Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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《都是管理者》(暫譯)一書中也指出另一個僱用合適管理者的關鍵要素。那就是管理者必須了解為什麼員工投入他們所從事的工作如此重要, 不只是出現並按時上班就好。蓋洛普研究人員觀察到在前幾個十年員工普遍將家庭、養兒育女、買房和安定生活的優先順序排在比有一份好工作之上。當轉換到了二十一世紀,這種趨勢發生了變化。接受調查的人說,一份得著滿足的工作為第一優先。





研究還發現,員工的參與度排名前10%的公司,在上次經濟衰退期間有26%的利潤增長,而員工參與度較低的競爭對手利潤則下降14%。擁有能激勵團隊追求更高度優異表現性格的人,是值得被獎勵與發掘的。「並要從百姓中揀選有才能的人,就是敬畏 神、誠實無妄、恨不義之財的人。」(出埃及記18章21節)

© 2020版權所有非傳統商業網路(前身為純全資源中心)。節錄自和Rick Boxx的純全時刻,這本刊 物主要是從基督徒的角度來探討職場上正直這個主題。如果希望知道更多關於這個事工或是想訂閱每日純全時刻,請上這個網站: Rick Boxx最新出版的書「提供實用五個關鍵的神的方法來建立企業。」


  1. 您如何比較對工作願意參與和不願意參與的員工的差異?
  2. 請檢視你自己的工作情況,你對自己被賦予的職責多有參與感?你是用積極與熱情開始新一天的工作,還是分心, 甚至望著柵欄另一邊「更青翠的草地」?
  3. 管理者(或擔任監督角色的人)可以採取哪些步驟來增加員工的參與度?對你來說,何謂善於激勵、啟發他人的管理者?
  4. 從信仰的角度來看,為什麼對跟隨耶穌基督的管理者而言,必須高度重視讓員工參與團隊,並讓他們從工作中得到滿足感很重要?


11:30 義人所結的果子就是生命樹;有智慧的,必能得人。
22:4 敬畏耶和華心存謙卑,就得富有、尊榮、生命為賞賜。
27:23 你要詳細知道你羊群的景況,留心料理你的牛群;
28:2 邦國因有罪過,君王就多更換;因有聰明知識的人,國必長存。
22:37 耶穌對他說:「你要盡心、盡性、盡意愛主─你的 神。
22:38 這是誡命中的第一,且是最大的。
22:39 其次也相倣,就是要愛人如己。
22:40 這兩條誡命是律法和先知一切道理的總綱。」
5:13 弟兄們,你們蒙召是要得自由,只是不可將你們的自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總要用愛心互相服事。
5:14 因為全律法都包在「愛人如己」這一句話之內了。
2:3 凡事不可結黨,不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀;只要存心謙卑,各人看別人比自己強。
2:4 各人不要單顧自己的事,也要顧別人的事。


By Rick Boxx

Gallup, a prestigious analytics and advisory company founded more than 80 years ago, has published a book called It’s the Manager. According to an article about the book in the Wall Street Journal, Gallup research discovered “the single most profound distinct and clarifying finding” in its 80-year history.

The Gallup organization’s study revealed that managers did not just influence the results their teams achieved; they accounted for 70 percent of the variance in the productivity levels of their people. As a result, Gallup began to advise companies to seek out managers who infect their teams with a sense of purpose, individuals that function more like a coach.

One of the study’s conclusions was that managers can help bridge the gap between engaged and disengaged workers. We see this truth reflected in the biblical description of Israelite king David, a talented leader who knew how to engage others in his cause. In Psalm 78:72, we read, “David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” If you want your business to flourish, hire managers skilled at engaging others.

It’s the Manager also identified another factor critical for hiring the right managers. They must understand why it is so important for workers to become engaged in the work they do, not just show up and put in their time. The Gallup researchers observed that in previous decades, workers ranked their families, having children, owning a home and living in peace as priorities that ranked above having a good job. But by the turn of the 21st century, that trend changed. Those surveyed said a rewarding job ranked first.

The engagement level of workers can decline dramatically if their job feels unrewarding. Good managers have learned how to inspire the uninspired. The Old Testament book of Proverbs has an interesting insight about this: “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out” (Proverbs 20:5).

For businesses to flourish in the future, they will need to identify discerning managers who have the capacity to “infect” their team with a sense of purpose, one that they find rewarding.

To maximize both productivity and morale, there is another step beyond keeping workers engaged. The truly effective manager has the ability to inspire their teams to become even more engaged, and increase the level of engagement throughout the organization.

Gallup’s research determined only about one-third of employees are highly engaged in the United States, where the study was conducted. However, they discovered that in successful businesses, engagement can often reach as high as 68 percent of the entire organization.

This is important, they noted, because their research also discovered the top 10 percent of companies, ranked in terms of level of employee engagement, posted profit gains of 26 percent through the last recession, while their competitors having lower levels of employee engagement experienced a 14 percent decline in profits. People of character, those who can inspire their teams toward new heights of excellence and performance, are to be prized – and pursued. “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain” (Exodus 18:21).

© 2020, Unconventional Business Network Adapted with permission from “Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx,” a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more, visit His latest book, Unconventional Business, provides “Five Keys to Growing a Business God’s Way.”

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1.  How would you compare a worker who is engaged in his or her job, versus those who are disengaged?
  2. Looking at your own work situation, how engaged are you in the responsibilities you are assigned to carry out? Do you start the day with enthusiasm and zeal, or do you find yourself distracted, even gazing at what appears to be the “greener grass” on the other side of the fence?
  3. What steps can a manager – or anyone in a supervisory role – take to increase the engagement of the people they oversee? How would you describe a manager who is inspiring or inspirational in dealing with others?
  4. From a faith perspective, why is it important for a manager who is a follower of Jesus Christ to place a high priority on keeping people on the team engaged and feeling rewarded through their work?

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:
Proverbs 11:30, 22:4, 27:23, 28:2; Matthew 22:37-40; Galatians 5:13-14; Philippians 2:3-4