Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Vine Media


第三天 向索馬里人傳福音──Day 3 Reaching the Somali

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page


環球電台正在回應這個地區、許多人急切的靈性渴求和迫切的需求。通過廣播、數字媒體、以及不同的索馬里語節目,像是《穿越聖經》、《今日之道》、《婦女的希望》、《路加醫生》和《正義之路》,環球電台正積極地向索馬里人提供屬靈的喂養。此外,Atoo Sifa 90.7也向卡庫馬難民營廣播,其中許多人是索馬里人。






連絡: 一般查詢 [email protected],電話2780 8336;奉獻支持

Day 3 Reaching the Somali

Somalia is one of the countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. Christian ministries are mostly either prohibited or operate in very challenging conditions. Christian workers in Somalia worship in secret and fear the al-Shabab militant group. Despite this persecution, there are many opportunities for evangelism in this region by using radio programs, different media platforms and Christian organizations.

TWR is responding to the frequent spiritual thirst and corresponding great need present in many people in this area. TWR is ideally suited to addressing and meeting these needs, offering hope and lasting peace through the good news of Jesus Christ, by utilizing radio and digital media. The ministry reaches the Somali people through different programs in the Somali language, namely Thru the Bible, The Word Today, Women of Hope, Dr. Luke, and The Way of Righteousness. Also, Atoo Sifa 90.7 broadcasts to the Kakuma Refugee Camp, whose inhabitants include many Somalis.

Knowing God is a program comprising of 25 episodes that introduce the Christian faith to communities with no previous knowledge of the Bible. Set in an African village, in the Somali language, it is nonconfrontational and describes a loving and forgiving God. Each episode is a conversation between an older Christian man and two younger nonbelievers who discuss the essentials of the Christian faith. They learn how they can worship God and surrender their lives to Christ. The program is produced for shortwave radio, which is a strategic tool for broadcast because it has a wide range to reach Somali speakers spread across the entire region.

For over 20 years now, TWR Kenya has continued to share the gospel with many believers living among Muslims in Somalia and in other areas of Kenya and beyond that are antagonistic to Christianity. Despite the persecutions meted out on believers, the thirst for the gospel has continued to grow. One factor that has enabled the gospel to reach more people is the growth in digital media. Previously, the only secure way of broadcasting the gospel confidentially in this region was via shortwave broadcasts. Listeners could receive feedback from the ministry only if they were privileged enough to have a secure virtual private network internet connection, a postal address or personal contacts with TWR-affiliated people.

The growth in digital media has turned the world into a global village and thus introduced various secured platforms of communications and broadcasting. TWR Kenya now has several Somali programs downloaded on applications, websites, social media, FM and shortwave. The new platforms have also brought in more secure ways of engaging listeners and receiving feedback. These platforms are secure because listeners do not need to use their real identity to communicate.


Thank you, Jesus, for the program, Knowing God. May those seeking answers
find themselves listening to a radio teacher and gain wisdom.
May listeners find you, Jesus, as their Living Water in a desert place.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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