Friday, March 14, 2025

Vine Media



By Rick Boxx











本文版權為正直資源中心(Integrity Resource Center, Inc.)所有。本文獲得授權改編自「瑞克.博克思的正直時刻 Integrity Moments with Rich Boxx」。這系列的文章是以一個基督徒的觀點評論職場的正直議題。

當你發現有人的工作表現無法被接受,且低於他平常的水準,要你去糾正或責備那人,會是很容易或很困難的事? 將上一題的角色互換,當別人覺得你的工作沒有達到他們期待的標準,需要改進,你是否能虛心接受責備? 你是否同意,對於別人的錯誤閉口不提,會造成他的失敗?請解釋。 你是否曾經因為糾正過某人的工作品質,反而使你們的關係更好?若是,你當時是如何處理的?註:若你有聖經且想要讀更多有關此主題的經文,請參考以下經節:箴言13章1節,17章10節,27章5-6節;以弗所書4章29-32節;提摩太後書3章16-17節;雅各書3章9-11節

By Rick Boxx

Have you ever thought about the importance of constructive criticism, or a timely rebuke? Several years ago, a printer we had been using for some time delivered a project to my office that was intended to represent our organization visually to thousands of people. Upon reviewing the work, however, the colors failed to match what we had requested. They were not even close to our instructions.

My tendency is to lean toward being a people-pleaser, so I struggled concerning what I should to do. “I don”t want to sound like a complainer,” I reasoned. “Maybe the colors are not that far off, and we can overlook the fact they are not an exact match.” My assistant at the time, however, did not share my struggle with being unwilling to hurt someone”s feelings. She knew what needed to be done.

"We can’t send this out looking like this," she asserted. "They will have to do the job again."

My assistant was right, of course. We had painstakingly chosen the colors for representing our organization and had accurately specified what we needed. And we were not doing the printer any favors by accepting substandard work. Rather than being concerned about offending the printing company, it was important for them to know when their services were not meeting expectations. Otherwise, how could they realize the need for taking corrective measures to ensure the quality of future work?

Rather than taking offense, the printer appreciated being informed of the error and was quick to respond. The next day we received our project – it had been redone, looking much better. I was glad my assistant had the determination to hold the company, and me, accountable.

Looking back on this situation, I realize I had forgotten some important biblical principles that apply to the value of providing correction when needed, whether for a vendor, an employee or even a customer:

The gift of a rebuke. Telling someone, whether a fellow staff member, friend or supplier, that their work is not acceptable can be an act of kindness if done in the right spirit, intended not to demean but to help them in doing better in the future. “Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man”s rebuke to a listening ear” (Proverbs 25:12).

The obligation of a rebuke. If you find someone performing substandard work and fail to bring it to their attention, in effect you are participating in, even condoning their failure. "Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt" (Leviticus 19:17).

The benefit of a rebuke. Many times it may seem hard to offer words of correction and rebuke, but if these help the individuals become more effective and productive in their work, the end result might be gratitude for our willingness to provide the constructive criticism. “He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue” (Proverbs 28:23).

Rebuking a vendor in love – caring enough about that person, or company, to make them aware of falling short of your expectations – can result in affirming your own commitment to excellence, as well as theirs.

Copyright 2015, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from "Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx," a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
How easy – or difficult – is it for you to correct or rebuke someone else when you find them performing work that is unacceptable and below their capabilities? Turning the question around, how readily do you receive the rebuke of others when they feel your work does not meet expected standards and needs improvement? Do you agree with the idea that to withhold necessary correction amounts to being a contributor in the other person”s failure? Explain your answer. Have you ever confronted someone concerning the quality of their work and later discovered that experience had contributed to strengthening your relationship? If so, how did you approach the situation?NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about this subject, consider the following passages: Proverbs 13:1, 17:10, 27:5-6; Ephesians 4:29-32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 3:9-11