Sunday, December 22, 2024

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我永遠不會忘記,在一次青少年運動員退修會上,與一位16歲男孩的對話。休息時他獨自坐著,雙手托著頭。好似有什麼困擾著他,所以我前去坐在他身邊,希望能夠有所幫助。我只是簡單的問他:「怎麼了?」通常,我對年輕人常遇到的問題是有所預備的,異性問題、酗酒藥物問題、友誼關係問題或學校課業問題。 所以當他說:「我痛恨我的父母,讓我放棄所有我開始的一切。」的時候,我感到很震驚。

這位年輕人繼續解釋他開始的每個事物,他都放棄。然後他突然說道:「我真的只希望,他們能讓我完成所有我開始的事情。」哇 ! 與我通常聽到的「我痛恨我的父母,要我完成所有我開始的一切。」正好相反。而這位有抱負的運動員是希望得到鼓勵,而不是放棄。




Dan Britton是一位作家、教練和培訓師,擔任基督徒運動員團契的主要官員,領導著在100多個國家中的成千上萬名工作人員。Britton曾與巴爾的摩雷霆(Baltimore Thunder)的職業橄欖球隊一起比賽,並與其他合著了八本書,包括《One Word》、《WisdomWalks》和《Called to Greatness》。他經常為公司、非營利組織和體育團隊演講。Dan和他的妻子Dawn居住在堪薩斯州奧弗蘭帕克(Overland Park),育有三名已婚子女和一名孫女。




耶利米書 29 章11-14節


  1. 你是否曾經放棄某件事情後,之後對那個決定後悔了呢?當時的情況是如何 ? 你認為自己原本可以更好地處理嗎?如果你當時沒有放棄,可能會發生什麼事情?
  2. 你認為為什麼當事情變得艱難時,人們對選擇放棄變得如此普遍呢?
  3. 你能想到任何人,也許甚至是你自己,因為情況變得困難而想要放棄嗎?你可以如何回應,鼓勵他們(或自己)除去「放棄」這個詞,取而代之是不屈不撓、專注、韌性和耐力等品格呢?
  4. 引用的聖經經文,說出上帝使用試煉和逆境來塑造我們的品格,使我們成為具有信心、盼望和決心的人。你相信這一點嗎?請解釋你的答案。


By Dan Britton

Several years ago, a high school football team in Michigan, U.S.A. cancelled the last five games of its season after going 0–4 and having not scored a point at the start of the season. Going winless and scoreless has a sting to it, but my heart hurts thinking that someone gave up on that group of athletes.

Think about the possible victories those athletes will never experience. I do not mean to on-the-field victories. From what was reported, the team probably would have finished 0–9. However, lasting victories are not about points on a scoreboard, or wins and losses. What matters are the life victories the athletes were not able to experience this season. I suppose the coaches and athletic officials had never heard the famous Winston Churchill quote, “Never give in – never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in….” For him, “quit” was a four-letter profanity.

Twenty years from now, those athletes might be wishing their coaches had not given up on them. Even if they had gone winless and scoreless, it could have been a defining moment that developed character.

Unfortunately, quitting is something that has permeated many segments of society, including the business and professional world. People quit without giving any thought to possible repercussions. I believe the word needs to be removed from our vocabulary. Not only do I see it as a curse word, but it also becomes a curse to all who live by it.

I will never forget the conversation I had with a 16-year-old boy during a young athletes’ retreat. During free time, he was sitting by himself, his head in his hands. Something was troubling him, so I sat by him hoping to help. I simply asked, “What’s wrong?”  I was prepared for a typical young person’s response: girlfriend problems; alcohol or drugs; friendship struggles, or issues at school. So, I was shocked when he said, “I hate that my parents let me quit everything I start.”

The young man proceeded to explain that everything he started, he quit. He then blurted out, “I just wish they would make me finish what I started.” Wow! Usually I hear the exact opposite, “I hate that my parents make me finish everything I start.” But this aspiring athlete wanted encouragement not to quit.

The Bible clearly addresses the importance of not quitting, of determining to confront adversity in whatever form it takes. “Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:2–4).

Our families, teams, businesses, organizations, churches, and schools should be places for cultivating a spirit of finishing – and finishing well. The four-letter word, “Quit,” should be eliminated from our conversations. The apostle Paul reminds us in Galatians 6:9 the reward of not quitting: “So let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

We each will become known by others as either a finisher or a quitter. The choice is ours, but the difference between the two is life-changing. Because it is in the struggle and strain that God shapes us and molds us. We will miss out on what He is trying to do in our lives if we quit when things get hard.

Dan Britton is a writer, coach and trainer who serves as the Chief Field Officer with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and leads thousands of staff in over 100 countries. Britton played professional lacrosse with the Baltimore Thunder and has coauthored eight books, including: One Word, WisdomWalks, and Called to Greatness. He is a frequent speaker for companies, non-profits and sports teams. Dan and his wife, Dawn, reside in Overland Park, Kansas, and have three married children and a granddaughter.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever quit something and later regretted that decision? What was the situation and how do you think you could have handled it better? What might have happened if you had not quit?
  2. Why do you think it has become such a common option for people to quit when, as they say, “the going gets tough”?
  3. Can you think of anyone – perhaps even yourself – who is being tempted to quit because circumstances have become difficult? How might you respond by encouraging them (or yourself) to discard the word “quit” and replace it with qualities such as perseverance, dedication, resilience, and endurance?
  4. The Bible verses cited indicate God uses trials and adversity to shape our character and to change us into people of faith, hope, and determination? Do you believe this? Why or why not?

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:
Jeremiah 29:11-14; Romans 5: 3-5, 8:35-39; 1Corinthians 15:58; 1 Peter 1:6-7


Sometimes the obstacles we face seem almost insurmountable. We can become discouraged, which means to lose the courage to continue, to persevere. At such times we all can benefit from people who care for us and will support us through difficulties. Who can you turn to when you need to be encouraged? It could be an individual, or a small group of people you know have your best interests at heart. Identify them today and resolve to openly share struggles you are facing. Similarly, consider today how you can serve as a resource for someone who needs encouragement.



EN English MONDAY MANNA 中國成語 以色列 以色列新聞 你累了嗎 保捷 信仰見證 出埃及記 利未記 創世記 劉國偉 原文解經 國度禾場KHM 天人之聲 天堂 奇妙的創造 妥拉 妥拉人生 家庭 市井心靈 張哈拿牧師 愛情 敬拜 智慧 梁永善牧師 歳首到年終 民數記 清晨妥拉 漫畫事件簿 為以色列代禱 琴與爐 申命記 真理 知識 研經課程 箴言 考門夫人 聖經 荒漠甘泉 見證 週一嗎哪 靈修 靈修文章