Monday, December 30, 2024

Vine Media




提高你的動力 – 當你覺得想放棄時,正確的生命目標會激勵你早晨起來並堅持下去。「沒有異象,民就放肆」(箴言29章18節)。
使你專注 – 成功是專注做一件事並把它做好的結果。一位有名的電視新聞播報員在他的桌上放一塊牌子提醒自己:「我現在做的事對新聞廣播有益處嗎?」一個生命目標會幫助你專注你的時間、精力和資源。
吸引別人與你合作 – 當你決定了你的生命要走向何方,許多其他的人就會要與你一起走。人們會跟隨那些清楚了解自己並知道自己在這裡要完成什麼事的人。


辨識出你的天份和恩賜 – 問自己:「我擅長什麼?」和「我做得好而且喜歡做的是什麼?」當上帝創造你時,祂把某些特性和能力放進你的DNA--你的基因構造和傾向。這些合成了你的特色,使你成為一個獨特的人。上帝要你做祂讓你擅長做的事!

回顧你的經驗 – 問自己:「我學到什麼?」我們學到的最好功課來自我們受過的傷痛。這些也是我們在設立生命目標時,需要考慮的因素。

決定什麼是最重要的 – 緊急的事不一定是最重要的事。心理學的先驅之一,威廉‧詹姆士曾說:「最能擅用你生命的方法是把它投資在存留得比生命更久的事上。」所以問你自己:「什麼會存留得最長久?」


思想 / 討論題目

1. 你對設定一個生命目標的第一個反應是什麼?

2. 若現在被要求去設定你的生命目標,或是一條個人使命宣言,你會如何回答?

3. 你是否同意有一個特定、清楚寫下來的生命目標對每個人都有幫助?為什麼?

4. 若你目前沒有一個清楚的生命目標,本週你可以採取什麼步驟去開始設定一個?




By: Dr. Rick Warren

Many people set goals, but few people ever set a Life Objective. Goals relate to separate parts of your life: your career, finances, family, retirement, and other important aspects of it. But a Life Objective sets the direction of your entire life. Your Life Objective is what determines the big picture, the overall approach you follow in life. There are four tremendous benefits of thinking through and writing down a Life Objective:

It reduces frustration by simplifying decision-making. Every day you are faced with a variety of choices, and often they are very complex. Having a Life Objective gives you a standard by which to evaluate which alternative is best for you.

It increases motivation – The right Life Objective will inspire you to get up in the morning and persist when you feel like giving up. "Where there is no vision, people perish" (Proverbs 29:18).
It allows concentration – Success is largely the result of focusing on one thing and doing it well. A well-known TV news broadcaster displayed a plaque on his desk that reminded him, "Will what I’m doing right now benefit that broadcast?" A Life Objective helps you focus your time, energy and resources.
It attracts cooperation – It is an observable fact that when you decide exactly where you want to go in life, many other people will want to go along with you. People follow those who have clearly figured out who they are and what they are here to accomplish.

Find some time this week to get alone in a quiet place to start thinking about a Life Objective. Here are three steps to begin with:

Identify your talents and gifts – Ask, "What am I good at?" and "What do I really enjoy doing because I do it well?" When God designed you, He put specific characteristics and abilities into your DNA – your genetic structure and predispositions. These serve to make up the combination of traits makes you unique. God wants you to do what he has gifted you to do!

Review your experiences – Ask, "What have I learned?" Our greatest lessons come from our hurts and pains. These need to be factored into a Life Objective.

Decide what is really important – The urgent is not always the important. Williams James, one of the pioneers of psychology, once said, "The best use of your life is to invest it in that which outlasts it." So ask yourself, "What is going to last the longest?"

The Bible offers this sound advice: “Keep a vigilant watch over your heart; that is where life starts … keep your eyes straight ahead, avoid all sideshow distractions. Watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before you” (Proverbs 4: 23, 25, 26 – The Message).

Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, the author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages and sold throughout the world. It affirms the importance of having a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. It has been named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th Century. He also has written The Purpose-Driven Church and The Purpose of Christmas.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

What is your initial reaction to the idea of having a Life Objective?
If you were asked this moment to define your own Life Objective – or even a personal mission statement – how would you respond?
Do you agree that it would be helpful for every person to have a specific, clearly stated Life Objective? Why or why not?
If you do not currently have something clearly articulated that would function as a Life Objective, what steps might you take this week to begin putting one together?

NOTE: If you have a Bible, consider these other passages that relate to this topic:

Proverbs 16:3; Isaiah 50:4-10; Romans 8:28-30; Philippians 3:10-14; 2 Timothy 1:9-12