Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vine Media


第十六天 上帝在工作──Day 16 God at work among the Syrians

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page


  • “在這場戰爭中要處理經濟壓力非常困難,但是你們的節目確實幫助我有了不同的思考,我可以對任何工作都感到滿足。我過去是個商人,我的日子變得艱難,但我應該感恩!你們確實是對我和我敘利亞同胞的祝福。我知道是上帝派遣你們來幫助我們學會在艱難的時期仍然堅持。”—《為敘利亞帶來希望》聽眾
  • “我被轉移到了德國,我想寫信分享在聽了你們幾集節目後,我一直在問上帝的問題:我們在生活中是否有選擇?我們不是上帝手中的傀儡嗎?我們有自由意志嗎?請告訴我,作為一個難民,在離開我唯一的家數百英裡之外、遠離朋友和學校的地方,我該怎麼說出我想要的?”
  • “感謝你們回答我的問題,也感謝你們的禱告。顯然,你們的回答正在產生影響,也許不是我的環境,但是在我內心深處。我確信上帝掌握著我的明天。在祂的愛與平安中,祂是不改變的。因此我宣告:上帝是照顧我的父親。”—《為敘利亞帶來希望》聽眾
  • “我學到了一切都可以在一秒鐘內消失(金錢、住所甚至肉體)。我學到了在這個物質世界中,沒有任何東西是長久存在的,我不能依賴任何事物或任何人,只能依賴耶穌。他是唯一不會離開我也不會丟棄我的人。謝謝你們提醒我,今天我可以懷著對耶穌的盼望而活。”—《青年心靈》聽眾



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Day 16 God at work among the Syrians

  • “You were talking about how to deal with abuse. In such times as these in Syria, how can I forgive those who hurt my beloved ones, and my own people? Through your episode, I believe that something touched my heart and soul. I’m having different feelings now of peace and trust that the Lord can handle our pain and hurt. His will is above any situation and evil. I surrender to Jesus.” –a listener of Hope for Syria
  • “Dealing with economic oppression during this war is very difficult but your episode really helped me think differently, being content to work any kind of job. I used to be a businessman, and my days have become tough, but I should be thankful! You are surely a blessing to me and my fellow Syrians. I know that God sent you to us so we can learn to hang on through hard
    times.” – a listener of Hope for Syria
  • “I was relocated to Germany, and I’m writing to share the questions I’ve been asking God after listening to a few of your episodes on an audio device: Are we given a choice in life? Are we not like puppets in God’s hands? Do we have free will? Tell me, how can I say what I want while being a refugee, hundreds of miles away from the only home I’ve ever known, away from friends and school?”
    Later, the same listener wrote back:
    “Thank you for answering my questions and for your prayers. Apparently, they are making a difference, maybe not in my circumstances, but inside of me. I am assured somehow that God is holding my tomorrow. He is unchanging in the love and peace he gives. So I declare that God is my father who takes care of me.” – a listener of Hope for Syria
  • “I have learned that everything can disappear in a second (money, shelter and even the flesh). I have learned that nothing in this material world is here to stay and I cannot depend on anything nor anyone but Jesus. He is the only one who will not leave me nor forsake me. Thank you for reminding me that I can live today with hope. Hope in Jesus alone.”– a listener of Youth in Mind


Lord, may your Word penetrate through barriers in the lives of the people of Syria. Direct the Syrian refugees to a TWR program in their heart language. Bring new lives into the kingdom.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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