Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Vine Media



By Robert J. Tamasy








惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了」(羅馬書5章8節)。 神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生」(約翰福音3章16節)。 若基督沒有復活,我們所傳的便是枉然,你們所信的也是枉然…但基督已經從死裡復活…在基督裡眾人也都要復活」(哥林多前書15章14-22節)。對工商專業界以及其他各個領域的人而言,這真的是好消息!

勞勃.泰默西是領袖資產協會的交通部副部長,這是一個總部在美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大的非營利組織。他也是一個有38年經驗的退休新聞工作者。他寫過一本書「最佳狀態的商業:箴言給今日職場的歷久彌新智慧」(Business At Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today”s Workplace)。他也與David A. Stoddard合著一本書「導師之心:啟發人們將其潛能發揮到極至的10個原則」(The Heart of Mentoring: 10 Proven Principles for Developing People to Their Fullest Potential)。要了解更多資訊, 可上網www.leaderslegacy.com 或上他的部落格www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com 。
思想 / 討論題目
你是否曾在一家公司或機構工作,而那公司或機構的人都圍繞在一位堅強、有魅力的領袖身邊,因為那領袖常常鼓舞、激勵、啟發他的跟隨者?那是一個怎樣的經驗? 當這樣一位有能力的領袖(異象的守護者)離開,不論是因為死亡、退休、去另一家新的公司、或因為個人的失敗而離開,一般會發生什麼事? 從你的觀點,耶穌基督的生活、受死、復活帶來的長久影響顯示出祂的什麼信息?祂的生命與教導如何影響你的生命?請解釋。 你會如何描述受難節與復活節對你個人的重要性?而且這對你身為工商專業人士有什麼意義?註:若你有聖經且想要看有關此主題的其他經文,請看:


By Robert J. Tamasy

Imagine being a member of the executive leadership team for a cutting-edge, innovative company developing revolutionary new technology with the potential to change millions of lives. The organization”s CEO is a magnetic, visionary individual whose infectious energy has everyone primed for an incredibly productive future.

As part of the research and development strategy, the CEO travels to a Third World nation. This technology, he has emphasized, must have universal applications, regardless of cultural differences. His tests completed, the CEO”s return flight is moments from takeoff when an earthquake strikes the tiny nation. A huge fissure opens on the runway, hurtling the accelerating plane wildly into the air before it crashes. No passengers survive.

The earthquake has disrupted communications from the nation, but small bits of news filter out. The company”s other executives are grieved and panic-stricken upon hearing reports that all aboard their leader”s flight had died. Without him their mission seems suddenly aborted, hopes dashed. The huge global need remains, but the CEO had been the keeper of the vision, the one to lead the charge into the future. Now he is gone.

Two days after the crash, however, communication from the island nation to the outside world is restored. Within hours they learn the CEO, unexpectedly detained, was not on the flight after all. He is alive and well.

An event similar to this occurred actually more than 2,000 years ago in a region of the world we are all familiar with: the Middle East. A humble leader named Jesus had attracted a considerable following. Enthusiasm was high; his followers had great expectations about what they could accomplish under his leadership.

Suddenly those dreams were shattered on a hill called Golgotha near Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified on a crude wooden cross, as religious leaders of that day shouted hearty approval. His followers – his disciples – scattered, overcome by despair and confusion. The cause, they believed, was lost.

That was a Friday. The following Sunday morning, however, dawned with startling news: The tomb that held the body of Jesus was empty. Witnesses had seen and spoken with him. Alive? How could it be? In the coming days, Jesus appeared to each of his loyal followers. He had risen from the grave; the mission he had initiated was rekindled. In fact, today – more than 20 centuries later – the cause of Christ advances stronger than ever.

Today, what began with a small handful of disciples has grown into a worldwide movement, countless millions of people continuing to carry the banner of Jesus Christ and His timeless, life-changing message. This week, on April 22, followers of Jesus all around the globe will observe Good Friday, commemorating His death, and on Easter, April 24, they will celebrate His resurrection. Consider just a few observations from the Bible:
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith…. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead…so in Christ all will be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:14-22).This is truly good news, for the business and professional world as well as for every other area of life!

Robert J. Tamasy is vice president of communications for Leaders Legacy, Inc., a non-profit corporation based in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. A veteran journalist for 40 years, he is the author of Tufting Legacies; Business At Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today”s Workplace (River City Press); and has coauthored with David A. Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring (NavPress). For more information, see www.leaderslegacy.com or his blog, www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
Have you ever worked for a company or served in an organization that revolved around a strong, charismatic leader that constantly inspired his or her followers? What was that experience like? What typically happens when such a powerful leader – the “keeper of the vision” – departs, whether through death, retirement, moving to a new company, or even due to personal failure? What, in your view, does the enduring impact of Jesus Christ”s life, death and resurrection reveal about His message? How have His life and teaching touched your own life – if at all? Please explain your answer. How would you describe the significance of Good Friday and Easter for you personally? What, if anything, has it meant for you as a business or professional person?NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to review additional passages that relate to this topic, consider the following verses: Matthew 27:32-28:20; John 19:16-20:31; Galatians 2:20; 2Peter 1:3-9; John 1:1-4