Sunday, March 16, 2025

Vine Media



By: Rick Boxx


規則 + 關係 = 全體的正直完整









本文版權為正直資源中心(Integrity Resource Center, Inc.)所有。本文獲得授權改編自「瑞克.博克思的正直時刻Integrity Moments with Rich Boxx」。這系列的文章是以一個基督徒的觀點評論職場的正直議題。想要更多了解正直資源中心或想要收到電子文件的「瑞克每天的正直時刻Rick”s daily Integrity Moments」系列文章,請上網。他的書「如何生意興隆而不犧牲正直」提供人們正直地作生意的方法。

思想 / 討論題目
在你工作的場所中,哪一樣最被強調--規則或關係?請解釋你如何看待這樣的情況。 你認為領袖能夠如何尋求到規則和關係間的平衡?依你的意見,達成這平衡是否可能?為什麼? 有人建議受規則規範的人應該參與規則的制定?你對此有何看法? 你曾否發現自己處在一個不確定什麼樣的規則來管理你的行為或計畫?若有,你對那環境有何感覺?結果又是如何?若你想參考有關此主題的其他聖經經文,請查看以下經節:


By: Rick Boxx

Just as in many families, many businesses seem to struggle with achieving a proper balance between maintaining rules and discipline while providing employees enough latitude for freedom and individuality. Some organizations are far too permissive, allowing their personnel to do virtually anything as they see fit. Others are too strict, severely restricting their staff”s actions and behavior.

When I lead business workshops, I like to teach the following formula:

"Rules + Relationships = Corporate Integrity.”

My years of experience in the corporate world have taught me this balance is crucial for a healthy, productive working environment. If you have rules, but have very little in terms of relationship, you will likely experience rebellion.

If, on the other hand, you have placed a strong emphasis on relationships, but you do not have well-thought-out, established guidelines for everyday practices and behavior, you might experience chaos. Being able to balance the two provides assurance to your people that you care about them, yet at the same time expect them to produce results in keeping with your company”s mission and values.

Romans 13:3 teaches, "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you."

The problem occurs when there is confusion among your employees as to what “to do right” means. As leaders, our responsibility is to communicate that clearly and effectively. Just as sociologists have discovered children are most content when they understand their boundaries – whether at home or in school – business and professional people also look to their leaders to define the parameters under which they are expected to perform their jobs.

Rules and guidelines, especially when created with valued input from the people who will be governed by them, are not restrictive. They actually are empowering, because the individuals understand they are free to use their talents and abilities within those limits. Without those rules, workers can become confused, even immobilized, by fear of doing something wrong.

The alternative is for personnel to determine their own standards, which can have chaotic results. As Proverbs 29:18 tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people run wild.” Another translation expresses the same passage this way: “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

Establishing rules just for the sake of controlling people can be demoralizing, so guidelines must be used as a means for enhancing the productivity – and satisfaction – of people in your employ.

Strong, effective leaders know how to balance compassion and discipline. Do you?

Copyright 2011, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from "Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx," a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more about Integrity Resource Center or to sign up for Rick”s daily Integrity Moments, visit His book, How to Prosper in Business Without Sacrificing Integrity, gives a biblical approach for doing business with integrity.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
What gets the strongest emphasis where you work – rules or relationships? Explain how you see this being demonstrated on a day-to-day basis. How do you think a leader can go about seeking this balance, as Mr. Boxx writes, between rules and relationships? Is that even practical to attempt this, in your opinion? Why or why not? It is suggested that people who are going to be governed by established rules and guidelines should have input into what those are? What are your thoughts about taking that approach? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were not certain what the rules were that governed your actions or the plans you were formulating? If so, how did you feel about that circumstance – and what was the outcome?NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages:
Proverbs 6:20-23, 13:13,18, 21:1; Romans 13:1-5; Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:17, 22-25