Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Vine Media


Day 22 God at work among the Sundanese

We are humbled and delighted to share these heartfelt messages from our Sundanese listeners. Witnessing the transformative work of God in their lives has been an immense privilege, and we give thanks for this incredible opportunity.

  • “I’ve been thoroughly enjoying The Way of Righteousness (TWOR) since I first started listening. It is truly a remarkable spiritual program for the Sundanese people. I’m sure a lot of listeners are thankful for it.”
  • “I want to express my appreciation for this TWOR program. Its ability to deliver discussions in a clear and simple manner has greatly enhanced my understanding of the Bible’s teachings. There aren’t many programs like this, particularly in Sundanese. TWOR has also been instrumental in nurturing my congregation, enabling them to better grasp God’s Word spanning from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Above all, this program has allowed us to develop a deeper understanding of our Savior.”
  • “The Thru the Bible (TTB) Sundanese program brought about a transformative shift in my perception of caregiving. I have come to understand that caring for our parents, who have sacrificed greatly for us, is an act of love. And to have the opportunity to fulfill such a role is truly a blessing. I am grateful for this program that has helped me realize the importance of giving my best to my mother.”


Heavenly Father, teach and disciple the Sundanese. Speak through the radio programs and listener groups. May they seek you and find you with all their hearts.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Website: https://twr.org/advent
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support https://www.twr.org.hk/2016_update/donation.php



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