Monday, March 3, 2025

Vine Media



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在期待著新的一年即將開始之時,通常我們當中的許多人,都想要回顧和評估即將過去的一年。對你來說,2023 年是怎樣的一年呢?是充滿興奮、成功和成就的一年,還是充滿了挑戰和逆境的一年,或是兩者都有呢?




計劃要具有期待,但不帶著憂慮。在計劃時,我們有時會擔心「如果這事發生了怎麼辦」或是「如果那事沒發生又怎麼辦」。這樣的擔憂有時被稱為「過度分析造成的癱瘓」(paralysis of analysis),耶穌基督勸告祂的跟隨者,要信靠上帝的供應,而不要被憂慮耗盡。「所以我告訴你們,不要為生命憂慮吃什麼,喝什麼;為身體憂慮穿什麼。生命不勝於飲食嗎?身體不勝於衣裳嗎?你們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收,也不積蓄在倉裡,你們的天父尚且養活他。你們不比飛鳥貴重得多嗎?你們那一個能用思慮使壽數多加一刻呢(或作:使身量多加一肘呢)?」(馬太福音6章25-27節)

計劃要有正確的優先順序。在計劃的過程中,我們往往需要確定什麼是最重要的,並開始追求執行,且對於其他的一切具有正確的觀點。當我們相信上帝,會供應我們一切所需要的人員、資源與機會時 – 很重要的是,我們要把祂放在首位,倚靠祂來指引我們的脚步和决策。「你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。」(馬太福音6章33節)「你所做的,要交託耶和華,你所謀的,就必成立。」(箴言16章3節)

計劃要與他人商議而制定。當我們脫離現實而計劃,僅依賴自己的想法和見解時,我們可能會看不到我們的思維中存在的問題,也看不到我們可能面臨的潛在挑戰。可信任的屬靈顧問(Trusted Advisor)可以幫助我們改進想法,同時避免嚴重的判斷失誤。「不先商議,所謀無效;謀士眾多,所謀乃成。」(箴言15章22節)






  1. 你有花時間反思即將結束的這一年嗎?你得出了什麼結論呢?對你來說,有哪些精彩的時光和哪些低谷的時刻呢?你是否會傾向花太多時間回顧,特別是那些你希望能夠重新來過的事情呢?
  2. 你何時開始為下一個年度做計劃?你的計劃是否詳盡而全面?你是否有寫下具體的目標和計劃呢?請解釋你的答案。
  3. 在你制定未來計劃的過程中,你與上帝的關係扮演了什麼樣的角色(如果有的話)?你認為信仰和屬靈,是否應該在實際的計劃過程中成為決定的因素呢?請解釋你的答案。
  4. 你認為自己是一個擔憂者,對未知的未來會感到焦慮的人嗎?如果是,你應該如何應對?你會如何給那些經常感到害怕或擔憂的人,提供建議呢?


By  Robert J. Tamasy

As we anticipate the beginning of a new calendar year, it is typical for many of us to want to glance back and assess the year nearly past. How was 2023 for you? Was it a time of excitement, success, and achievement; a difficult year filled with challenges and adversity, or a mixture of both?

For years it has been my custom to reflect on the passing year, noting its highs and lows, the joyous moments and the times of sadness or discouragement. I find this a helpful opportunity for smiling again over happy events and accomplishments; remembering and learning from mistakes made; and saying one last goodbye to opportunities that were lost. Even those, put in perspective, can become reasons to “Rejoice always,” as 1 Thessalonians 5:16 urges us to do.

Gazing back on days past can be useful, but dwelling on them for too long can be counterproductive. As the apostle Paul wrote, “…one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:13-14). Paul did not have amnesia over his regretful past, but determined the best way to serve the Lord was to remain forward-looking in both mind and mission.

As we prepare for the new year, either hoping for a fresh start or the continuation of things that were going well, the Bible offers wisdom on how we can best proceed:

Plan with anticipation, but not with worry. In our planning, we sometimes fret over things like, ‘What if this happens?’ or, ‘What if that does not happen?’ Such worry can lead to what some call the “paralysis of analysis.” Jesus Christ admonished His followers to trust in God’s provision rather than becoming consumed by worry. “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?… Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6:25-27).

Plan with the right priorities. The planning process often involves determining what is most important and pursuing that, with everything else in proper perspective. As we trust God to provide for all we need – people, resources, opportunities – it is important to put Him foremost in our thinking, relying on Him to guide our steps and decision-making. “But seek first [God’s] kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed” (Proverbs 16:3).

Plan with the unexpected in mind. The problem with planning is circumstances do not always align with what we have planned. Doors of opportunities slam shut; others open unexpectedly. Trusting in the Lord’s sovereign direction helps to relieve stress. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Plan with the counsel of others. When we plan in a vacuum, relying only on our own ideas and insights, we can fail to see problems with our thinking or potential challenges we could confront. Trusted advisors can help us refine our ideas as well as avoid serious errors in judgment. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. Have you taken time to reflect on the year that is nearly ended? What conclusions have you made? What were the high points for you – and some of the lows? Do you tend to spend too much time looking back, especially at things you wish you had done differently?
  2. When do you start planning for the next calendar year? Is your planning elaborate and extensive? Do you write down specific goals and objectives? Explain your answers.
  3. What role – if any – does your relationship with God play in how you develop your plans for the future? Do you believe faith and spirituality should even play a part in the pragmatic process of planning? Why or why not?
  4. Do you consider yourself a worrier, someone who feels anxious in looking toward the unknown future? If so, how do you deal with it? How would you counsel someone else who often feels fearful or apprehensive?

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:
Psalm 37:3-7; Proverbs 11:14, 16:9, 19:20; Philippians 4:6-7; Colossians 3:17,23-24


Involving God in the planning process can seem daunting, especially if you haven’t done that before. It might be helpful to consider passages from the Bible that relate to planning, guidance, and decision-making. It is also helpful to have one or more individuals whom you trust to serve as sounding boards who will offer important feedback for plans you formulate. A Trusted Advisors group or Young Professionals who share your values could be especially useful. If you have a CBMC team in your area, it could assist you in joining such a group.



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