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#6──《智者的啟示》11-15──THE “REVELATION OF THE MAGI” 11-15




Rogier van der Weyden,追隨者。15 世紀中葉。油彩畫。主面板:33 3/16 x 55 1/8 英寸(84.3 x 140 厘米); 上翼:17 15/16 x 7 7/8 英寸(45.6 x 20 厘米); 下機翼:85.4 x 42.2 厘米(33 5/8 x 16 5/8 英寸)。南低地,布拉班特,布魯塞爾。大都會藝術博物館,迴廊收藏,1949 年(49.109)。圖片來源:圖片版權 © 大都會藝術博物館 / 紐約藝術資源


 當我們在淨化之泉中沐浴著歡樂時,我們按照習慣登上了勝利之山,然後我們走上去,發現洞穴前面的光柱,再次使我們感到極大的恐懼[查看詳細資訊 Rogier van der Weyden 在第 51 頁上的附圖 ]。然後,我們跪下來,按照古老的習俗伸出了雙手,我們默默稱讚了它的奇跡。再次,我們看到天堂像一扇大門一樣打開了,充滿榮光的人舉起了充滿光明的星。他們下山,站在光柱上,整個山充滿了光,這是人類的口所無法述說的景象。而且(某物)就像一個小人的手從我們看不見的柱子和星星向我們的眼睛靠近,祂安慰了我們。我們看到這顆恆星進入了「隱藏的神秘寶藏」洞穴,並且洞穴閃閃發光。我們聽到了一個謙卑友善的聲音,祂喊著對我們說:「不要疑惑,以愛心進入洞穴內,你們會看到一個偉大而令人驚訝的願景。」聲音的資訊使我們感到鼓舞和感到安慰。我們開始感到恐懼,由於光線非常充足,我們跪在洞口。當我們按照祂的命令站起來時,我們睜開眼睛,看到了人類的口無法形容的那束光。



我愛他們,使他們可能不會因為堅持下來的錯誤而滅亡。 因此,由於我無時無刻不在向他們展示,除非他們悔改並相信我,否則他們就沒有機會為自己的罪行辯解。 還有,你和你的父親所命令的一切,以及你從已讀過的書本的奧秘中學到的一切,自始至終你都一直在等待隱藏著奧秘的恆星之光,現在你終於看到了,他本人(現在)已經能夠讓你聽到有關他的事。 毫無疑問,你要相信我,相信你所看到許多形式的跡象。 再一次,帶走你的祖先們在這山洞中沉積的財寶,並「繼續快樂」,敬拜,因為我將像人一樣出生。

再一次,在那裡敬拜我:即使現在,當我與你交談時,我也在那裡。因為我的福音已被眾天使宣揚,所以我同時也在那裡,也有天父的威嚴。我無處不在,因為我是一道光芒,將我天父的威嚴照亮了這個世界,天父讓我履行了在整個世界和每一個土地上關於我所說的一切,而這些都是我無法言說的奧秘,並履行了我榮耀的天父的誡命,祂借藉先知以與你同等的方式向人宣講關於我的事,正像你的信仰一樣,向你啟示了我。我將與你同行,並為你的整個旅程提供指導,並在整個地球上看到標誌,即輝煌的奇跡和偉大的勝利。你會看到耶路撒冷所有謎團被解開,與你交談的一切都會實現。再一次,你會看到謙卑的跡象,甚至是卑微的,虛弱的形式,人們會大膽地對我採取行動,他們將渴望做他們欺騙我的圖謀,而他們將無法實現「他們的目標 」。但是他們所付出的一切都是為了殺戮和毀滅,而我是為了拯救全世界的生命,實現天父的旨意。」





當我們讚美這些事情的時候,忽然有一種聲音以光明的威嚴之聲傳到我們的耳朵,對我們說:「你所見、所聞、所討論、所講的一切,你都會(驚奇地)看到,這(只是)從天上降下了一滴救贖。因為除了從聖殿發出的那一件事,所有人都不知道這些奧秘,除了向我們隱藏的天父。除了講救恩之道的聲音,沒有人知道父,這揭示了父的思想的深處,他永遠在其中。 藉著(相同的)聲音和言語,天上的世界和威嚴天父在下層世界誕生了,並且是有秩序的:天使,權力,王子,權威,甚至是你所生活的這個世界,表明祂的愛是何等的長闊深高。






Then, when the time and fulfillment of what was written in the books happened, concerning the revelation of the light of the hidden star, we were indeed thought worthy for it to come in our days and to receive it with joy, as we were commanded by our fathers and as we ourselves read in the books. And each of us saw wondrous and diverse visions that were never before seen by us, but their mysteries were in these books that we were reading. And each other came from his dwelling place according to our ancient custom to ascend the Mountain of Victories [text missing] to wash in the Spring of Purification, as we were accustomed. And we saw [text missing] in the form of an ineffable pillar of light descending and it came to rest above the water. And we were afraid and shook when we saw it. And we cannot speak about the brilliance of the star of light, since its radiance was many times greater than the sun, and the sun could not stand out before the light of its rays. And just like the moon looks in the daytime in the days of Nisan, when the sun rises and it is absorbed in its light, so also did the sun seem to us when the star rose over us. And the light of the star, which surpassed the sun, appeared to us ourselves and the sons of our mysteries, but it did not appear to anyone else, because they were removed from its mysteries and its coming. And we rejoiced, and glorified, and gave unmeasured thanks to the Father of heavenly majesty that it appeared in our days and we were thought worthy to see it.

Rogier van der Weyden, Follower of. Polyptych. Mid-15th century. Tempera and oil. Main Panel: 33 3/16 x 55 1/8 in. (84.3 x 140 cm); Upper Wings: 17 15/16 x 7 7/8 in. (45.6 x 20 cm); Lower Wings: 33 5/8 x 16 5/8 in. (85.4 x 42.2 cm). South Lowlands, Brabant, Brussels. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cloisters Collection, 1949 (49.109). Photo credit: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Art Resource, NY


And when we bathed in the Spring of Purification with joy, and we ascended the Mountain of Victories as we were accustomed, and we went up and found that pillar of light in front of the cave, again a great fear came upon us [see detail of polyptych by Rogier van der Weyden on page 51]. And [we knelt] upon our knees, and we stretched out our hands according to our ancient custom, and we praised in silence the vision of its wondrs. Aand again, we saw that heaven had been opened like a great gate and men of glory carrying the star of light upon their hands. And they descended and stood upon the pillar of light, and the entire mountain was filled by its light, which cannot be uttered by the mouth of humanity. And (something) like the hand of a small person drew near in our eyes from the pillar and the star, at which we could not look, and it comforted us. And we saw the star enter the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries, and the cave shone beyond measure. And a humble and kind voice made itself heard by us, which called out and said to us: “Enter inside without doubt, in love, and see a great and amazing vision.” And we were encouraged and comforted by the message of the voice. And we entered being afraid, and we bowed our knees at the mouth of the cave because of the very abundance of the light. And when we rose at its command, we lifted our eyes and saw that light, which is unspeakable by the mouth of human beings.


And when it had concentrated itself, it appeared to us in the bodily form of a small and humble human, and he said to us: “Peace to you, sons of my hidden mysteries.” And again, we were astonished by the vision, and he said to us: “Do not doubt the vision that you have seen, that there has appeared to you to concentrate its light in its rays, or that it appeared to you in the form of a small, humble,and unworthy human, because indeed, the inhabitants of the world cannot hear to see the glory of the only Son of the Father of majesty, unless it appeared for them in the form of their world. And again, other signs shall appear in it, which are hidden and (would be) shameful for the heavenly majesty, for the sake of the redemption of the lives of human beings, because my Father has loved them that they should not perish by the error in which they have persisted. And again, I will perfect the love of the Father, even unto the death of a cross. For the sake of their salvation I will descend to raise them up with me in love and indivisible peace if they shall believe in me without doubt, and give thanks, and glorify through me the Father of that glorious majesty who sent me for their salvation. And I have loved them that they may not perish by the error in which they have persisted. And therefore, since I have appeared to them in the fullness of all the times, they have no excuse for their offenses unless they repent and believe in me. And also you, everything that you were commanded by your fathers, and everything that you learned from the mysteries of the books that you have read, do, since behold, the hidden mysteries of the light of the star that you have been waiting to see, behold, he himself has (now) told you about himself as you are able to hear. And you will believe without doubt, seeing in me signs of many forms. And again, take with you the treasure that was deposited in this cave by your fathers and [continue in joy] and worship the [text missing] I will be born like a human being.

And again, worship me there [text missing]: even now, as I am speaking with you I am also there. Because my Gospel has been proclaimed by angels, I am both there and with the majesty of my Father. And I am everywhere, because I am a ray of light who light has shone in this world from the majesty of my Father, who has sent me to fulfill everything that was spoken about me in the entire world and in every land by unspeakable mysteries, and to accomplish the commandment of my glorious Father, who by the prophets preached about me to the contentious house, in the same way as for you, as befits your faith, it was revealed to you about me. And I am going up with you and am a guide for you on the entire journey that you are traveling, seeing signs, glorious wonders, and great victories upon the entire earth. And you will see the completion of all the mysteries in Jerusalem, and everything that was spoken with you will come true for you. And again, you will see signs of humility, even a lowly and weak form, such that people will act boldly against me, and they will desire to do that which they plotted in deceit against me, and they will not be able to have [their goal] take place. But all that they od will be for their killing and their destruction, and the will of the Father shall be fulfilled for the sake of the salvation of the life of the whole world.”


And when he spoke all these things with us, along with a great many that we cannot say because of the great riches of their majesty, all of us went out of the cave, exulting and rejoicing that we were thought worthy for all these mysteries of that unspeakable majesty to be revealed around us and spoke with us.

And we took that entire treasure that was deposited in the cave, letters have been sealed in which it was placed. And we descended from the mountain, glorifying the mysteries of the revelations of the light of the star that appeared to us. And each of us was speaking about the revelations and visions that had appeared to him in the Cave of Treasures of Hidden Mysteries, but our visions that not resemble each other, and all the wonders of many forms that appeared to us. There is one of us saying, “I saw a light in which they were many images that were amazing.”

And there is one saying, “I saw an infant who had unspeakable forms. And there is one saying, “I saw a youth who did not have a form in this world.” And there is one saying, “I saw a human being who was humble, unsightly in appearance, and poor.” And there is one say, “I saw a cross and a person of light who hung upon it, taking away the sins of the entire world.” And there is one saying, “I saw that he went down to Sheol with force and all the dead rose and worshiped him. And there is one saying, “I saw that he ascended in glory, and he opened the graves, and he raised up the dead, while they are crying out and saying: ‘Holy is our king and holy is his descent to us! Because of our sins he humbled himself to save us.’” And there is one saying, “I saw him ascending to the heavenly height, and angels opening the gates of heaven before him. And clouds of seraphs and angels are taking him upon the palms of their hands, and the Paraclete Spirit taking a diadem and a crown and making victory shine before him, and all the hosts praising and singing the honor of his humility, which prevailed in the whole struggle of error and death.” And when all these things and others like them, of which there were many, (happened,) while descending the Mountain of Victories, we gave praise and repeated to each other everything that we saw and heard there. And we were in great rejoicing and great exultation that we were thought worthy to see this complete gift of salvation for which all the kings, and righteous ones, and prophets, and powerful ones prayed, and hoped, and waited, that they might see this sight. But they did not see it because it was not then the time of the coming of the star of light, giving perfect salvation to its believers.


And while we were praising these things, suddenly a voice with much light and with unspeakable kindness came to our ears from the heavenly height of majesty, saying to us: “Everything that you have seen ,and heard, and discussed, and had spoken to you, and (at which) behold, you are amazed, is (only) one drop of salvation from the house of [majesty.] For these is no one who can know all the mysteries of singleness except the one who is issued from the thought of the hiddenness of the Father. And no one knows the Father except the voice bringing forth the word of salvation, revealing the depth of hiddenness of the thought of the Father, in whom is he forever. And by the (same) voice and word the heavenly worlds and the lower ones of the Father of majesty came into being and were orders: the angels, the powers, and princes, and authorities, even this world in which you exist, and the height, and depth, and length, and width.

And there is otherwise nothing that exists outside the will of the Father of majesty or that has come to be without the voice of life. For this is my beloved Son, being sent of perfect love. This is the revealer of the secrets of the Father for his beloved ones, as it is fitting for them and as they can receive by his gift of the Son. This is he who has told of new and perfect words for those who are persuaded and believe in him. This is the interpreter of wisdom and hidden mysteries. This is he who is the image and form of the Father of majesty, by whom he is always heard. This is the only begotten Son, perfecting all the will of his Father. This is the one who is not loved and honored as he deserves, because that world loves the darkness and its desires more than him.

This is the one who was humbled and became a human being for the salvation of human beings so that they would not perish. He put on, by his will, a body, a humble form, that with it he might slay death and take away the dominion of death, to give eternal life to those who love him and believe in him. This is the one in whose name signs and portents take place through his believers. This is the perfect Son, doing the will of he who sent him. This one is the way and the gate of light for those who enter by it. This is the one who is in everything is named and spoken of above all. This is the bread of life that comes down from me for believers; he is the sower of the word of life, and he is the shepherd of truth who gives himself as ransom for his flock. He is the great priest who by his blood absolves the worlds; he is a drink of the vine of life. This is the one that you saw who is in many forms that appeared to you, but is not deprived of either my love or the person of his glory. And no one exists over him or over his majesty to speak of how he is, except me, and I and he, we are one in unspeakable glory.

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