Thursday, March 13, 2025

Vine Media



By: Rick Boxx










思想 / 討論題目
經濟上的衰退如何影響你對商場上或是專業領域中合作的夥伴的信心和信賴? 在你看來,你的顧客或是客戶在全球都經濟狀況不明朗的情況下,對你公司的信任度如何?你可以想到任何可以恢復或是增加客戶對你企業信賴的方法嗎? 作為個人,無論你扮演的角色和職責為何?你會做甚麼來建立和維持人們對你的正直和誠信的信賴? 你認為先知但以理所展現的人格特質值得效法嗎?對現在快速變遷的商場環境這是可能做到的嗎?為什麼?

By: Rick Boxx

The Edelman agency, which has done significant research about a variety of issues related to the global marketplace, recently concluded an extensive study asking a cross-section of people to express their present levels of confidence in corporate executives and their companies.

In similar surveys in the past, respondents had pointed to "financial performance" and "quality products" as some of the most important attributes that influence their trust in those leaders. Since the worldwide economic collapse, however, the significance of those factors has fallen dramatically. The key issues, the Edelman researchers report, now include "transparent and honest practices" and "being a company I can trust."

It appears that many people now realize just because a business can demonstrate outstanding financial performance, this does not necessarily reflect on its dependability. In other words, if you cannot trust the people producing impressive fiscal numbers, what difference does it make?

Obviously, in recent years the credibility of many sectors of the business and professional world has taken a major hit. “Who can you trust?” is a question many of us have asked, and sadly that question has not always been easy to answer. From the top leaders in government to celebrated corporate executives to rising entrepreneurs, integrity and honesty seem to have become qualities found only in diminishing supply.

Perhaps it might be helpful to look to an old book, the Bible, for a classic example of how a true leader should act. I would propose that we to consider becoming leaders much like the prophet Daniel, whose life is described well in the Old Testament.

In Daniel 6:4 it is written about him, "They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent." The situation here was that Daniel had risen to become a prominent leader in ancient Babylon, much to the chagrin of his rivals. They had determined the best way to undermine his increasing authority and prestige was to discredit his actions.

These opponents, despite great effort, failed miserably in challenging Daniel”s integrity, and subsequent efforts to place him in jeopardy ultimately led to their own undoing. When their false allegations were disproved, the same accusers were executed while Daniel was entrusted with even more important duties under King Darius.

Given the adverse circumstances he faced, Daniel could hardly have been blamed for compromising his personal ethics, but he held true to his convictions and as a result was richly rewarded.

I would suggest that if you desire to build – and sustain – a strong corporate reputation, you and your team would be wise to become people like Daniel, proving your determination to be trustworthy, diligent, and impeccably honest. As we read in another Old Testament book, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (Proverbs 11:3)

Copyright 2011, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from "Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx," a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more about Integrity Resource Center or to sign up for Rick”s daily Integrity Moments, visit

Reflection/Discussion Questions

How has the economic downturn affected the confidence and trust you feel toward your counterparts in the business and professional world? Explain your answer. What, in your opinion, is the trust level that your customers or clients have in your company as economic uncertainty continues around the world? Can you think of any steps that would be helpful in restoring – or strengthening – the credibility your business has with its customers? As an individual, whatever your role and responsibilities are at your company, what could you do to build and sustain the faith that people have in your integrity and trustworthiness? Do you think the character qualities demonstrated by the prophet Daniel are worth emulating? Is it even possible in today”s rapidly changing, pragmatic business environment? Why or why not?
NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages:Proverbs 10:9, 12:19,22, 13:6,17, 20:14, 29:10; Romans 13:11-14; Philippians 4:8