Thursday, January 23, 2025

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聖經也教導我們:「缺少領導,國必衰敗;謀士眾多,國便安全」(箴言11:14)。 這句話指出太快做重要決定會有的一項危險:讓我們沒有時間獲得對做決定有助益的忠告。


思想 / 討論題目

想一想你是否曾在某個時刻,在個人或是與工作相關的方面,做出很明顯是太匆促的決定,結果是什麼? 如果你在決定之前多花一些時間,是否會得出相同的結論? 解釋你的答案。
您是否同意聖經所說:「匆忙帶來貧窮」以及「通向成功和勝利的道路應該包括尋找適當的忠告和教導」? 為什麼? 如果您有聖經,並且希望閱讀更多關於這個主題,可考慮以下的經節:詩篇37:3~7、46:10~11;箴言12:15、13:1、15:22、20:18、24:5~6、28:20

By: Rick Boxx

Have you ever had a pushy, highly persuasive salesperson pressure you on the pretense that if you don’t make a purchase today, all will be lost? That’s the feeling I have had recently as strategies in many parts of the world unfolded in attempts to deal with and alleviate the ongoing global economic malaise.

We have watched national leaders press and prod their constituents and lawmakers into supporting their bailout plans. Even though these proposals in many cases lacked specific, clear action steps, leaders continued to plead and cajole, insisting that we accept their plans – and the sooner, the better.

In each case the premise has seemed to be, in essence, “This is the only plan possible, and if we don’t sign it into law this week, the sky will fall.” Unfortunately, this all-too-common approach focuses on fear and anxiety, rather than on calm, carefully reasoned consideration.

At one time or another, we all have experienced this in a different form: Making a hasty investment because an immediate decision was required, a decision that we later regretted. We might have done this in buying a house, a piece of property, or a car; entering into a business partnership; or making some other kind of substantial commitment of either personal or financial resources.

In such cases, I try to hold onto a belief that has proved accurate repeatedly: Hasty action is a recipe for disaster. A good operative rule is that if you don”t have time to properly think through a major decision, decline the opportunity. I have found it is better to err on the side of caution and risk losing a significant gain than to act under duress and suffer a huge loss from which it would be hard to recover.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Proverbs 21:5 teaches, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Many times the issues are complicated, and occasionally there are risks in not acting promptly. But I believe the risks are even greater if we insist on pushing through a plan that has not been well thought out by giving ample attention to both the positive and the negative aspects of the issue.

So when you find yourself facing major decisions – and we all do, sometimes more often than we would prefer – do not buckle under pressure and act rashly, doing something you will likely regret later. Instead, address the problem diligently and rationally, taking whatever time is necessary to seek an abundance of wise counsel.

As the Bible also teaches, “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make victory sure” (Proverbs 11:14). That points to one of the dangers in making important decisions more quickly than we should – we do not have the time to obtain the advice that would be helpful in determining what to do.

For every individual or company that has advanced because of a decision that was made quickly, without sufficient deliberation, there are dozens – even hundreds – that have been devastated by hasty, unwise decision-making. Make every effort to avoid becoming one of them!

Copyright 2009, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from "Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx," a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

What has been your reaction to hasty efforts by governmental or political leaders to address the economic crisis? Have you felt their proposals had been sufficiently thought-out?
Think of a time when you made a overly quick decision, whether it was personal or work-related? What was the outcome? If you had taken more time before deciding, would you have reached the same conclusion? Explain your answer.
What steps do you think would be helpful for avoiding hasty, impulsive decisions that might be regretted later?
Do you agree with the Bible passages that state that hasty decisions lead to poverty, and that the path to success and victory should include seeking out proper advice and guidance? Why or why not?
NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages:
Psalm 37:3-7, 46:10-11; Proverbs 12:15, 13:1, 15:22, 20:18, 24:5-6, 28:20