Saturday, December 21, 2024

Vine Media


#9──《智者的啟示》26-29──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 26-29






 我們以他的榮光為標誌走遍了所有(我們的階段),直到到達我們國家的邊界,我們所有的家人、孩子和我們這片土地上的許多人出來與迎接我們。 當他們聽到我們回來了的時候,他們非常高興地遇到了我們,並接待了我們,感到欣喜和榮耀。 他們驚歎於我們的外表和我們整個營地的健康。


 他對我們講話並教導說:「看哪,他們的所有奧秘、預言、形式和啟示都應驗了,從古時的先知到今天,乃至全世界,關於我的一切事情都應驗了。從現在起,讓差遣我的父關於祂差遣我要實現的一切事情的意願都在我體內得以實現。」我們還向他敬獻了我們從「寶藏洞」中獲取的禮物,這些禮物是我們父親在他的遺物中存放的。我們敬拜他,作為受人敬拜的主,他張開燦爛而榮耀的口,並在我們有能力也足夠聽到的時候與我們講述 [ 救恩 ],這樣他就在我們裡面植入了救恩的道理。我們談到了救贖的地方,談到了救世主的天國,萬神之父,萬國之主,差遣他來醫治世界,治癒他們的疾病,因為他們甚至無法醫治任何一個古代先知,但只能通過完美憐憫之子的意志。他釋放了我們,他和平地來到我們的土地,當我們進入第一階段時,全程歡欣鼓舞,我們再次看到了我們所看到的一切形式的嚮導和大光。

我們顫抖著,非常害怕,崇拜並榮耀了伴隨我們紮營的他的威嚴。而且,我們的補給充斥著我們的船隻,從他的祝福中溢出,甚至比我們出發時隨身攜帶的還要多。瞧,它們正呈現在你眼前,由於他的祝福的力量,我們的船從它們溢流而下,它們落在我們身上,這樣就可以證明它們對你來說是真實的,你可能會相信一切 — 我們所看到的異象和奇觀 –– 並且你也可能被認為值得成為他的信徒並為他所揀選的信徒。他的強大力量和啟示確實會與你同在,因為他對我們說話時,他也確實在這裡 [ 與我們在一起 ],我們相信他的光芒不會從我們的營地中消失。的確,他再次出現在全世界,因為他的光是他完美的愛所帶來的全部滿足和全部啟示。他是我們的希望,毫無疑問地,你們要全心全意和真誠地接受他,並且凡是從我們帶回的這些補給中吃東西的人都被認為是值得的,也將加入他的祝福行列中,祝福伴隨著我們,並永遠伴隨著我們。


有些人因熱戀而欣喜,接受了這些食物並吃了。 他們開始歡喜並躍躍欲試,同時讚美祂並向他們說出一切。 其中一個人說:「當我吃完這些食物時,我看到了世界上沒有任何相似之處的偉大亮光。」








 And when we came to the first (stage), again the sign of light appeared to us in front of us, and we rejoiced and exulted greatly, and we knelt and worshiped upon the ground before it. And we glorified the vision, and we answered in our voice as one and said to it: “We worship and give thanks for your kindness and your light, which accompanies [our] encampment everywhere.” And he answered and said to us: “I am everywhere, and there is no land in which I am not. I am also where you departed from me, for I am greater than the sun, and there is no place in the world that is deprived of it, even though it is a single entity; yet if it departs from the world, all its inhabitants sit in darkness. How much more I, who am the Lord of the sun, and my light and word are more abundant [by many times] than the sun.” And we answered and said before him: “O our light and our savior, we know all these things, and they are true for us. And we believer that all these wonders that we saw with all your believers are, for you majesty, small things. But for us they are powerful, and no mouth can speak of them or acknowledge any of them.” And when the time of supper came, we brought out some of our provisions to refresh ourselves, and we saw that our provisions were replenished beyond those provisions that came out of our country with us when we came. And then, again, we were all the more afraid, glorifying the majesty that was with us, which did not hold back from our weakness. And when we ate our supper from the food in passing the night, each of us spoke joy and praise. As with a fountain that spouts forth much water, so the visions and wonders did not resemble each other. And we spoke to and glorified our guide, and our leader, and the light of our encampment, and the many forms, and his glorious vestments, and his beautiful images, and his perfect likenesses, which were with us.


 And we journeyed on all (our stages) with his glorious signs until we came to our borders, and all our families, children, and a multitude of the people of our land came out to meet us. And when they heard that we had come, they met us with great joy and received us, rejoicing, and exulting, and glorifying. And they marveled at our appearance and the health of our entire encampment.

And when we went to them, they assembled and came before us. And we began to speak and narrate for them about how our ascent took place, and about the astounding visions that accompanied us, and about our entrance into Jerusalem, and about everything that was spoken with us, and about our journeying to Bethlehem, and about the glorious visions and revelations of the Father of heavenly majesty, which appeared to us in the cave: a great light and wondrous appearances in the bodily form of a humble human being, and about his light of the star, which went before us as a glorious guide. And when, again, we entered and saw before us the unspeakable glory, and we fell and worshiped the divine child of great light, two angels were standing by and a pillar of cloud was standing by, like all the visions that we saw previously on the Mountain of Victories in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries, which is in our land. Also, in that cave everything was accomplished in truth, even about the forms and vestments of the glorious and divine child who appeared to us in the cave of Bethlehem.

And he spoke to us and taught, “Behold, all they mysteries, and parables, and forms, and revelations are fulfilled, and everything that has been spoken about me by the prophets and in the whole world from the first day until today. From now on let the will of he who sent me be accomplished in me regarding everything that he sent me to fulfill. And we offered him gifts that we took from the Cave of Treasures, which were deposited by our fathers from his own. And we worshiped him, the lord of worship, and he opened his splendid and glorious mouth and spoke [salvation] with us as we were able and sufficient to hear it, and in this way he planted the word of salvation in us. And we spoke and revealed to us concerning the place of salvation and concerning the heavenly kingdom of the Father of majesty, the Lord of all, who sent him for the healing of the worlds, to cure their sickness, because they could not be healed by one of the ancient prophets, but only through the will of the Son of perfect mercy. And he dismissed us to come to our land in peace, and when we came to the first stage, rejoicing and exulting the entire way, again we found our guide and our light with all the forms that we saw before us.

 And we trembled and were greatly afraid, worshipping and glorifying his majesty, which accompanied our encampment. And also, our provisions were filling our vessels, overflowing from his blessings, and were even more than the provisions that we had taken with us when we set out to go. And behold, they are sitting filled before your eyes, our vessels overflowing from them, because of the power of his blessings, which settled upon us, and so that they might be proved true for you and you might believe everything – the visions and wonders that we saw – and that you also might be deemed worthy to become believers and chosen ones for him. And his great power and his revelations will indeed stay with you, because he is also here [with us] in truth, as he spoke to us, and we believe that his light is not removed from our encampment. Indeed, again, he is in the entire world, for he is the light that is all-sufficient and all-enlightening by his perfect love. Everyone who wishes, receive without doubt, with a whole heart and true faith, and eat from these provisions, which have come with us. And be deemed worthy, and you, too, join in his blessing, which accompanies us and is with us forever.


 And some of the people, rejoicing in love, took of those provisions and ate. And they began rejoicing and leaping for joy, while glorifying and saying to each other everything that appeared to them. There was one of them saying, “At the moment I ate of these provisions, I saw a great light that has no likeness in the world.”

 And there is one saying, “I saw God bearing himself in the world as he wished.” And there is one saying, “I saw a star of light that darkened the sun by its light.” And there is one saying, “I saw a human being whose appearance is more unsightly than a man, and he is saving and purifying the world by his blood and by his humble appearance.” And there is one saying, “I saw something like a lamb hanging upon a tree of life, and by him and his blood redemption takes place for all the creatures of the world.” And there is one saying , “I saw a pillar of light diving down inside the bowels of the earth, and the dead rise to meet it, and they worship and glorify it with great joy.” And those who ate from those provisions were speaking to each other many other things beyond these, and their minds brought forth much glory day by day. And there was great joy in the entire land of the East, and the nobles and the poor, and women, and children from the entire land were gathered together in the love of our Lord before those nobles who were called Magi. And they came and heard from them the new and glorious teaching, and the mysteries, and the revelations, and everything that was spoken with them from that first day that they went out from their land until they came back in joy. And again, day by day, revelations, and visions, and all kinds of powerful manifestations were increased for them. And the faith increased with the love of the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the mighty works which he did through them, that offspring of light who appeared to them until he accomplished the will of the one who sent him in everything and was taken up with glory to that heavenly height, his first abode. And the faith of salvation increased in the land of the East in those who heard.


 When, again, Judas Thomas went down there by the will of our Lord when he sent him, again the faith increased all the more in those who heard, through the many mighty works and signs that Judas Thomas, the apostle of our Lord, was doing there. And when the nobles had heard that Judas had gone there, as the light that appeared to them had said, they gathered together and went to him to meet with him in prayer and faith. And they saluted Judas with complete love, rejoicing in our Lord. And Judas also greatly rejoiced with them, and while they were with him for (several) days, they related to Judas how they were deemed worthy to receive from the first day this gift of the light of the world, and about their ascent to him at Bethlehem and everything that was spoken with the, and about the revelations and visions that they saw there in the cave, and about their descent, how he, in his light, accompanied their entire encampment with my visions and revelations. And when Judas the Apostle recognized that the gift of our Lord has overflowed upon them, he also related to them about our savior while all the brethren were gathered together as one, and about the mighty works, and healings, and wonders, which he did in the very sight of his apostles, and about the forms of his images, and about his astounding appearances, about which we are not able to narrate, since he was always appearing to us so that we were amazed by him, and we stood in the outpouring and in the doubt of mind, since no one had ever appeared in such a way in the days of the world. And when all the brethren heard what Judas related to them, they all glorified with one voice the Lord of heavenly majesty through his Son, the will of perfect salvation. And they sought from Judas, the apostle of our Lord, to make them partakers with him in the seal of our Lord. And Judas said, “My brothers, I also rejoice, because it is for this gift that I was sent in salvation, since everyone who believes in salvation and with love receives the seal of my Lord Jesus Christ in truth, the Enemy does not rule over.”

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