Saturday, December 21, 2024

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第十一天 向波斯尼亞人傳福音──Day 11 Reaching the Bosnians

For the English version, please refer to the latter part of this page









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Day 11 Reaching the Bosnians

Ikonos is TWR’s Serbian-based ministry partner that oversees media ministries in most of the countries of former Yugoslavia. Today, Ikonos produces and shares content in the main languages and dialects of Bosnians.

Treasures of Wisdom, a 30-minute program designed to strengthen believers in their faith and reach the lost, is aired on medium wave (AM) radio and distributed online. Its role as “daily bread” for isolated Christians makes it a vital source of biblical teaching. Many Bosnians describe
Treasures of Wisdom as their lifeline, especially those who can’t access a local church. The program has covered various talking points from a Christian perspective, such as science and the Bible. The dramatized audio version of the JESUS film was also aired, and many heard about Jesus for the first time.

First aired in 2004, Treasures of Wisdom brings God’s Word to people who don’t have access to regular spiritual nourishment or have never heard of Christianity. It has enabled Bosnian Muslims to hear about God’s Word in their own language. Because responding to Christian programs can be risky, it’s likely the program has more listeners than we can track based on feedback alone.

Written with Islam’s perspective of God, sin and salvation in mind, The Way of Righteousness presents key Old Testament Bible stories that point to Jesus as God and Savior. Through 100 episodes, it challenges Muslim listeners to consider Jesus as more than a prophet.

After the launch of The Way of Righteousness radio programs for a Bosnian audience, we found a person in-country to focus on digital promotion. We now have 7,000 followers on Facebook, mostly Bosnians from a Muslim background. In addition, we share the episodes on a podcast platform with hopes to broaden our audience. Through partnerships with like-minded ministries, we can engage more Muslim Bosniaks—a predominantly unreached people group—with Jesus’ message of hope.

The Word Today is one of seven programs available to stream on Ikonos’ Bosnian website. Each 15-minute episode emphasizes a word or phrase from God’s Word. It communicates biblical truth through simple messages so that listeners can find answers to their spiritual questions.


Heavenly Father, speak into the hearts of listeners through The Way of Righteousness program. May they hear the love story of Jesus as God, Savior and friend. Open their hearts, heal their pain, pour a spirit of understanding into their lives.

Please download the English version from Trans World Radio:
Contact: For general enquiry [email protected],Tel: +852 2780 8336;For donation support



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