Friday, October 18, 2024

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By:Robert D. Foster以下人士有什麼共同點?
史帝芬.賈伯斯Steven Jobs:美國的商業大亨、發明家和科技創新者。
傑奇.羅賓生Jackie Robinson:打破美國籃球界的種族障礙。
尼爾森.曼德拉Nelson Mandela:南非前總統,促進全國的種族和解。
德蕾莎修女Mother Teresa:上帝差派來的美麗女子,她為窮人和有需要的人犧牲自己的一生。

這些人都有我稱之為「樞紐」的功能。樞紐是一個防止滑輪滑出輪軸的控制栓。它常被用在農業上以固定牽引機所附的工具。linchpin這個字是源自中世紀英文的axletree pin軸槓栓。用在人類的詞彙就是把人們聚在一起。


"Queme los barcos."這句西班牙文的意思是「把船燒了」。這是1519年3月有名的探險家荷南度.柯狄茲在開始要征服阿茲特克帝國(現在的墨西哥)時下的命令。柯狄茲帶領11條船和500人從西班牙啟航,要去尋找財寶。在他們踏上猶加敦半島的海灘後沒多久,他就發出燒船的命令,把他帶領的人都嚇呆了。柯狄茲作了一個簡單但決定性的命令:沒有回頭路,不撤退。柯狄茲這位墨西哥的征服者,成了一位樞紐人物。

在聖經中,我們看到許多「樞紐」的例子,他們是留意上帝呼召,勇敢行動,不怕結果會如何的非凡人物: 亞伯拉罕被上帝呼召要離開家鄉,雖然他不知道目的地在哪裡,他還是順服。(創世記17章)。 雖然敵人強盛且眾多,基甸領導少數以色列人打了一場大勝仗。(士師記7章) 以斯帖是一個猶太女子,她勇敢地願意冒生命危險去解救她的族人免於被大屠殺。(以斯帖記2-9章)。 在異教文化中但以理敢於與眾不同。(但以理書1-10章)。 大衛雖然有許多個人的失敗,他被形容是「合上帝心意的人」,按照上帝的旨意服事了他那世代的人。「耶和華說:但我所看顧的,就是虛心痛悔、因我話而戰兢的人」(以賽亞書66章2節)。


思想 / 討論題目 在職場中你是否遇見過「樞紐人物」?若是,你會如何描述那人? 你認為無論在工商專業界、政府機關或其他場合,有可能對許多人的生命有極大影響力的樞紐人物會有什麼重要的特質或特性? 你是否同意在他們生活和工作的環境中擔任樞紐之人的重要性?為什麼? 再次提出本文作者的問題,若機會出現時,你是否願意成為樞紐人物--不論在你的職場或居住的地區?你認為成為樞紐人物是一個人應該努力達成的目標,或是自然而然產生的?請解釋。註:若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:


By: Robert D. Foster

What do the following individuals have in common?
Steven Jobs: American business magnate, inventor and technological innovator.
Jackie Robinson: The man who shattered the color barrier in American baseball.
Nelson Mandela: Former president of South Africa who fostered reconciliation across the nation.
Mother Teresa: Someone beautiful from God who sacrificed her life for the poor and needy.

Each of these people has been what I call “linchpins.” A linchpin is defined as, "A fastener used to prevent a wheel from sliding off the axle." These are commonly used in the agriculture industry for securing implements attached to a tractor. This word originally was derived from a Middle English term meaning, "axletree pin." Putting this into human terms, linchpins are what hold people together.

Looking at it another way, a linchpin is someone that makes a difference. They are pins, not mere cogs! In describing key individuals, those that are central to the success of an enterprise, we often use words such as backbone, cornerstone, anchor, buttress and pillar. In basketball, this person is the point guard. In the military, it is often the sergeant. And in a household, if a family is to survive the journey through the fearsome jungle of everyday living, I believe it needs a trained, God-appointed leader at the point called the father – “Dad" – as well as the mother.

"Queme los barcos." These words, which translated mean, "burn the ships," were commanded by famed explorer Hernando Cortes at the onset of his conquest of the Aztec empire in what is now known as Mexico, in March of 1519. Cortes had sailed from Spain with 11 ships and 500 men searching for great treasure. Soon after setting foot on the Yucatan Peninsula's beaches, he stunned his men with the order to burn the ships. Cortes was making a simple, yet definitive statement: There was no going back, no retreat. Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, became a linchpin.

In the Bible, we see many other examples of “linchpins,” extraordinary individuals that acted bravely and boldly, heeding God”s call without fearing the consequences. Here are several of them:

Abraham obeyed when he was called by God to go, without knowing his intended destination (Genesis 17). Gideon led the Israelites to a tremendous victory despite overwhelming odds (Judges 7). Esther, a Jewish maiden, was courageously willing to step forward and be used to deliver her people from massacre (Esther 2-9). Daniel dared to stand alone in the midst of pagan cultures (Daniel 1-10). David, described as a man with “a heart after God,” served his own generation by the will of God, despite numerous personal failures."Thus says the Lord: 'to this man will I look: on the man who has a humble and contrite
heart, who trembles at My word“” (Isaiah 66:1-2).If called upon, or if the opportunity presented itself, would you be willing to be a linchpin – where you work or in your community? Are you a linchpin in your home?

Taken and adapted from Take Three on Monday Morning, an e-mail meditation published by Robert D. Foster. Permission to reproduce with proper credit is freely given and encouraged. For questions or comments, write: 29555 Goose Creek Rd, Sedalia, CO 80135, U.S.A., or fax (303) 647-2315.

Reflection/Discussion Questions Have you ever encountered a “linchpin” in your workplace? If so, how would you describe that individual? What would you think would be important traits or characteristics of a person serving as a linchpin, whether in the business and professional world, government, or some other setting where there is potential to have great influence in the lives of many people? Do you agree with the importance of people that serve as “linchpins” in the environment where they live and work? Why or why not? To repeat Mr. Foster”s question, if the opportunity presented itself, would you be willing to be a linchpin where you work or where you live? Do you think becoming a linchpin is something one should strive for – or is it something that just happens? Explain your answer.NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to review some other passages that relate to this topic, consider the following verses: 1 Kings 7:14-26,54-61, 18:16-46; Nehemiah 1:1-2:20; Acts 4:32-37, 11:19-26