Saturday, March 29, 2025

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#7──《智者的啟示》16-20──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 16-20




塞塞塔(喬凡尼·斯特凡諾)(Stefano di Giovanni)(約 1400-1450 年),《智者的旅程》,約 1435 年。 蛋彩畫和金在木頭上,8½x 11¾ 英吋(21.6 x 29.8 厘米)。 梅特蘭·格裡格斯(Maitland F. Griggs),1943 年(43.98.1)。 紐約大都會藝術博物館 / 藝術資源



當我們到達耶路撒冷地區時,正值鮮花盛開的那個月,我們的好使者帶領我們進入耶路撒冷。 貴族和統治者感到不安和困擾,他們問我們:「由於什麼原因來到這裡? 也許是因為您的占星術的奧秘?」因為他們看到我們仰望天空,敬拜引領我們的星,並向我們的嚮導祈禱,因為他們不瞭解我們的奧秘,他們認為我們是占星家。

我們對他們說:「在我們祖先的指示下,我們在自己的土地上看到了天上威嚴的王、救世主、施捨者和救主為世人而死的標誌。 全世界的人都因祂重生, 我們之所以能夠如此,是因為我們在一個披著血肉身體的人身上看到了他所有的記號和他隱藏的神性的形式。

我們歡欣鼓舞地來了,帶著我們純正的禮物,這些禮物是我們的父親存放在勝利山上隱藏的神秘寶藏中的。他以遠見卓識命令我們來到這片土地崇敬地敬拜他,因為他在每個國家都有信徒。他為他們成為生命的賜予者、救主、罪孽的寬恕者,萬民之耶和華因他的創造而歡欣,並為他的子民贖罪。」該地區的州長希律王傳喚了他們並派遣了這座城市的有尊榮的長老,問他們:「在哪裡記載了新生王彌賽亞、救世主和世界的生命賜予者?」眾人都對他說:「伯利恆村,正如天上的威嚴者對我們父親大衛說的那樣。大衛是遠古的先知。當我們聽到他們說的話時,我們再次感到非常高興。當我們狂喜時,我們看到了我們的領袖和嚮導。再次,我們變得更加高興。當我們談論奧秘、各種啟示和讚美時,我們為盲人文士們讀過的書而歡欣鼓舞,他們不相信從書中讀到的東西,盲人州長希律([ 希律 ] 看不到愛)也不相信在他們的土地上所出生的光,這是(所有)世界之前的光。他們生活在世界的黑暗中。但是希律在詭詐中對我們說:「見過彌賽亞後,來告訴我,我也可以去拜他。」



然後我們歡樂地走進伯利恆,被分別為聖並出現大光的村莊,這大光摧毀一切錯謬,使死亡滅亡。我們所有人都去了我們的嚮導出生的家園,我們看到了一個洞穴,就像我們國家的「隱藏的神秘寶藏」的形式和外觀一樣,從中我們瞭解了一些隱藏的謎團。這些謎團傳講關於他的事,這些事由我們的遠古先祖們存放在裡面,今天我們到這裡來,意味著所有這些事都成就了。我們看到了光柱,它像以前一樣下降了,它立在洞穴的前面,那顆發光的星下降並站在柱子上方,天使在其右側和左側。當我們看到祂時,我們再次感到高興,儘管感到害怕。光柱、星辰和天使從我們面前進入了那個洞穴,在其中誕生了救贖的奧秘和光芒。有聲音指示我們:「進去」,我們進去之後,見到一個嬰兒被安置在馬槽裡(註:古卷《耶穌的榮耀》之《木匠約瑟福音》7 章 4 節也記載耶穌是在伯利恆的一個洞穴內出生的;《主嬰孩時期福音》3:1-3 記載孩子被安置在洞穴內的馬槽裡),我們取下我們的冠冕,把它們放在他腳下,因為永恆的國度是他的王國。我們跪在地上向他跪拜,因為天上地下的都向他屈膝敬拜。我們打開了我們隱藏的寶藏,將它們密封起來,然後帶著它們來到了被天上的威嚴密封的救贖寶庫附近。我們把寶藏帶到他面前,他就是救恩的寶庫,我們可以在他自己的救贖寶座前,從他的國中多多地從他那裡得到這些寶藏。





 當救世主與我們說話時,整個洞穴都閃閃發光,它在我們眼中就像另一個世界一樣,因為「在這個世界上 」沒有像這樣的光。 許多「六翼天使」的聲音在說話:「是的,阿們!」

哦,這是奧秘之子的出生,是神聖的嬰兒,還是完美的「是的」天國威嚴意志的完成者。 一言以蔽之,祂極為完美,所有可見和不可見的世界都變得完美了。 所有的天使和能力都崇拜你。 而你就是救贖,你將它賜給你所選擇的。 而你是古老之光,因為你是聖父思想中心愛的果實。 而你擁有一切人的形象和意志,是奧秘事物的揭示者,因為藉著你所說的話,天父的心意可以被瞭解。 你在所有人的裡面,所有人也都在你身體裡,你的意志之外沒有任何東西。




And when all these things and many others were spoken about the revelation that appeared to us, the star was with us in all (its) excellent forms so we could see it. And we spoke about it like frail human beings, not being able to say anything that we saw. And we got ready with our whole encampment, and with our provisions, and with the pure and holy gifts, those that we brought out of the cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries, in which they were [deposited] previously by our fathers, and we went forth in great joy, our hearts exulting to come to the place that was commanded to us, to worship the vision of the star of infinite light. And the star, our guide, our good messenger, our perfect light, our glorious leader, again appeared for us, going before us and upholding our whole caravan from all sides, and enlightening us by its hidden light. And we had no need of the light of the sun or of the moon, because their light became diminished in its sight, and by night and by day we walked in its light, exulting and rejoicing without distress or weariness.

And it prepared before us a blessed dwelling place in which to reside while we rested and exulted. Even our provisions were abundant in our eyes and did not decrease, but rather from one day to another they increased when it came to rest over us with its light. And it gave rest to us from all our fatigue as if we were not journeying on the road, and it made mountains, and hills, and rugged places level before us. Even the rivers before us we crossed by foot without fear, because of the light of our good guide that went along with s for our encampment. And again, when we crossed into the places [of

beasts and vicious snakes,] we trampled them with our feet. And our leader and our guide, in his glory, appeared to each one of us in all forms and appearances in every (stage). And he filled our hearts with great joy, and all the (stages) in which we journeyed were short and swift in our eyes, because our victorious sign and our powerful light, which is beyond every human mouth to speak, guided us with its victorious strength.


And when we arrived in the region of Jerusalem, in the month of flowers, our good emissary led and brought us inside Jerusalem. And its nobles and rulers were disturbed and troubled, and they asked us: “On account of what cause have you come here? Perhaps because of the mysteries of your Magianism?” because they saw us looking up at heaven, and worshipping our sign, and praying to our guide, because they did not understand our mysteries, and they reckoned us as Magi.

Sassetta(Stefano di Giovanni) (ca.1400-1450) The Journey of the Magi.Ca.1435. Tempera and gold on wood,8 ½ x11 ¾ in. (21.6 x 29.8 cm). Maitland F. Griggs,1943 (43.98.1). The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Art Resource,NY

And we said to them: “We saw a sign of heavenly majesty in our land, as we were instructed by our fathers, that a king, and a messiah, and a life giver, and a savior who gives himself to death for the sake of the entire world has been born here. And we have some because we saw all his signs and the forms of his hidden divinity in the appearance of a human clothed with a body. And we came, rejoicing with our pure gifts, which were deposited by our fathers in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries on the Mountain of Victories. And he commanded us in a great vision to come to this land to worship him in reverence, because he has worshipers in every country. He becomes for them a life giver, and a savior, and a forgiver of sins, and through him the Lord of all is pleased with his creation and makes atonement with his people. And Herod, the governor of the region, called and sent for the honorable elders of the city, and asked them: “Where is it written that the king messiah, and savior, and life giver of the worlds is to be born?” And all of them said to him (as) from one mouth: “The village Bethlehem, as was said by the heavenly majesty to our father David, the ancient prophet who lived a long time ago. And when we heard from them what they said, again we rejoiced greatly. And while we were exulting, we saw our leader and our guide; again we abounded in joy all the more. And while we spoke mysteries, and all manner of revelations, and praises, we went in joy to Bethlehem as the blind scribes had read, not believing what they read from their books, nor

Herod, the blind governor, [unseeing] of the love of the light that was born in their land, which (was) the light before (all) worlds. And they are dwelling in darkness in the world in their days. But Herod said to us in his deceit: “When you have seen the messiah, come and tell me, that I also may go to worship him.

And because he was not worthy for the worship of the light that was born, because he was a dwelling or error, it was said to us by our guide and our light that we should not return to him, because he was not [worthy] to see the great light of the world, because he was totally deaf and blind to its worship.


And we went and entered Bethlehem in joy, which was worthy to be called the village for the holy birth and for the great light that appeared in it (to kill) and destroy all error and to bring death to and end. And all of us went to the homestead in which our guide was born, and we saw a cave like the form and appearance of the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries, which is in our country, from which we had learned the hidden mysteries that were preached about him, which were deposited in it by our ancient fathers, and they were all accomplished today in our coming here. And we saw the pillar of light, which descended as we had seen it before, and it stood in front of the cave, and that star of light descended and stood above the pillar, angels on its right side and on its left side. And when we saw it, again we rejoiced, though being afraid. And the pillar, and the star, and the angels entered and went before us into that cave, in which the mystery and light of salvation was born. And a compassionate voice instructed us, “Enter inside, and we went in after it, and we took our crowns, and we put them under his feet, because the everlasting kingdom is his. And we knelt and worshiped before him upon the earth, because very knee that is in heaven and on earth bows to him and worships him. And we opened our hidden treasures, and they being sealed, we took them and came near the treasure of salvation, who is sealed with heavenly majesty. And we brought forth our treasures before him, who is the treasure of salvation, that we might receive them from him in the kingdom by many-fold before his own judgement seat of salvation.


And the glorious infant and the ancient light perfecting the will of the Father of majesty opened his mouth, and he said to us with a love of abundant and sweet mercy: “Peace to you, sons of my hidden mysteries, sons of the East, of the heavenly light, because you have been found worthy to see the ancient everlasting light, you and also your fathers. And as you were worthy, behold, you have received him in perfect love without doubt. And again, you will be worthy to see him in his great light before which there will no longer be any mysteries, because they all are fulfilled in him. And he alone from this time onward rules over all, and all are subject to him. For it was I who was revealed to you in your land, and I spoke with you by mysteries. And again, I became for you a guide and leader to this place until you came in peace before me. And again, I shall be with you even until the end, and I am not separated from you nor from all those who believe in me with perfect love. And again, you will be witnesses for me in the land of the East together with my disciples, those who are chosen by me to preach my Gospel. And when I have completed the will of my Father regarding everything that he commanded me, (I will go up) in the glory in which I was with him. Yet even now, while I am speaking with you, I am with him and have not become separated from the majesty of the Father. Now I shall give to you another sign at which you will astonished: in the hour that you see the sun darkened in the daytime like the night, and there is a great earthquake upon the earth, and the voice of the dead is heard from their graves giving praise, then at that time know that all the times and seasons have come to an end in my coming to you. And lift your eyes to the (heavens), and see them opened in glory before me, and I am ascending in praise fitting for me and sitting at the right hand of the Father of majesty, from whom I have been sent to save the world.


And while the savior was speaking all these things with us, that entire cave shone, and it became in our eyes like another world, since [in this world] there was no light like it. And many voices of [seraphs] were speaking and [text missing] which are innumerable: “Yea and Amen!” O first-born opener of the secret womb, O holy infant, O completer of the will of the heavenly majesty who is the perfect ‘Yes,’ and through whom everything came into being, and ‘Amen,’ by your light and by your word they were made perfect, and all the worlds seen and unseen were brought to completion. And all the angels and the powers worship you. And yours is the place of salvation, which you will given to your chosen ones. And yours is the ancient light, because you are the beloved fruit of the thought of the Father. And you are the image and will of the one who upholds all, the revealer of hidden things, because by the word that is spoken all that is in the thought is made known. And you are all, and all is in you, and there is nothing outside of your will.

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