Friday, October 18, 2024

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幾年前Charles Garfield博士做了一個劃時代性的研究-成就卓越者的研究,那些被他認定是成就卓越者的人,都是在他們的領域被肯定的成功人士。Garfield博士發現,跟一般人所想的不同,這些成就卓越者都是過著合理平衡生活的人,而非專心一意的工作狂。


比起五年前的我,在心智方面我是否更敏銳?如果是,理由為何?如果不是,我是否會做些事來改善它? 我是否常抱怨疲勞或身體不適?如果是,我做了什麼計劃來改變它? 我是否發展我的靈性生活? 為了要更多了解神對我生命目標的旨意,我做了什麼努力? 我是否經營有意義的人際關係,在其中付出支持也獲得支持?有誰能將我當成真心的朋友依靠我?
關於本文作者談到的智慧、身體、心靈以及人際關係四方面的成長和日常生活的行為,你會給自己打幾分?你的生活中是否有一個或是多個問題,顯示出你的生活失衡了? 如果有,你想你會如何改善?
箴言21章17節,22章3節,23章19 – 21節,24章30-34節;傳道書3章1-8節;路加福音12章:27-34節;提前4章:8節

By: Rick Warren

The Law of Balance is built into our universe. For things to function properly there must be equilibrium. For example:
The Earth does not vibrate when it rotates because it remains balanced on its axis. And we neither freeze to death nor burn up because we are just the right distance from the sun. Nature exists in balanced ecosystems. God has built checks and balances into nature that keep the so-called “food chain” of animals and plants in the necessary order. In architecture, the various points of stress on a building must be balanced or it will collapse. The human body works best when our systems are balanced. Imbalance is call illness. The restoring of balance is called healing.One of the most common problems I see in the workplace is that of people living imbalanced lives. This is a disease with many symptoms, but the same root cause. You can become imbalanced with anything – too much or not enough working, eating, sleeping, playing, television, Internet, sex, etc.

The fact is many business people tend to pay more attention to their public lives and neglect the private dimension of their lives. Similar to poor photographs, they are overexposed and underdeveloped.

The results of imbalance are always the same: frustration and fatigue. Like out of balance tires, you wear out quickly. Imbalance unchecked eventually leads to burnout.

A number of years ago, Dr. Charles Garfield conducted a landmark study on "Peak Performers” – those individuals he identified that were acknowledged leaders in their respective fields. One of the common traits of peak performers, he reported, contrary to popular myth, was they were not single-minded workaholics, but instead, reasonably balanced individuals.

The most balanced person who ever lived was Jesus Christ. The Bible says he "grew intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially" (Luke 2:52).

How would you rate yourself in these four categories of growth and everyday behavior? Is there balance in your life, or have you neglected one or more of these key areas? Let me urge you to do a personal check-up this week. Ask yourself these questions:
Am I mentally sharper than I was five years ago? Why or why not? If not, will I do anything about it? Am I frequently complaining of fatigue or poor health? If so, what is my plan to change? Am I developing the spiritual side of my life? What am I doing to better understand God and his purpose for my life? Am I cultivating meaningful relationships where support is both given and received? Who can depend upon me as a genuine friend?Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, the author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages and sold throughout the world. It affirms the importance of having a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. It has been named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th Century. He also has written The Purpose of Christmas.

Reflection/Discussion Questions
Do you consider your life to be fairly well balanced? Explain your answer.
What examples come to your mind of individuals you have encountered in the workplace that are clearly out of balance, whether in their work, eating or sleeping habits, pursuit of special interests or hobbies, even the use of modern technology?
How did you rate yourself on Dr. Warren”s questions regarding the four categories of growth and everyday behavior? Is there a question – or more than one – that reveals significant imbalance in your life? If so, what do you think you should do about it?
Someone once commented, “The only person I ever saw in perfect balance was the one who was moving from one extreme to the other.” What is your reaction to such a statement – is “balance” in life an ever-moving target?
NOTE: If you have a Bible, consider these other passages that relate to this topic:
Proverbs 21:17, 22:3, 23:19-21, 24:30-34; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Luke 12:27-34; 1 Timothy 4:8