Sunday, January 5, 2025

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我如何處理失敗? 當事情不順利,我是否會發脾氣? 當事情不順利,我是否會失望? 當事情不順利,我是否會開始抱怨? 我是否會把已做到一半的事做完? 我的堅忍度如何?




偉大的人只是尋常的人,但他們有超乎尋常的決心。偉大的人不知道如何放棄 -- 而且拒絕向沮喪屈服

思想 / 討論題目

你或你的親友是否現在正面對沮喪的環境?是什麼樣的情況造成你的沮喪? 本文作者說沮喪有時會讓我們逃避現況,甚至向環境妥協,去做錯誤的事。你是否曾經歷那樣的情況?請解釋。 你認為堅忍可以克服沮喪嗎? 當你抗拒沮喪,且繼續邁向你的目標,「一點一點地,你的生命就變成上帝恩典的作品」。你對這句話有何看法?



By: Rick Warren

Last month I wrote about a topic that affects us all at one time or another: Discouragement. This month I would like to revisit that topic, but from a slightly different angle.

There are many things that work to discourage us, to prevent us from completing our life-missions. Over the years, I have often wondered whether our worst enemy is procrastination or discouragement. If Satan cannot get us to postpone the pursuit of our life missions, then he will try to get us to abandon them altogether.

In the Bible, the apostle Paul offers these words of counsel when we confront discouragement: “So don”t get tired of doing what is good. Don”t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time” (Galatians 6:9, New Living Translation)

Do you ever get tired of doing what is right? I think we all do. Sometimes it seems easier to do the wrong thing than the right thing. When we are discouraged, we become ineffective. When we feel discouraged, we often find ourselves working against our own faith.

When I am discouraged, I find myself saying, “It can”t be done.” That”s the exact opposite of declaring, “I know God can do it because He said ….

Ask yourself these questions:

How do I handle failure? When things do not go my way, do I get grumpy or short-tempered? When things do not go my way, do I become frustrated? When things do not go my way, do I start complaining? Do I finish what I start? How would I rate myself on persistence – or perseverance?

Let me offer you some advice: If you are feeling discouraged, don”t give up without a fight. Nothing worthwhile ever happens without endurance and energy.

When an artist starts to create a sculpture, he has to keep chipping away. He does not hit the chisel with the hammer only once to suddenly see all the excess stone falling away to reveal a beautiful masterpiece. He keeps hitting it the stone and hitting it, chipping away at everything that does not fit his image of the sculpture.

And that is true of life, too: Nothing really worthwhile ever comes easily in life. You keep striking at your goal and going after it, and little by little, your life becomes a masterpiece of God”s grace, as Ephesians 2:10 assures us: “For we are God”s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

The fact is that great people are really just ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination. Great people do not know how to quit – and refuse to yield to discouragement.

Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, the author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages and sold throughout the world. It affirms the importance of having a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. He also has written a number of other books, including The Purpose of Christmas.

Reflection/Discussion Questions

Are you or someone close to you facing any discouraging circumstances right now? What about that situation is causing the most discouragement? Dr. Warren suggests that discouragement can sometimes cause us to do anything to escape the circumstances, even compromising our convictions by doing the wrong thing. Has that ever been true for you? Explain your answer. How do you think endurance and perseverance can help in overcoming discouragement? What is your reaction to the statement that as you resist discouragement and press on toward your chosen goals, “little by little, your life becomes a masterpiece of God”s grace”?

NOTE: If you have a Bible, consider these other passages that deal with this topic: Matthew 6:25-34, 11:28-30; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Philippians 3:12-14; Hebrews 10:24-25