Thursday, September 12, 2024

Vine Media


第四天 上帝在工作──Day 4 God at work among the Somali

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page




  • “你們好!你們工作得非常辛苦,這是一個非常好的節目。也許有些人對這個節目感到不滿意,但我很喜歡收聽,所以我想告訴你們不要放棄。愛上帝,願上帝祝福你們。”
  • “你們好!我很高興聽到那些不怕傳講上帝之道的索馬里婦女——謝謝你,上帝!姐妹們,即使我不知道你們的名字,我鼓勵你們不要害怕向索馬里的婦女傳道,她們是那些在黑暗中的人。上帝祝福你們。”

還有來關於默罕默德的事跡,他是埃塞俄比亞的一位索馬里基督徒。他在學習聖經方面投入了很多時間,並希望成為一名教師。他花費大量時間在環球電台社交媒體頁面、環球電台360 app和《穿越聖經》網站上。他證明自己與他人分享福音,並請環球電台送兩本書給他,分別是《榮耀之王》和《生命的答案》。此前,他曾在環球電台360網站上觀看《榮耀之王》視頻。




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Day 4 God at work among the Somali

Although there are now various reception possibilities, the listenership is still mostly present in secrecy. With the help of regional contacts and local fellowships, however, we have been able to get more listener feedback. The success of the ministry has also had its equal share of challenges, because those who oppose Christianity are on constant high alert, using the same avenues to discredit the Scriptures and are always in search of believers or those who
support them.

Therefore, encouraging as well as hostile listener feedback has been received. Thankfully, though, the positive feedback far outweighs the negative. In this instance some encouraging messages include this woman´s response: “Even though I live in great suffering, I listen to your program. Each Saturday I receive God’s grace through the Women of Hope program. It is so helpful and encourages me to trust God in all my life situations. I am in a terrible situation,
but I have great hope to return and serve God. Please pray for me.” The following is a selection of other positive responses:

  • “Greetings. You are working very hard, and it is a very good program. Maybe there are some people who are not happy about this program, but I am very happy, so I want to tell you that you should not give up. Love God and God bless you.”
  • “I am greeting you. I am happy to hear the Somali women who have no fear to preach the word of God—thank you, God! Sisters, even if I do not know your names, I encourage you not to fear preaching to Somali ladies, those who are in the dark. God bless you.”
  • “I am greeting you. I like your radio program. So I would like to get an idea from you how one can become a Christian. Please answer my question.”

There is also the account of Mohammed, who is a Somali Christian in Ethiopia. He is intensely occupied with studying the Bible and wishes to become a teacher. He spends a lot of time on TWR social media pages, the TWR360 app and the website of Thru the Bible. He testifies that he shares the gospel with others and requested two books from TWR, namely King of Glory and The Living Answers. Previously, he had watched the King of Glory video on the TWR360 website.

Then there is Hussein, a diaspora Somali listener who points out to TWR workers portions of the Bible that are hard to understand for people not well acquainted with God´s Word. In turn, TWR team member Zuleka responds to Hussein and other listeners who get in touch, assuring them that all their questions will be answered.


Lord, give courage to Somali listeners to respond to Christian programs
in their language. Protect, guide and fill Somali speakers
with the knowledge of who you are, Jesus.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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