Day 27 Reaching the Japanese
Earlier this year, TWR Japan celebrated 10 years of speaking hope to the Japanese people on FM radio. Beginning with areas affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in the Tōhoku region, our radio ministry now has a broadcast reach spanning 19 of Japan’s 47 prefectures and a potential audience of 17.5 million. Airing from local FM stations are Every Man A Warrior, Women of Hope, Power of the Gospel and The Word Today, with more programs underway.
Although Every Man A Warrior (EMAW) has a radio component on the air in Japan, the heart of this men’s ministry are Bible study groups that take men through a discipleship curriculum. Topics cover how to walk with God, marriage and parenting, money, work and much more. Currently, about 65 men across 15 groups meet regularly throughout Japan.
Several challenges hinder Japanese men from readily partaking in the EMAW groups. One being a lack of time, another being a reluctance to bare their hearts to other men, which is a core aspect of EMAW. However, those who have participated have seen how being vulnerable can transform their spiritual lives.
Like EMAW, the Women of Hope ministry has both a radio program and an on-the-ground ministry of women’s groups who meet regularly. In addition to praying for each other, they pray through a global prayer calendar featuring the needs of women around the world.
We thank God for the monthly prayer meetings attended by believers and TWR staff based in Singapore and Japan. Every second Tuesday of the month—whether in person or online—these faithful prayer warriors gather for an hour to learn about the ways God has been working through the ministry, hear from guest pastors in Japan and pray for spiritual revival. For more information about the prayer meetings, visit
Christians are partnering with TWR to share the gospel with the Japanese people. Since 2014, about 300 believers, mostly from Singapore, have participated in 30 Donkey Tracting mission trips to Japan. These short-term mission trips are inspired by Jesus, as he came “humble and mounted on a donkey” to bring salvation for all people (Zechariah 9:9).
In the same way, Christians outside of Japan can carry the good news of Jesus to the second-largest unreached people group in the world. Over the course of a week, participants come alongside Japanese churches not only in prayer, but also in distributing gospel tracts, radio broadcast fliers and information about local churches to the surrounding communities.
Lord, I thank you for the gathering of Every Man A Warrior groups across Japan. Deepen their relationships with you and with each other. Speak words of hope through the radio programs. May Japanese men find courage to be men of God in their home, church and community.
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