Friday, October 18, 2024

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By Dr. Rick Warren




找出原因。問你自己:「這危機背後的真正原因是什麼?」那原因常常比表面所顯示的更深沉。在使徒行傳中使徒保羅所敘述的那個船難中,有三個原因:(1)他們聽從不好的建議;(2)他們跟隨多數的意見;而且(3)他們倚靠環境,而不去做他們知道應該做的事。若你無法找出造成危機的原因,試著為此禱告。大衛王寫道:「我在急難中求告耶和華,向我的 神呼求。他從殿中聽了我的聲音;我在他面前的呼求入了他的耳中」(詩篇18篇6節)。


面對問題。忽視問題並不能解決問題。這可能不容易,但你若求上帝賜你力量,祂會與你同在。 承認錯誤(若有的話)。若這危機是你自己造成的,要承認並求得原諒。不要找藉口,也不要怪罪他人。接受責任是真正的領導,也是情緒成熟的標記。 支取應許。你知道聖經中上帝有超過7,000個應許要幫助我們嗎?它們就像空白支票等著我們填入數字。你還在等什麼?若你對聖經不熟悉,可找一位熟悉聖經的人幫你找到一個適用於你狀況的應許。上帝在腓立比書4章6-7節作了這樣的應許,祂告訴我們:「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴 神。神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裏保守你們的心懷意念。


思想 / 討論題目
你現在正處於本文作者所說的三個危機階段:1)剛從一個危機中出來;2)正在危機中;3)可能正走向一個危機,的哪一個階段?當危機來臨時,你一向如何回應? 在你看來,找出造成危機的原因有什麼好處?這可以如何幫助你處理問題? 看出一個危機所造成的損害通常很容易,但根據你的經驗,從危機中學習對你有何益處? 聖經中上帝提供了幾千個應許,在你的危機時刻要幫助你。知道這一點能鼓勵你或給你安慰嗎?為什麼?註:若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:

By Dr. Rick Warren

There is a humorous story about a woman that won a huge fortune in a state-run lottery. Upon receiving the news, she called home to her live-in boyfriend and told him, "I have just won the lottery! Start packing!" Her boyfriend replied, "That’s fantastic! Should I pack for warm or cold weather?" She answered without emotion, "I don’t care – just as long as you are out of the house by the time I get home!"

That man had a crisis! And that is the way many crises are – they arrive totally unexpected, finding us completely unprepared for dealing with them. Like it or not, unexpected crises are a part of life. And at this exact moment you are in one of three phases: Either you just got out of a crisis; you are in a crisis right now; or you are headed into a crisis.

There is a fascinating story of a shipwreck in the New Testament of the Bible (Acts 27), from which we can glean three timeless insights for crisis management that you can apply directly to your business:

DETERMINE THE REASON. Ask yourself, "What is really the reason behind this crisis?" The cause is often deeper than what appears on the surface. In the case of the shipwreck recounted by the apostle Paul in the book of Acts, three reasons are cited: (1) They listened to bad advice; (2) they followed popular opinion, and (3) they relied on circumstances rather than what they knew was the right thing to do. If you are having difficulty sorting out the reason for a crisis – try praying about it. King David of Israel wrote, "I tried to think this problem through but it was too difficult for me until I went into Your temple" (Psalm 18:6).

DETERMINE THE RESULT. Second, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" Every crisis is an opportunity to enlarge my perspective, sharpen my skills, and develop my character.

DETERMINE YOUR RESPONSE. And third, ask yourself: "What is the best way to respond to this?" Regardless of what else you do, your response should include three elements:
Confront the problem. You rarely solve a problem by ignoring it. It probably will not be easy, but God will be with you if you ask Him for strength. Confess your part (if any). If you brought this crisis on yourself, admit it and ask forgiveness. Do not make excuses, and do not shift blame to others. Accepting responsibility is a mark of genuine leadership and emotional maturity. Claim a promise. Did you know in the Bible there are more 7,000 promises from God to help you? They are like blank checks waiting to be filled in. What are you waiting on? If you do not know the Bible very well, ask a friend who does to help in finding a promise that applies to your situation.God makes one such promise in Philippians 4:6-7, where He tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

© 2012, Purpose Driven Life. All rights reserved. Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages worldwide. It affirms the importance of a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. It has been named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th Century.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
Which of the three crisis phases cited by Dr. Warren would you say you are in at present: 1) Just getting out of a crisis; 2) currently in a crisis, or 3) probably heading into a crisis? What is your typical response when a crisis arises? What good is it, in your view, to identify the reasons that brought about a crisis? How can that help you in dealing with the problem? It is often easy to identify the damage caused by a crisis, but based on your experience, how can you benefit from a crisis by learning from it? Does it encourage you or provide any comfort to know that in the Bible, God offers thousands of promises to help you in times of crisis? Why or why not?NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages: Psalm 20:1-5, 23:1-6, 37:3-7; Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:2-3,9; Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 6:25-34