Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vine Media


前言/序言/鳴謝──Foreword / Preface / Acknowledgements

English version at the bottom of this page(英文版在本頁底部)


在過去的四年裡,有許多人的生活發生了改變,我只能將其定義為神聖的方式,但它發生的方式是最出乎意料的。這就是我遇到保利.哈特的過程。那是在Facebook上。 我注意到他所說的事情,讓我印象深刻的是他對尋找真理的奉獻,即上帝之言的真理。

《聖經》中的宇宙學… 誰會認為這在21世紀有什麼重要性?



有一群人正在向所有國家宣揚真理的信息,作為見證。 在這個世界上,這似乎是荒謬的,但同時也是真理。保利-哈特 (Pauly Hart) 是這個世界上少數幾個選擇真理而不是名譽的人之一。我相信他是奉至高者的命令把這些話寫進書裡。

我鼓勵大家考慮這本書中提到的關於上帝創造的本質的事情。 對於我們中的一些人來說,神的話語的真理已經變得非常重要,他們已經知道了為什麼會有一個謊言。 可能是為了向世界其他地方宣揚這一真理的信息。


以賽亞書 43: 8-9:「你要將有眼而瞎、有耳而聾的民都帶出來。任憑萬國聚集、任憑眾民會合、其中誰能將此聲明、並將先前的事說給我們聽呢.他們可以帶出見證來、自顯為是、或者他們聽見便說、這是真的。」

如果你想用你的時間投入到閱讀或收聽的內容來提升我們的天父,我知道保利.哈特 (Pauly Hart) 正在為真理被揭示給他而將榮耀歸給神。 阿們。


喬.希爾 (Joe Hill)




耶穌說,上帝愛世人,甚至差遣他的獨生子,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡, 反得永生2。重要的是要認識到,耶穌說的是 「這個」世界,而不是無數的行星和可能的外星生命,(根據祂的說法)不存在也不可能存在。如果祂說的是天使,他就會說得很清楚,但相反,他選擇說的是一個世界和人類的一個有生命的種族。這不應該被忽視,而且應該立即引起那些對相信地外智能生物感興趣的人的關注。



這是我寫這本書的目的。事實上,這是我寫的第三本 《聖經宇宙學》書,我並不打算因為缺乏這方面的信息而放慢腳步。在宗教性質、歷史和科學方面都有大量的信息庫,任何人只要能連接到互聯網,就能觸手可及。我選擇繼續寫作,因為主允許我這樣做。

-波利.哈特 (Pauly Hart)

1 我的父親是地質學家,我的叔叔是理論物理學家和天文學家。我的父親是地質學家,我的叔叔是理論物理學家和天文學家,我的兄弟是律師和教授,我的嫂子是骨科醫生,我的岳母也是律師;這個名單還在不斷地增加。


3 當然,《詩篇》分為五本書。長期以來,66這個數字一直是許多學者的困擾,根據數字學家的說法,70是一個相當不錯的圓形數字。我不是一個數字學家,也不假裝是,也不認為這是一個聰明的想法。

4更多信息 請見提及Westcott & Hort vs. Textus Receptus的相關文章。

5 路德, Tischreden, 1566年

6 詩篇2:1──「外邦為甚麼爭鬧、萬民為甚麼謀算虛妄的事。」

7 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:21──「但要凡事察驗.善美的要持守。」

8 提摩太後書3:16──「聖經都是 神所默示的、〔或作凡 神所默示的聖經〕於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義、都是有益的.」

9 使徒行傳17:11 NLT──「庇哩亞的人比帖撒羅尼迦的人思想更開放,他們熱切地聽從保羅的信息。他們日復一日地查考聖經,看保羅和西拉所教導的是否是真理。」




第三,我要感謝Brandt Matthys Wessels,感謝他願意分享這本書的創作。他看似不知疲倦的精力讓我震驚,也讓我感到幸福。







SUPPORT 支 持 (Pauly Hart) 

購買英文版 Buy the book online: Biblical Cosmology Paperback


In the last four years, there have been many lives changed in ways that I can only define as being divine, but it has happened in a way that is most unexpected. That is how I met Pauly Hart. It was on Facebook. I noticed the things he was saying, and what stood out to me was his dedication to finding the truth, truth of the Word of God.

Biblical cosmology… Who would think this is of any importance in the 21st century?

Pauly and I, and some others have been noticing that we have a hunger for the truth in a world of untruth.

We have been studying a subject faced with much ridicule, yet the truth is coming to the surface through it. While studying, it has become clear to many of us that we have been deceived about the nature of the world we live in. We have discovered a new world of truth, and it was foretold by the prophets. But we have professed ourselves to be wise, and became fools, and changed the glory of God into an image: A false image.

There is a group of people that are preaching a message of truth to all nations as a witness. In this world it may seem to be ridiculous, but it is truth at the same time. Pauly Hart is one of few people to choose truth over reputation in this world. I believe he was commanded by the Most High to put these words in a book.

I encourage everyone to consider the things mentioned in this book concerning the nature of God’s Creation. The truth of the Word of God has become very important to some of us who have learned why there is a lie… Probably to preach a message to the rest of the world of this truth.

It reminds me of the prophet Isaiah, and what he wrote about concerning the last days.

Isaiah 43: 8,9 KJV “ Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears. Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? Let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, it is truth.”

If you want to lift up our Father in Heaven with what you invest your time into reading or listening to, I know that Pauly Hart is giving glory to God for the truth being revealed to him. Amen.

God bless,
Joe Hill


Proofing failures in the whole home

When I first set out to prove to my family that the Bible presented a complete word picture of the entirety of the cosmos, I was met with mockery. This has not changed. My family,1loving though they are, has tolerated my inability to come “back to reality” as they say, and chooses to indulge my questing with a large inescapable silence. Such as it is, I plod on, researching and explaining to them without end, the matters that are at hand in the world around us. These matters are not light, nor are they unimportant, and are clearly seen to be the truth of God’s word from Genesis to Revelation.

Jesus said that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life2. What is important to realize is that Jesus spoke of “the” world and not the myriad of planets and possible alien life that (according to Him) does not and cannot exist. Were He to have spoken of Angels, He would have made it plain, but instead, He chose to talk of one world and one sentient race of mankind. This should not go unnoticed, and should immediately cause some concern for those interested in believing in extraterrestrial intelligent creatures.

Indeed, it is made clear and plain throughout the entire 703 books of the Textus Receptus Protestant Canon4 that “the world” is enclosed and stationary and has never moved from its foundations and will never move from them until they perish and a New Heaven and New Earth come to be. Today this is a mind blowing theology, but it should not be understood to be a new thought in Christendom. Indeed, many of the church founders believed it to be thus. Martin Luther chides Copernicus: “when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special”5

– saying that it was common knowledge among scribe and bricklayer alike that the earth never moved.

Alas, we here in today’s world battle an uphill fight. The kings of this age have made plans against us,6and are ready to do battle with all those who stand up and call Jesus as Lord of their lives, who believe in the Bible, and who are set upon finding out the whole truth of His Word in our heart. It is a miracle that we survive as long as we do, testing and proving7 what is good and wholesome and learning from it to make ourselves better minded towards God’s written word.8 Yes! Let us be as the Bereans were9 and cling to truth, even though it slays our favorite dogmas and doctrines.

This is my purpose with this book. Indeed it is the third “Biblical Cosmology” book that I have written and have no intent on slowing down for the lack of information on the subject. There are great storehouses of information available both of a religious nature, historical, and scientific and they are at the fingertips of anyone with a connection to the internet. I choose to continue to write, as the Lord allows me to do so.

-Pauly Hart


1 To wit: My Father is a Geologist, my Uncle is a Theoretical Physicist and Astronomer, my Brother is a Lawyer and Professor, my Sister-In- Law, a Doctor of Osteopathy, my Mother-In-Law is also a Lawyer; the list goes on and on.

2 John 3:16 where Christ Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus, a scholar of the Torah.

3 Psalms, of course, is divided into five books. The number 66 has long been a troubling aspect of many scholars and 70 is quite a nicer round number, according to numerologists. I am not a numerologist, nor pretend to be, nor think it to be a bright idea.

4 See related articles referring to Westcott & Hort vs. Textus Receptus for more information.

5 Luther, Tischreden, 1566

6 Psalms 2:1 NASB “Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing?”

7 1 Thessalonians 5:21 BSB “but test all things. Hold fast to what is good.”

8 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,”

9 Acts 17:11 NLT “And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.”


First, and with obvious cause, this book would not be possible without YHVH, The Lord Jesus Christ, and the precious Holy Spirit. Obviously, nothing would be possible without Him, but it is His good pleasure to put into me a burning desire to write these things for His body. As Abraham called Him: “God Most High.”

Second, without the aid, nurture, love, and support of my dearest wife, Jennifer, I would not have had the wherewithal and gumption to create such a thing.

Third, I would like to thank Brandt Matthys Wessels, for his willingness to share in the creation of this book. His seemingly tireless energies astound as well as bless me.

Fourth, and without reservation, Mark Fruci. He has been my copy proofer in the worst of times and in the best of times. My prayer for him is that his business grows by leaps and bounds and that pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall God and men give unto his bosom blessings, and not cursings.

Fifth, Joe Hill, for his ardent passion towards searching the deeper things of God. Maybe there is not a man possessed with a keener and more humble spirit.

Sixth, Amy Lynne, a true Mary. You shall reap a seven fold return on what the enemy has stolen from you. “Fear not. For I am with you, says the Lord.”

Seventh, John Conrad and JB Farrell. My best of companions.

Also I would like to thank: Kevin Cress, Ken Farnham, Billy Joe Daugherty, Colin Waterman, Ron Kite, Ruth Ketchum, Drew

Allen, Travis Vreeland, Bret Roberts, Mike Chasteen, Otis Pleasant, Tim Hart, Lisa Hart, and all of my people from the past who saw in me something more than I was.

And to all who have blessed me, all of the contributors of my last work, specifically, an anonymous soul, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
Permission for VineMedia to use

SUPPORT – Pauly Hart

Buy the book online: Biblical Cosmology Paperback


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