Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vine Media


第十二天 上帝在工作──Day 12 God at work among the Bosnians

For the English version, please refer to the latter part of this page












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Day 12 God at work among the Bosnians

“When I visited a friend who is a believer, she invited me to listen to a radio program that she regularly followed. Although I honestly never listened to Christian programs, I agreed so that I wouldn’t offend her. That day, I heard Treasures of Wisdom for the first time.

“Surprisingly, I really liked what I heard. I thought it would be boring and full of rules and commandments, but what I heard was quite the opposite. It was about the human heart which has a need for love.

“The program mentioned that although the earth’s population is dramatically increasing, people are becoming lonelier, feeling less loved. It touched my heart because I often feel lonely even though there are many people around me.

“The kind voice I heard on the radio continued to speak of the importance of love, how much God loves this world, and about his Son’s sacrifice. It was about how God chose to love us, even while we were dirty and living in sin.

“I felt like the speaker was talking directly to me, but I didn’t want to admit it to my friend. My pride didn’t allow me to tell her that loneliness and a lack of true love were my deepest problems.

“But I cried inside because that radio program touched me so deeply. Finally, the speaker asked a few questions: ‘Do you believe in Jesus? Do you let him love you and guide you?’

“That evening when I got home, I thought a lot about what I had heard. I decided to admit to my friend that I really liked the program and that I wanted to listen together again. We’ve been listening to the Treasures of Wisdom program for several months now, and I feel that God is changing me. I know that I’m on the right track.

“Keep up the work you do because I believe there are many people who need God and do not want to admit it because of their pride. I pray that God touches the hearts of others in the same way he touched mine.”

– a listener of Treasures of Wisdom


Thank you, Jesus, for the Ikonos team producing programs to reach the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Speak through radios, media players and other internet devices with the power
of your love and care.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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