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重尋神得意的傑作 Redeeming God’s Masterpiece |【Live Before you Die 8】「好好活一生」系列 | 07.03.2021 | 國度禾場事工 KHM

《好好活一生》: 重尋神得意的傑作
Live Before You Die (7)- Redeeming God’s Masterpiece ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

1. 創世記 1: 26-31
2. 創世記 2:18-25
3. 創世記 3: 12-21

禱讀經文: 詩篇139篇

1. 在你成長中,你對女性之價值和角色,今天有那方面需作出調整?
2. 可以分享一下你對男女之間的配搭有何體會或挑戰嗎?包括家庭和工作…等方面。

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2. Subtitle team If you would like to help with the subtitles and translations (Chinese and English), welcome to contact us so that many others would be blessed and encouraged.

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Credit : For Such a Time as This (Esther’s Song) LIVE | Marty Goetz & Misha at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Words & Music by Marty Goetz & Misha © Singin’ in the Reign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qruIaz5vDqE