Friday, March 14, 2025

Vine Media


Day 28 God at work among the Japanese

What brings you comfort? When you’re tired and weary, when you need a break from the troubles of the world, is there someone or something you could turn to?

For Kei, the radio is his source of comfort.

Unlike most Japanese, he grew up in a family of staunch adherents to a new religious movement. For as long as he can remember, practices and rituals unique to their faith were deeply ingrained in his family’s customs and traditions.

“I had a magnificent idol statue and many religious books at home, and I was made to read them all,” he wrote in an email. “Sometimes I was even tested, so that the teachings were thoroughly drilled into me.”

As he grew older, however, Kei began questioning these practices and beliefs. He noticed that they were exclusive to those who shared his faith, and some of his relatives had even severed ties with his family.

One day, he learned about the Christian faith, and the Lord opened his eyes to the truth.

“I like the Christian saying, ‘Love your enemy,’” he shared. “Every day I think about how I could turn the eyes of the people in this house to the other world.”

Eager to walk with the Lord, Kei yearns to go to church. But it is easier said than done.

“I would be delighted if my whole family could accompany me to church, but I doubt they would ever agree,” he said. “I want to make a fresh plea to learn about Christ’s teachings from the beginning, but I haven’t found the courage to do so. When I think that I might be betraying my parents, I can’t bring myself to do it.”

In the meantime, he tunes in to Power of the Gospel, which TWR produces in collaboration with local pastors in Japan.

“At the very least, I try to listen to the stories of the teachers that I hear on the radio and feel deeply,” he related. “I don’t know what I’m going to do now, but radio is my source of comfort. I definitely want to go to a church one day.”


Heavenly Father, may the Women of Hope radio programs reach deep into the hearts of Japanese women. I pray for bold strength as Women of Hope prayer warriors lift the needs of global women to you while caring for the needs of their own Japanese neighbors and friends.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry,Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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