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#2──踏入真理──Stepping Into Truth

English version at the bottom of this page(英文版在本頁底部)


一、開始:第二章 踏入真理

正如我們將在創世記中看到的那樣,前四天闡明瞭一種獨特的、不同於我們現代公立學校系統所告訴我們的創造方式,可悲的是,甚至是我們的一些主日學。32我們對地球的看法是由我們的教室塑造的。今天,你可以去Hobby Lobby或沃爾瑪,拿起一個地球儀,看看它的底部,上面會寫著:「這不是一個教育對象,而是一個玩具。」33作為一個研究者,這對我來說相當吸引人。這怎麼會不是一個教育裝置呢?他們是在掩蓋法律依據嗎?這對我來說是一個很大的謎。我只能說,《聖經》確實是一個教育物品,它並沒有講述一個地球。即使是現代地圖學,在其所有的奇蹟中,也指出地球儀只是另一種可能的投影。

《創世記》稱上帝為 “Elohim Yahweh” (以羅欣.雅威),或者使用四元組34,我們發現他是YHWH,或YHVH,或JHVH。出於個人目的,我選擇使用YHVH,儘管在英語中可能最好使用 “Yah He Waw He”,因為學者們對 “Yad Hey Vav Hey “的說法存在分歧。雖然約瑟夫自己稱35四角星為「四個元音」,但36這只是部分正確。最真實的表述是省去第四個字母,用第三個字母作為元音, 把前兩個字母稱為名字:「Yahweh」。然而,在本書中,我們將使用YHVH 來泛指上帝,或37具體指代阿爸父。

創世記1:1-19中特別提到了「以羅欣」 (Elohim)。《創世記》第1章完全沒有提到YHVH,只提到Elohim。38《創世記》第二章提到了上帝的個人名字YHVH,祂的名字在整個「塔納赫」(Tanakh) 中被反覆提及39。在希伯來聖經中,四角形的名字出現了6828次。40「以羅欣」在希伯來聖經中只出現了2500次。41在我們深入研究之前,我有必要澄清一下,我個人認為YHVH Elohim是創造者,因為Elohim 通常可以指各種權力和神。42我的目的是要繼續瞭解「以羅欣」─耶和華是並且曾經是創世記中所提到的一切的創造者。我們將把他作為至高無上的神, 唯一的神,形成我們的結論。正如他告訴以賽亞的那樣。「我是耶和華,這是我的名字。」43 44

看到現在,我們已經把我們的造物主建立在他最應得的位置上,我們可以開始討論他在創造中的作用。約翰在他的書信中告訴我們。「萬物是藉著他造的」。我們也會同意。聖經中的上帝45是萬物的創造者,祂稱其為善。我們知道,祂是全知全能的46,祂知道所有的一切。這個詞在拉丁語中: “scire “的意思是「知道」,”omni “的意思是「一切」,所以上帝知道一切。很聰明的是,”scire “也是我們現代詞的詞根「科學」,它只是意味著「知識」──上帝是所有的科學、上帝是所有的知識。科學中的任何東西,如果不能支持上帝創造/相信的東西,就是有問題的。任何否認上帝的科學都是偽科學。


今天的世界告訴我們,「宇宙學48是研究宇宙的起源、演變和最終命運的學科。物理宇宙學是對宇宙的起源、大尺度結構和動力學、最終命運以及支配這些領域的科學規律進行的科學研究。」49雖然萬物的進化過程確實存在,但並不是說有一個達爾文式的進化過程可以看到。《聖經》的記載與世界的記載不可能調和。要相信聖經,我們必須相信聖經。我們必須相信Sola Scriptura50(也就是說:「唯有聖經」)是我們理解上帝的指南。儘管有聖靈注入耶穌基督的信徒體內,我們還是通過閱讀上帝的話語來聆聽他。正如保羅告訴我們的「信是因著聽神的話」。因此,我們必須聽從並服從所有的命令,查考51經文,相信神通過經文對我們說話。試圖將通姦淫亂的人的作品與上帝完美的話語相調和,只會帶來災難。 52

《聖經》宇宙論創造順序的重要性,必須從創造的第一個實例開始,也就是預先創造的地球,一直到整個可見和不可見的世界被創造出來,使地球能夠維持水、空氣和土地上的野獸。所有神學中最令人困惑的想法之一就是這個記載   我們知道上帝是未被創造的,其他一切都被創造。但我們沒有被告知上帝的使者,即天使。箴言中告訴我們,「智慧 」是在創世前的地球之前被造的,53但對智慧是誰或什麼有太多的解釋,所以就本書的意圖而言,智慧將只是智慧。本書將隱去與神聖啟示有關的一個具有精神意義的屬性。

我們知道,在《創世記》1:2中,除了神(以羅欣 Elohim)自己,我們還提到了四個項目是事先創造的。54地(無形和虛空)、深淵、黑暗(相互作用)和水(上帝的靈在它們上面放鬆/盤旋)。


正是在這種知識和理解中,我們潛心研究了創造的日子。我們確實知道神在之前創造了某些物體,而且他在第二節之後還會創造物體,但我們發現他在開始之前就已經放鬆 (relaxing) 了(翻譯為盤旋 hovering)55。因此,無論發生了什麼事, 創造前的世界,祂已經休息了一段時間。這只是猜測,讓我們繼續走這條路。我只想說,這不是本書的旅程,但它是一個有趣的側重點。許多人猜測在創世記1:1之前發生了什麼,但我們只能憑著信心相信上帝,有一天我們會完全明白。 56

32 我記得,在主日學的青年時期,我在法蘭絨畫上看到一個藍綠相間的星球,上面有一個快樂的微笑的太陽在照耀著它。你仍然可以從Fishpond或Mardel買到類似的教學套裝。我還沒有發現任何平地的絨布畫。

33 有時它被貼上標籤,由銷售價格決定。

34 從字面上看:「四個字母」來自希臘語。Tetragrammaton是「上帝的希伯來語名字,用四個字母音譯為 YHWHJHVH,發音為YahwehJehovah。」

35 研究員John J. Parsons在他的網站hebrew4christians.com上對此做了一些詳細的介紹

36《猶太戰爭》(The Jewish War),Josephus,公元75年

37 羅馬書8:15 「你們所受的不是奴僕的心、仍舊害怕.所受的乃是兒子的心、因此我們呼叫阿爸、父。」

38希伯來語專家 Mark D. Futato博士在NAS.org上指出,YHVH是神的個人名字,而Elohim則是神性的一般名稱。我們並不完全理解摩西這樣做的原因,但有一個很好的論據,那就是有一個更大的神性,而不僅僅是YHVH這一個。基督教的三個主要教派(新教、東正教和天主教)都把三位一體作為一個深刻的基礎真理。新教衛理公會創始人約翰.衛斯理相信「三位一體」,並在1784年將其作為衛理公會25條宗教條款中的第一條。約翰.衛斯理改編自英國聖公會。

「儘管非猶太人通常使用「聖經 」這個詞──就像「舊約」和「新約」一樣──但對於希伯來語經文(「經文」是猶太人和非猶太人都使用的同義詞),適當的術語是Tanakh。這個詞來自其三個組成部分的希伯來字母……托拉…先知…寫作」。

40聖經的意義 (The Meaning of the Bible Douglas A Knight,),Amy-Jill Levine,2011年

41《聖經中的神靈和魔鬼詞典》(Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible),Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking and Pieter W. van der Horst,1995年

42,唐.羅賓遜牧師 (Rev. Don Robinson)

43 申命記 6:4 「以色列阿、你要聽.耶和華我們 神是獨一的主。」和達比聖經 (Darby’s Bible) 譯本:「以色列啊,請聽。耶和華我們的神是一位耶和華。」

44 以賽亞42:8 「我是耶和華(Yahweh 雅威)、這是我的名.我必不將我的榮耀歸給假神、也不將我的稱讚歸給雕刻的偶像。」

45 約翰福音 1:3 「萬物是藉著他造的.凡被造的、沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。」

46 約伯記21:22,詩篇139,詩篇147:4,路加福音12:7

47 羅馬書10:13,使徒行傳2:21

48 來自希臘語的κόσμος,kosmos 「整個世界」和-λογία,-logia「研究」

49 《介紹:宇宙學──空間》(Introduction: Cosmology – space)。New Scientist 2006年9月4日

50 唯獨聖經是一種教義——只有聖經才是信仰上唯一無誤準則。見序言。

51 羅馬書10:17

52 馬太福音 6:24 「你們不能又事奉 神、又事奉瑪門。」和馬太福音 7:17 「這樣、凡好樹都結好果子、惟獨壞樹結壞果子。」

53 箴言8:22-26 「在耶和華造化的起頭、在太初創造萬物之先、就有了我。從亙古、從太初、未有世界以前、我已被立。 沒有深淵、沒有大水的泉源、我已生出。大山未曾奠定、小山未有之先、我已生出。耶和華還沒有創造大地、和田野、並世上的土質、我已生出。」

54 創世記1:2 「地是空虛混沌.淵面黑暗. 神的靈運行在水面上。」

55  רָחַף (rachaph)──使放鬆、軟化、飄動、輕輕地移動。如同母鷹在她的雛鷹上空盤旋一樣,見申命記32:11。以柔軟的狀態戰勝,參閱耶利米書23:9。

56 哥林多前書13:12「我們如今彷彿對著鏡子觀看、模糊不清.〔模糊不清原文作如同猜謎〕到那時、就要面對面了.我如今所知道的有限.到那時就全知道、如同主知道我一樣。」

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Part One: The Genesis Account

I: The Beginning──Chapter 2: Stepping Into Truth

As we will see in the Genesis account of creation, the first four days spell out a unique and different approach to creation than we have been told by our modern public school systems and, sadly, even some of our Sunday schools.1 Our vision of our earth has been shaped by our classrooms. Today, you can go to Hobby Lobby or Walmart and pick up a globe and look on the bottom of it and it will spell out that: “This is not an educational object, but a toy”2 which is quite fascinating to me as a researcher. How is it that this is not an educational device? Are they covering legal bases? It is a great mystery to me. All I can say is that, the Bible is indeed an educational object and it does not tell of a globe. Even modern cartography, in all of its wonder, states that the globe earth is just another possible projection.

Genesis calls God: “Elohim Yahweh,” or using the Tetragrammaton3 we find Him as YHWH, or YHVH, or JHVH. For personal purposes I choose to use YHVH, though probably in English the “Yah He Waw He” would best be used as there is a disagreement among scholars as to the “Yad Hey Vav Hey” version of saying it.4 Although Josephus himself calls the Tetragrammaton “The four vowels,”5 this is only somewhat true. The truest representation would be to leave off the fourth letter and use the third letter as a vowel, calling the first two letters the name: “Yahweh.” For this book, however, we will be using YHVH to refer to God in general or Abba Father6 specifically.

Elohim is specifically mentioned in Genesis 1:1-19. Genesis 1 does not mention YHVH at all, but Elohim only.7 Genesis 2 picks up with the personal name of God as YHVH and His name is mentioned again and again throughout the entire Tanakh8. In the Hebrew Bible, the Tetragrammaton occurs 6,828 times.9 Elohim only occurs 2,500 times in the Hebrew Bible.10 It behooves me to clarify before we get too far into this study that I personally believe that YHVH Elohim was the Creator, as Elohim can often mean various powers and gods.11 It is my intention to go on with the understanding that Elohim YHVH is and was the creator of all that is mentioned in Genesis.12 It is He whom we will be forming our conclusions on as God Supreme, The One, The Only. As He told Isaiah: “I am the Lord and that is my name.”13

Seeing now, we have established our Creator in His most deserved place, we can begin to commence to discuss His role in creation. John tells us in his epistle: “Through Him all things were made.”14 And we will agree. The God of the Bible was the creator of all things, and He called it good. We know that He is omniscient15 and that He knows all there is. The word in Latin: “scire” means “to know” and “omni” means “everything” so God knows all. It is quite clever that “scire” is also the root of our modern word: “science” which just means: “knowledge.” God is all science. God is all knowledge. Anything in science that does not back up what God made/believes is faulty. Any science that denies God is pseudoscience.

God then, having created all things, did so in an order that He deemed important. To understand the first chapter in the Bible is paramount to understanding the rest of it, in our modern world. We will begin to unravel the deceptions that have plagued our world, and come back to a Biblical cosmology. Understanding where the earth is, what the earth is, why God made it, when it was made (in what order), and why it was made is the thrust of our journey in this work. In learning the divine order of creation we will find the divine plan of God for humanity. We will find God if we search the scriptures. As scripture tells us: “Anyone who calls on YHVH will be saved.”16 We intend to call upon Him and let Him lead us into this knowledge.

Today’s world tells us that “Cosmology17 is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Physical cosmology is the scientific study of the universe’s origin, its large-scale structures and dynamics, and its ultimate fate, as well as the scientific laws that govern these areas.”18 While it is true

that there is an evolution to the process of all things, it is not true that there is a Darwinian Evolution process to be seen. There can be no reconciling the Biblical account to the world’s account. To believe in the Bible we must believe in the Bible. We must believe Sola Scriptura,19 (that is to say: “Scripture Alone”) to be our guide into understanding God. Notwithstanding the imbuing of the Holy Spirit into the believer in Jesus Christ, we hear God by the reading of His Word. As Paul tells us “Faith comes by hearing the word of God.”20 So we must listen and obey all that is commanded of us, search the scriptures and believe God to speak to us through them. Trying to reconcile the works of adulterous and lecherous men to the perfect Word of God will only bring disaster.21

The importance of the order of Biblical cosmology creation must begin with the first instance of creation, which is the pre-created earth, and continue on until the entire visible and invisible world has been created to set the earth into motion to be able to sustain beasts of the waters, the air, and the land. One of the most confounding ideas in all of theology is this account… We know that God is uncreated and all else is created. But we are not told of God’s messengers, the angels. We are told in Proverbs that “Wisdom” was made before the pre-created earth,22 but there are too many interpretations to who or what Wisdom is, so for the intent of this book, Wisdom will simply be wisdom. An spiritually significant attribute that comes with divine revelation will be withheld from this writing.

We know that in Genesis 1:2 we have four items, besides Elohim Himself, mentioned as pre-created.23 The earth (being formless and void) the deep, the darkness (interacting with one another) and the waters (with the Spirit of God relaxing/hovering over the top of them).

It is in this pre-created form that we encounter God performing the works of creation. Moses, not having permission or understanding to write about the pre-creation, leaves us in the dark, no pun intended. I have no problems with this, Moses seems like a pretty swell guy. We do not need to understand the pre-created fully, otherwise it would have been spelled out for us in precise letters. What we are to understand is that it was there and so were spiritual entities that existed before light existed, as evidenced by Wisdom.

It is in this knowledge and understanding that we dive into the days of creation. We do know that God had made certain objects before and He would make objects after verse two, but we find Him relaxing (translated as hovering)24 before He begins. So whatever happened to create the pre-created world, He had taken a break from it. It is only speculation that lets us continue down this path. Suffice it to say that this is not the journey of this book, but it is an interesting side-note. Many speculate as to what happened before Genesis 1:1, but we can only trust God in faith that one day we will fully understand.25


1 I recall, as a youth in Sunday School, being shown on flannelgraph, a blue and green planet with a happy smiling sun beaming down on it. You can still buy similar teaching sets from Fishpond or Mardel. I have not found any flat earth flannelgraphs yet.

2 Sometimes it is affixed as a tag, by the sales price.

3 Literally: “The Four Letters” from the Greek. The Tetragrammaton is “the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah.”

4 Researcher John J. Parsons goes into some great detail on this on his website

5 The Jewish War, Josephus, 75 AD

6 Romans 8:15 ASV “For ye received not the spirit of bondage again unto fear; but ye received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”

7 Dr. Mark D. Futato, Hebrew Languages expert notes on that YHVH is the personal name of God, while Elohim is the generic name for a deity. We do not fully understand Moses’s reason for this, but there is a great argument for a larger Godhead than just the one being YHVH. The three main sects of Christianity (Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic) all hold The Trinity as a deep set foundational truth.

Protestant Methodist founder John Wesley believed in “The Trinity” and hung it as the first of the twenty five articles of religion of the Methodist Church, 1784. John Wesley had adapted it from the Anglican Church.

8 “Though the word “Bible” is commonly used by non-Jews — as are the terms “Old Testament” and “New Testament” — the appropriate term to use for the Hebrew scriptures (“scripture” is a synonym used by both Jews and non-Jews) is Tanakh. This word is derived from the Hebrew letters of its three components… Torah… Prophets… Writings.”

9 The Meaning of the Bible Douglas A Knight, Amy-Jill Levine, 2011

10 Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking and Pieter W. van der Horst, 1995

11, Rev. Don Robinson

12 Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” And Darby’s Bible Translation “Hear, Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”

13 Isaiah 42:8 HCSB “I am Yahweh, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols.”

14 John 1:3 BSB “Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.”

15 Job 21:22, Psalm 139, Psalm 147:4, Luke 12:7

16 Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21

17 From the Greek κόσμος, kosmos “the total world” and -λογία, – logia “study of”

18 “Introduction: Cosmology – space”. New Scientist. 4 September 2006

19 Sola Scriptura is the doctrine that Scripture alone is the sole infallible rule of faith. See Preface.

20 Romans 10:17

21 Matthew 6:24c KJV “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” and Matthew 7:17 KJV “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.”

22 Proverbs 8:22-26 ESV “The LORD possessed me at the beginning  of his work, the first of His acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth, before he had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust of the world.”

23 Genesis 1:2 ESV And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

24 רָחַף (rachaph) – to relax, to soften, that flutters, moves gently. As a mother eagle would flutter over her young, see Deuteronomy 32:11. To be overcome with a state of softness, see Jeremiah 23:9.

25 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

──Biblical Cosmology by Pauly Hart
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EN English MONDAY MANNA 中國成語 以色列 以色列新聞 你累了嗎 保捷 信仰見證 出埃及記 利未記 創世記 劉國偉 原文解經 國度禾場KHM 天人之聲 天堂 奇妙的創造 妥拉 妥拉人生 家庭 市井心靈 張哈拿牧師 愛情 敬拜 智慧 梁永善牧師 歳首到年終 民數記 清晨妥拉 漫畫事件簿 為以色列代禱 琴與爐 申命記 真理 知識 研經課程 箴言 考門夫人 聖經 荒漠甘泉 見證 週一嗎哪 靈修 靈修文章