Monday, December 30, 2024

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第十四天 中東的叙利亞──Day 14 The Syrian people of the Middle East

For English version, please refer to the latter part of this page





社交生活是敘利亞文化的核心,一起坐在地板上享用咖啡是常見的,根據約書亞項目(Joshua Project),餐點通常由小麥面包和煮熟的肉組成。





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Day 14 The Syrian people of the Middle East

Syrians, the people originating from Syria, are ethnically diverse. Arabs make up the majority, with the Kurdish people being the second-largest Syrian ethnic group. That said, there are many other Syrian minority groups such as Assyrians, Armenians and Turkmen. Many Syrians have been forced to flee their homeland due to war, and a massive Syrian diaspora stretches across
the globe, from Australia to Brazil.

When it comes to religion, most Syrians are Muslim, according to Britannica. And of the Muslim population, three-fourths are Sunni Muslims. Druze is another popular Syrian religion, known for “an eclectic system of doctrines,” says Britannica. Only one-tenth of Syrians identify as Christian, with Greek Orthodox being the largest Christian denomination in the country.

Syria is in the Middle East, situated along the Mediterranean Sea and bordering Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. The capital of Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world. Known as the “City of Jasmine,” it’s the center of education and culture. The nation’s climate is arid from May to October, with mild winters near the coast. Farther inland, snow can occur in winter.

It’s no surprise that Syrians have a rich culture. Throughout history, they’ve been influenced by Arabian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman cultures. Still, the dominant character of the Syrian people remains Arab, Britannica says. Linguistically, most Syrians speak Arabic, although Kurdish, Armenian and Turkish languages are spoken regionally.

In years past, arranged marriages were common, says Britannica. They’re becoming less frequent, but parents still play a crucial role in determining who their children marry.

Social life is at the heart of Syrian culture, and sitting on the floor together to enjoy coffee is common, according to Joshua Project. Meals typically consist of wheat bread and boiled meats.

Ministry in Syria is challenging due to the unreliable infrastructure. Since 2011, the nation has been embroiled in a civil war, and many Syrians have lost homes and family members in the war. When the 2023 earthquakes devastated parts of northwest Syria, it left affected residents “grappling with their new and worsening reality,” says Al Jazeera.

TWR’s Arabic team is helping Syrians find refuge in the Prince of Peace, the only source of true freedom.


Dear Father, I lift the people of Syria to you today. Lord, speak straight into broken hearts through the Hope for Syria program. As listeners walk the trauma of daily life in war-torn Syria, may they find the Prince of Peace.

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