:Technological Singularity),出自奇異點理論;根據科技發展史總結出的觀點,認為人類正在接近一個使得現有科技被完全拋棄或者人類文明被完全顛覆的事件點,在這個事件點以後的事件就像黑洞的事件視界一樣完全無法預測。(技术奇异点

2 參考:

3 「神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。」──「世人」的英文翻譯為「世界」(world)。

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Aug 30, 2021

Open Letter to my brothers and sisters in Mainland China

 Hello bride of Christ of Mainland China, the body of Christ, and to the Ekklesia around the world,

My name is Pauly Hart and it has been my pleasure to have YHVH, maker of this world, bless me with the understanding of how He created it. This quest was not intentional and I did not look forward to breaking paradigms in my life in this way. I was raised to believe that George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry, of Star Wars and Star Trek fame, were compatible with the gospels. I was so very wrong.

During the course of my studies from 2012 even until today, I am flabbergasted and undone by our God and his system of creation. It’s a daily discovery of who, what, when, where, why, and how the world works under my feet. Just the other day I put together the mystery of how fossil fuels had to change their name if I subscribed to the idea of a 6,000 year old earth with one great deluge. Even geologically, there is no way for the dinosaurs to have been buried that deeply and for them to have decomposed so well in large clumps.

Biblical Cosmology, the idea of it all, continues to help me unravel the mysteries of the lies perpetuated upon me by the systems of the world. For we are in the world and not of it, we are a chosen people, a peculiar nation… Set apart and holy for Him. So why would we listen when they tell us of their pseudo-science? Why? Because we’ve been programmed to. Most all media (except certain places like vine media) have come under the fist of Satan in collusion with his puppet governments. Remember Psalm 2 – YHVH in heaven laughs at the plans of governments. May we also strive to be like Him and not the puppets of the world, who just blindly do as they are told.

I realize that what I am writing is wildly unpopular with the government I live under, the New United States of Joe Biden, and the stranglehold that he has placed on our economy. Such foolishness I have never seen in a leader. Probably in the future we will look more like your country. Free to decide between living their way, or prison. It is a sad state of affairs. That my country has been the police force for the world is shameful. That we invade for opium, for oil, for gold, for control, and for the sake of bloodshed is shameful. There have been no good President leaders here since… Well, ever. This nation was formed on the lap of the Masonic lodge, and was given over to Central Bankers long ago. 

Long ago, during a time of contemplation, I had a tattoo placed upon my body, on the back of my neck. “Lamb over me.” or “Righteousness” in the one character in Mandarin. I did this for several reasons. The first reason I did it was to declare my intent before all who would meet me. That I am righteous before Him. But the reasons unfold from there, in a manifold idea. That I will never see my own righteousness… That my righteousness follows me around… That my righteousness is always on the back of my mind, or the last of my thoughts… These English idioms are cute to me, but they stand secure in my reasons. The last reason that I think the tattoo will remain fixed upon my neck may be for the salvation of the soul of my executioner. For the only way I will cease proclaiming the gospel… The WHOLE gospel of God is if they take off my head. And if the guillotine worker sees my tattoo, let him understand that He is doing the injustice to one whom has already been paid for. If he understands what it is he cuts, let his soul meet with mine in the great hereafter. And though Genesis 6:3 promises me 120 years on this earth, it may be that I must embrace the calling of martyr.

Someone told me that the belief in the stationary and enclosed world (called “Flat Earth”) was not a salvation issue. I told them, that for many, it may well be. Soon coming is the possible Technological Singularity. If and when that time arrives, several things will happen all at once. The identification chip that you have on your phone will be planted in your hand. You will be forced to come under control of the Beast’s system, and you will not be able to buy or sell on the market without it. However… The next step, and believe me, it will happen, is the coming Alien Messiah.

Many laugh at this, but let me ask you something: “Why have they been showing us this very scenario since they released “A Trip to the Moon” in 1902 by Georges Méliès. Would it surprise you that the great grandfather of that fiction was a Bishop in the Church of England from 1638?  It was a novel titled: “The Man in the Moone.” How strange indeed that 100 years after Luther laughed at Copernicus, the Church would start such a heresy? For some it must have been easy. And it gets easier and easier every day to believe in aliens. But The Word of God declares otherwise. The Word calls us His only. Read John 3:16 once again. Ask yourself… Is it easier to believe that there is only one world or only one savior?

Life has just begun to come back to good theology for you. You are leaving behind the lies and shedding off the paradigms of the old ways, the ways of the liars. The ways of the puppets. Though God had blinded your eyes before, He allows you to open them now for the first time and understand the revelations that He has for you now. Your time of growth is opening. Your time of healing is at hand. Your time of super-natural infilling is coming soon. Ask The Father for the Ruach Ho’kodesh to infill you. Ask Him to cover you with his anointing mantle for signs, healings, and miracles. The Spirit of YHVH, The Spirit of Holiness never died. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever – Holy, holy, holy.

The reason for understanding the reality of the flat earth is to bring POWER into your life. He has opened your mind, now, fill it with His WORD. Fill it and give it to others.

I leave you with the most famous quote from Martin Luther:

“There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.” -Martin Luther, Luther’s Tablebook (Tischreden)

Sincerely your brother in Christ,

Pauly Hart

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Buy the book online: Biblical Cosmology Paperback


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