Friday, October 18, 2024

Vine Media



By: Robert J. Tamasy



吉姆.柯林斯在他的書「從A到A+」(Good to Great)裡描述了最好的領袖會希望看到他們的公司在下一個世代更加地出色,即使大部分的不知道創始人是誰也無所謂。





另一個例子則是創辦「今日美國」(USA TODAY)的艾爾.紐哈斯(Al Neuharth)。1982年艾爾有遠見的想法孕育出「今日美國」-美國第一份全國性的報紙。時間證明這是有市場的,而且他使用衛星傳送,讓報紙的出版從東岸延伸到西岸。而當艾爾八十九歲去世前幾個月,他的典範已經被建立了。即使沒有艾爾每天親臨「今日美國」,它仍然是「下一個世代最成功」的媒體和通訊機構。


箴言29章18節,提到:「沒有異象(或譯:默示),民就放肆;惟遵守律法的,便為有福。」耶穌給他的跟隨者以下的異象:「所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗(或譯:給他們施洗,歸於父、子、聖靈的名)。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。」(馬太福音28章19-20節) 很明顯地,他們對自己的呼召都很清楚,因此他們成功地將福音傳承了無數的世代。


勞勃.泰默西是領袖資產協會的傳播部副部長,這是一個總部在美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大的非營利組織。他也是一個有40年經驗的退休新聞工作者。他寫過一本書「最佳狀態的商業:箴言給今日職場的歷久彌新智慧」(Business At Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today”s Workplace)。他也與David A. Stoddard合著一本書「導師之心」(The Heart of Mentoring)。要了解更多資訊, 可上網 或上他的部落格www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com以及 。

你覺得一個有影響力的領袖具備甚麼樣的特質呢? 你同意文章中提到的:一個真正出色的領袖特質是,當他不再那個位置時,企業仍可長存嗎? 你是否曾經遇到過一種狀況?就是企業或是機構太依賴他的領導者或是他的個人魅力,所以當他離開之後,便帶給這個企業或機構很大的負面影響?你覺得這是可以避免的嗎? 你覺得為什麼耶穌死後二千年,基督教沒有消失?耶穌的領袖典範是甚麼呢?備註:如果你手上有聖經,想知道更多有這個主題的經節,請參考:列王記下2章1-15節;馬太福音28章16-20節;路加福音24章36-49節;約翰福音20章19-29節;提摩太後書2章2節

By Robert J. Tamasy

If 100 business executives were asked what they considered the characteristics of a good leader, they probably would provide 100 very different answers. But in terms of leaving a lasting legacy, it seems a mark of the best leaders is what remains after they have departed from the scene.

Strong-minded, determined and driven leaders often can “make things happen,” willing their visions and dreams into reality. But a better measure of leadership manifests itself after they leave. How well they have led those under their charge is revealed by what remains.

In his excellent book, Good to Great, Jim Collins states the best leaders “want to see their companies even more successful in the next generation, comfortable with the idea that most people won”t even know that the roots of that success trace back to their efforts.”

Collins also described “not-as-great” leaders. He said, “…concerned about their own reputation for personal greatness, (they) often failed to set the company up for success in the next generation. After all, what better testament to your own personal greatness than that the place falls apart after you leave?”

It is interesting to consider how the departure of two iconic business leaders affected cutting-edge enterprises they founded. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc., died in October 2011. His vision, creativity and personal magnetism built Apple into the most innovative company of its time. After Jobs and Apple parted ways in the late “80s, the business stumbled mightily until he returned years later.

Since his death, Apple again has struggled somewhat, and some experts wonder whether it will ever regain the stature it enjoyed under Jobs. Will it still become “more successful in the next generation”?
This is not to diminish Jobs” accomplishments, but not all leaders have the same long-range impact.

In 1982, Al Neuharth”s visionary thinking spawned USA Today, the country”s first national newspaper. Time confirmed there was a ready market for it, and he capitalized on emerging technology to facilitate publication of the newspaper from coast to coast. When Neuharth died several months ago, at the age of 89, his legacy was set. After his daily involvement had ended, USA Today became entrenched as a media and communications institution, fulfilling the “more successful in the next generation” description.

The Bible gives numerous examples of “next generation” thinking. Moses passed the baton to Joshua, and Elijah literally passes his mantle to Elisha. The greatest example is Jesus Christ, who entrusted His mission to a small band of disciples. Today, countless millions have become faithful followers of Jesus.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Jesus gave His followers a simple vision: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Clearly they were faithful to their calling, their mission”s success now extending through countless generations.

In your workplace, are leaders casting and modeling vision to be embraced by generations to come?

Robert J. Tamasy is vice president of communications for Leaders Legacy, Inc., a non-profit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. A veteran journalist, he has written Tufting Legacies (iUniverse); Business At Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today”s Workplace (River City Press); and has coauthored with David A. Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring (NavPress). For more information, see or his blogs, and

Reflection/Discussion Questions
How would you describe the traits of a very effective leader? Do you agree with the statement that a true measure of a leader”s success is what remains after he or she is no longer filling that role? Why or why not? Have you ever experienced a situation where a company or organization became too dependent on its leader – skill, expertise, even charisma – and that person”s eventual departure had a dramatic, negative effect on its future? How do you think that could be avoided? Why do you think, more than 2,000 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the movement of Christianity shows no signs of going away? What role has leadership played in this, in your opinion?NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages: 2 Kings 2:1-15; Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:36-49;John 20:19-29; 2 Timothy 2:2