Friday, March 14, 2025

Vine Media


Day 25 God at work among the Hausa

Responses by listeners of TWR’s In Touch, Thru the Bible Hausa and Hausa Evangelization programs reflect the impact that the teaching has on countless lives.

A woman who listens to the Hausa-language broadcast in Nigeria said, “I cannot appreciate you enough as a widow. Your teachings are comforting me more and more. I pray for more grace to keep on helping us through God’s Word.”

Another listener from Nigeria said, “For the past years I have been living in darkness, outside God’s will. Through your Thru the Bible Hausa program, I got to know the Lord as my Savior. Keep me in your prayers and send me a Holy Bible.”

Here are some more reports from listeners:

  • “Greetings to you people in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for your encouragement. You really help me to know God through your programs. I pray that the Lord will give you more wisdom. God bless you.” – a listener from Taraba State, Nigeria
  • “I am writing to thank you for the message of yesterday. I was blessed. I now see the light. Please, I want to become a Christian. What will I do? Please help me.” –a listener from Kano State, Nigeria
  • “For the past six years I have been living in darkness, outside God’s will. But this year … the Lord helped me through your programs. Now I know the Lord. Please, I need your prayers and a Holy Bible.” –a listener from Plateau State, Nigeria
  • “I like your teaching very much because you help my spiritual growth. But my husband does not want me to listen to your programs. What should I do?” –a listener from Bauchi State, Nigeria


Lord God, we give you thanks for those among the Hausa who have come to faith in Christ, and we intercede on behalf of those who are still seeking. May Hausa-speaking believers in Africa be touched and renewed daily by your Word through TWR’s broadcasts. Would you grant courage to new believers and lead them to others who can help them grow in the Word?

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