#5──《智者的啟示》6-10──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 6-10
再次,我們父親亞當,我們偉大家族的開端,以「隱藏的神秘寶藏」洞穴中的書中的每個字和他的兒子賽特說話,他的兒子賽特是在亞伯死後擁有的兒子,他的兄弟該隱殺死了亞伯,他父親亞當為亞伯哀悼。亞當指示他的兒子賽特[關於星星的光芒的啟示],以及關於星星的榮耀,因為當星星降臨並停在伊甸園中時,他在伊甸園的生命樹上[看見]了星星 ; 它照亮了整個(伊甸園),然後亞當違背了天父的命令。當他違背天父為他命定的誡命時,星光的榮光就被從他身上奪走,並且伊甸園(也被從他身上奪走了),因為他被逐出樂園。我們父親亞當為自己的愚昧而哀悼,這使他不再自高自大而謙卑。他強烈警告他的兒子賽特(Seth),並教導他以公義行事,使他可以在威嚴的天父面前蒙憐憫。
「這些將來自我的家人和我的孩子們的榮耀,是因祂所賜下的極大奧秘。他們會發現祂極大的憐憫,並會祈禱,求問,而祂聽到了。但在那一代人的末期,他們將再次[叛逆],他們將不會害怕我的愚蠢和我的判斷力。相反,他們要硬著頸項,要對天上的威嚴說很多褻瀆的話,還會畫偶像和雕刻的畫像,甚至侍奉日月,他們會說褻瀆的話。奸詐的欺騙者的詭計中包括了所有這些東西,因為他將把欺詐和充滿毒藥的欺騙奉獻給在我後面的每一代人。牠將 [彰顯]並使他們渴望得到大筆財富、虛榮、衣服、財產、淫穢、自誇、不公、貪婪和各種財產。牠會像愛人或朋友一樣出現在他們面前,吸引他們。進而用狂歡、醉酒、不純淨和污穢的宴席,這是對[牠的]空虛的幻象的幻覺,進而由於擁有各種雜物,牠將以欺詐的感情來抓住他們,這不是良善的,就像夏娃對我一樣。
「牠用牠的欺騙性話語使我誤入歧途,就像一個無辜的人關心我的福利:「看,我向你保證,一些適合你的東西,(即)當你從樹上吃掉被命令不要吃的果子的時候,你會變得像你的上帝」。我的仁慈主人,我真是愚蠢,我沒有珍惜我的上帝賦予我的榮光,牠的欺詐性諾言根本就是無法實現的,陶土不能像匠人一樣,僕人也不能像他的主人一樣。但是我知道我善良的主人賜下的極大憐憫,這在幾天後祂告訴我的時候讓我曉得。最後,當我消失的時候,祂將我復活,祂拯救我免受破壞,並使我從塵土中復活。自從我因撒旦的欺騙而墮落以來,我的敵人就因此感到歡欣鼓舞。我那善良的救世主和仁慈的主人要以憐憫維持我,因祂憐憫我,祂情願 [降落]到黑暗中,祂將像以前一樣,借著祂的光使我堅固,照亮我的眼睛。祂吹氣進入我的鼻孔,我活了下來。但是你,我的兒子,以及你之後的子孫後代,一定使我的創造者和我的救世主感到高興,你能夠在祂面前蒙憐憫。因為祂的恩典,祂不記算我自己的罪。因為如果祂按我的愚昧要了我的命,地就不會結出果實,祂也不會接受你兄弟亞伯的奉獻,也不會從殺死他的兄弟手中為他的血索取報應。因為他不會忽略任何愛他並在他面前行正義的人。即使是對冒犯祂的人,祂也給予悔改的機會,並且如果他們悔改並向祂尋求幫助,祂也很仁慈,因為祂對世界的憐憫是巨大的。」
Again, from the books that were in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries: every word that our father Adam, the beginning of our great lineage, spoke with his son Seth, whom he had after the death of Abel, whom his brother Cain killed and over whom his father Adam mourned. And Adam instructed Seth his son about [text missing], and [and about the revelation] of the light of the star and about its glory, because he [saw] it in the Garden of Eden when it descended and came to rest over the Tree of Life; and it illuminated the entire (garden) before Adam transgressed against the commandment of the Father of heavenly majesty. And when he transgressed against the commandment that (the Father) or ordained for him, the sight of the star was taking away from him, and (it was also taken away from him) because of his expulsion from Paradise. And Adam our father mourned over (his) foolishness, that he was humbled from his greatness. And he strongly warned his son Seth, and he taught him to walk in righteousness so that he might find mercy before the Father of majesty.
And he said to him: “My son, there will be generations and ages from me and from my offspring, and they will be recounting my foolishness and speaking figuratively with figures of speech to one another.
They are fulfilled about me, and they will say: “Every kingdom that will be divided against itself shall not stand. This is fulfilled about me, because I doubted about my kingdom in which I stood, and I, by my hands, destroyed it myself. My son, the rib that was removed from me became a thorn, and it blinded my eye. I even prophesied when I saw her, and I said: “This time is bone and flesh from me. And rightly did I call her ‘time,’ because she became a stumbling block for me. My son, guard from her the words of your mouth and do not reveal to her all the mysteries of your heart. For my compassionate master made her a helper for me, for honor and glory, because he loved me like a beloved son. And I made her an injury for me and a destroyer of my footprints so that she cast me out of Paradise, my kingdom. And I did not understand my honor, but I was puffed up in my heart by the advice of treachery that she gave to me, a cup of sound filled with poison by the lie of the serpent.
“And I did not understand my priority when I did not (yet) exist, and when I did exist, in what sort of honor I was, nor my authority over the entire world, nor my love among the holy watchers, nor my entire life inside Paradise, nor, more than everything, the mercy and kindness of my holy master who loved me and was merciful to me like a kind father. And when I transgressed against his commandment in my boldness, he did not judge me as a Lord who holds a grudge, but as a kind father whose mercy is mixed with discipline. For if he had judged me according to my foolishness, he would have destroyed me a s vanity and made me as if I never existed. And who would stand p against him and say: “What are you doing?” But he disciplined me with mercy and did not judge me according to my foolishness, since, behold, my son, I saw the entire creation, which is under my authority as before. And my deceived, the Evil One, wanted to humiliate me with his fraud and be liberated from under my authority. On the contrary, my kind master, in his mercy, put him under my feet that I would trample him, having put fear upon me so that I would not obey his advice again. And like a judge (in) his justice, he shut his lying mouth and filled it with dust, and he tore off his feet so that he could not walk upon them, (and) he separated him from every animal created like him. And all these things happened to me, my son, and I was brought low from my majesty. The cause of all these evil things, Eve your mother, was a stumbling block for me. But you, my son, guard yourself from her advice and do not obey her as I (did,) but love and honor the Lord of life, my kind master, and he will save you and have mercy upon you.
For these will be from my family and my children glorious and honorable people, (the reciters) of the mysteries of the majesty. And they will find great mercy and will pray, ask, and he heard. And [text missing] of the majesty, but at the end times of that generation they will again be [rebelling,] and they will not be afraid of my foolishness and of the judgment that I have. Instead, they shall be headstrong and shall speak blasphemy unto the heavenly majesty. And they will say many things, and shall also make painted idols and graven images, and shall even serve the sun and the moon, and they shall speak words of blasphemy. And all these things that are among them from the deceits of my treacherous deceiver, because he will offer the love of his fraud and his deceit filled with poison to each of the generations that will be after me. And he will [show] and make them desire the empty praise of great riches, pride, clothes, property, fornication, boastfulness, injustice, greed, and various possessions. And he will appear to them like a lover or a friend and entice them. And again, with reveling, drunkenness, impure and defiled feasts, which are an illusion [of his] empty [apparitions,] and again, with possessions of assorted excesses, he will take hold of them with fraudulent affection, which is not virtuous, just as also to me through Eve.
He led me astray by his fraudulent word like an innocent person concerned for my welfare: ‘See, I promise you something right and suitable for you, (namely) that, when you have eaten from the tree, from which you were commanded not to eat, you will become like your God, my merciful master. I, wretch (that I was), did not understand my honor, that his fraudulent promise could not come true, nor could the clay be like its potter, nor the servant like his master. But I know the great mercy of the majesty of my kind master, which is to be revealed for me at the end of days. And at the end he will save me from destruction and raise me from the dust as he raised me up when I did not exist. And my enemy rejoiced and exulted over me since I had fallen by his deceit. My kind savior and merciful master is going to sustain me and have pity upon me with his mercy, and [descending] to the darkness, he will strengthen me by his light and illuminate my eyes as he did before, (when) he breathed the spirit into my nostrils and I lived. But you my son, and your generations after you, it has pleased my maker and my savior that you should find mercy before him; for he does not reckon against you my own sins because of his kindness.
For if he had requited me according to my foolishness, I would not have begotten forth fruits, nor would he have accepted the offering from your brother Abel, nor would he have exacted retribution for his blood from the hands of his brother who killed him. For he does not neglect his great mercy anyone who loves him and walks in justice before him. Even to those who offend him, he gives opportunity for repentance, and is gracious to them if they repent and seek (it) from him, because his mercy upon his world is great. And Seth heard everything that his father Adam commanded him, commandments more numerous than these, and wrote them down with diligence, and we found them in the books that were placed in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries. He also commanded and added to them. And Seth purified his heart so that he would not obey the deceitful Evil One, and he praised and called upon the name of the Father of heavenly majesty. And Seth also commanded these mysteries to his sons. And we were reading (them) every month that we went up the mountain, and with love we entered the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries. And we also learned them and taught our sons and families.
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