達成目標的決心系列 Determination to achieve your goals

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Vine Media


達成目標的決心系列 Determination to achieve your goals

這是異象的日子,神特別說少年人要見異象。 當我們得著異象,我們當如何達成它?神所賜下的盟約的祝福,我們又當如何努力的得著?上帝在這世代中在尋找另一個以斯帖、另一個哥尼流。 願透過本課程,我們被興起得著盟約的祝福,並且祝福這世代的百姓!Determination to Achieve Your Goals – When we received a vision, how can we achieve it? How can we earn the covenant blessings? God is looking for another Esther and Cornelius?…