Saturday, March 29, 2025

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許多人幫助我將《東方三博士的啟示》帶給了更廣泛的聽眾。我在哈佛大學神學院攻讀博士學位期間就開始研究這段文字。我感謝我的論文顧問弗朗索瓦·博文教授從一開始就精心策劃了這個項目,並感謝他將我介紹給致力於早期基督教次經文學研究的歐洲學術界。現為劍橋大學的 J. F. Coakley 教授花費了無數的時間來監督我對敘利亞語的《智者的啟示》的翻譯。他對我的作品非常有耐心的編輯使我免於一次又一次地陷入尷尬,翻譯中剩下的任何錯誤完全是我自己的。在論文撰寫過程中,卡倫·金教授一直將我推向更高的分析嚴格度。來自哈佛的其他同事在無數場合提供了有用的建議,包括艾倫·艾特肯(Ellen Aitken),卡莉·丹尼爾·休斯(Carly Daniel-Hughes),本·鄧寧(Ben Dunning),肯·費舍爾(Ken Fisher),安妮·瑪麗·路易丹迪克(Anne-Marie Luijendijk)和蘿拉·納斯拉拉(Laura Nasrallah),以及無數其他教職員工和研究生提供了建設性的回饋意見在研討會和講習班期間。我非常感謝以下教職員工對我的職業發展給予的極大支援:蘇珊·亞伯拉罕,尼古拉·丹澤伊,埃爾登·埃普,赫爾穆特·科斯特,安妮·莫尼烏斯和斯蒂芬妮·保爾。我還要特別感謝《哈佛神學評論》(Harvard Theological Review)的執行編輯瑪格麗特·斯圖迪(Margaret Studier),他敦促我將論文提交給哈珀·柯林斯(Harper 《歌羅西書》lins),以考慮獲得休斯頓·史密斯獎。

我在奧克拉荷馬大學的新同事也提供了寶貴的支持,尤其是在我努力使我的論文的工作適應更廣泛的讀者的時候。 我特別感謝 Erik Braun,Rangar Cline,Marie Dallam,Kyle Harper,Rachel Knudsen,Rienk Vermij,David Vishanoff 和 Jane Wickersham 的回饋。 我特別感謝我的項目主管 Charles Kimball 博士在我任教的第一年對這個項目的大力支持。 我要感謝宗教研究計畫的高級成員湯姆(Tom)和芭芭拉·博伊德(Barbara Boyd),他們對我作為奧克拉荷馬州的新來者給予了極大的鼓勵和支持。

我非常感謝 Harper 《歌羅西書》lins 的 Eric Brandt 對我的工作的堅定支持。 他對《東方博士的啟示》的熱情在整個計畫和編輯階段為該專案注入了活力。 多虧了他,這本書的最終形式比我想像的要好。 我非常感謝他的助手凱薩琳·倫茨(Kathryn Renz)的親切和友善,為我作為第一作者向我解釋出版過程的各個方面。 我還要感謝 Carolyn Holland 和 Carl Walesa 的精心編輯,以及 Janet Evans 的設計才能。

我的家人一直是我最深刻的靈感和支持之源。 我父親葛列格; 我的母親黛比; 我姐姐伊麗莎白 ;我的兄弟 Brian 和他的妻子 Leslie 對我的熱情鼓舞了我,我的岳父 Bill Bangs 和岳母 Jonathan Bangs 也都鼓勵了我。 我特別要感謝我的岳母瑪姬·邦斯(Margie Bangs),她是我翻譯和介紹工作的重要焦點小組。 我的祖母海倫·梅森(Helen Mason)和我的叔叔 H·D·米切爾(H. D. Mitchell)都渴望閱讀我寄給他們的任何東西,並充分利用他們的神學訓練。 最後,我最深的愛,欽佩和感激之情是我的妻子伊麗莎白,她既是我最堅決的批評家,也是最大的粉絲。



Matthaeum 中不完美之王著作的拉丁文摘自 Migne 的 Patrologia Graeca,第56 卷,第 637-638 欄。也可以在我的論文的第 2 章中找到它,並附帶翻譯和評論,可從 線上獲取。]

以賽特為名的啟示書。勝利山 –– 我聽過一些人在他們的著作中提到過,即使這不是毫無爭議的,儘管它並沒有破壞信仰,而是魅力十足,但我看到東方一開始就有某個種族靠近海洋,他擁有某項著作,上面刻有賽特的名字,涉及到將要出現的這顆星,以及(關於)通過幾代好學的人與父親們一起提供的禮物傳給他們的兒子。因此,他們從他們自己人中選出了十二個以上的從事天體奧秘研究人士和愛好者,並向他們設定了對那顆恒星的守望。如果他們中有人死了,他的兒子或他的一位親戚也承繼同樣的使命,可以代替死者。他們用他們的語言被稱為馬吉(Magi),因為他們以沉默和沉默的禱告榮耀了上帝。因此,在每年的大麥脫粒收割之後,他們都會上山將自己安置在那座山上,這山在他們的語言中被稱為勝利山,在其中的岩石上有一個最令人愉悅的洞穴,上面有噴泉和精選樹木。他們默默地在其中祈禱並榮耀上帝三天。因此,他們每一代人所做的,總是在等待,在他們這一代人中偶然出現了祝福之星,出現在那座勝利山之上,其本身的形狀像一個小男孩,並高於它(或他?)像十字架一樣。它正在對他們說話,並教會了他們並指示他們出發去猶太。當他們旅行了兩年時,這顆星星帶領他們向前走,他們的食物和飲料都沒有從袋子裡用完。他們所作的事就在簡明的福音中表達出來。然而,當他們返回時,他們比以前更加專注地繼續敬拜和榮耀上帝,並且向他們種族中所有的人傳道,並教導了許多人。最終,在主復活後,使徒多馬進入那個地方,他們加入了他的行列,並在他手中受洗後成為他傳道的助手。



Many people have helped me to bring the Revelation of the Magi to a wider audience. My work on this text started during my doctoral program at Harvard Divinity School. I am grateful to my thesis adviser, Professor Francois Bovon, for his careful shepherding of this project from its inception, and his kindness in introducing me to the scholarly community in Europe that is devoted to the study of early Christian apocryphal literature. Professor J. F. Coakley, now of the University of Cambridge, spent countless hours supervising my translation of the Revelation of the Magi from the Syriac. His very patient editing of my work has saved me from embarrassment time and again, and any error remaining in the translation are entirely my own. Professor Karen King consistently pushed me toward further analytical rigor during the dissertation-writing process. Other colleagues from Harvard who have provided helpful advice on innumerable occasions include Ellen Aitken, Carly Daniel-Hughes, Ben Dunning, Ken Fisher, Anne-Marie Luijendijk, and Laura Nasrallah, as well as innumerable other faculty members and graduate students who offered constructive feedback during seminars and workshops. I am very grateful to the following faculty members for being extremely supportive of my professional development: Susan Abraham, Nicolla Denzey, Eldon Epp, Helmut Koester, Anne Monius, and Stephanie Paulsell. I would also like to single out for special thanks Margaret Studier, managing editor of Harvard Theological Review, who urged me to submit my dissertation to Harper
collins to be considered for the Huston Smith Prize.

My new colleagues at the University of Oklahoma have also provided invaluable support, particularly as I worked toward adapting the work of my dissertation for a more general audience. I am especially grateful to Erik Braun, Rangar Cline, Marie Dallam, Kyle Harper, Rachel Knudsen, Rienk Vermij, David Vishanoff, and Jane Wickersham for their feedback. I am especially grateful to my program director, Dr. Charles Kimball, for his strong support of this project in my first year of teaching. I am indebted to the senior members of the Religious Studies Program, Tom and Barbara Boyd, for their kind encouragement and support of me as a new-comer to Oklahoma.

I am exceedingly grateful to Eric Brandt at Harper collins for his resolute support of my work. His enthusiasm for the Revelation of the Magi has buoyed the project through the planning and editing stages. Thanks to him, the final form of this book is bar better than I could have ever imagined. I am very thankful to his assistant, Kathryn Renz, for her kindness and accessibility in explaining various aspects of the publishing process to me, as a first-time author. I am also indebted to the careful editing of Carolyn Holland and Carl Walesa, and to the design talents of Janet Evans.

My family has been my deepest source of inspiration and support. My father, Greg; my mother, Debby; my sister, Elizabeth; and my brother, Brian, and his wife, Leslie, have all encouraged me with their enthusiasm for this project, as have my father-in-law, Bill Bangs, and brother-in-law, Jonathan Bangs. I would especially like to thank my mother-in-law, Margie Bangs, who constituted a crucial focus group of one for my translation and introduction. My grandmother, Helen Mason, and my uncle, H. D. Mitchell, were both eager to read whatever I sent them and put their theological training to good use. Finally, my deepest love, admiration, and gratitude are for my wife, Elizabeth, who is both
my toughest critic and biggest fan.



[The Latin text of the Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum is taken from Migne’s Patrologia Graeca, volume 56, columns 637-638. It can also be found, with translation and commentary, in chapter 2 of my dissertation, available online at]

Apocryphal Book Under the Name of Seth. Victorious Mountain. – I have heard some referring to such a writing, even if it is not beyond dispute, nevertheless not ruining the faith, but charming (it), seeing that there was a certain race situated at the very beginning of the East near the Ocean, who had possession of a certain writing having been inscribed with the name of Seth, concerning this star which was going to appear, and (concerning) what sort of gifts to offer it, which was carried out through generations of studious people, with the fathers handing down to their sons. And so they selected from themselves twelve more learned ones and lovers of the celestial mysteries, and they set before them the expectation of that star. And if someone from them died, his son or one of his relatives who was found of the same inclination was set up in place of the dead one. And they were called Magi in their language, because in silence and with a silence voice they glorified God. Therefore, during every year, after the threshing harvest, they went up a certain mountain placed there, which was called in their language the Victorious Mountain, having in it a certain cave in the rock, most pleasant, with fountains and choice trees, going up into which, and washing themselves, they were praying and glorifying God in silence for three days. And they did thus for each generation, always waiting, that by chance in their generation that star of blessing might appear, until it appeared to them coming down above that Victorious Mountain, having in itself a form like a little boy and above it (or him?) the likeness of a cross. And it was speaking to them, and it taught them and instructed them to set out for Judaea. And while they journeyed for two years, the star went ahead, and neither food nor drink ran out from their pouches. And otherwise the deeds that were rendered by them were expressed in the compendious Gospel. However, when they had returned, they continued worshiping and glorifying God even more attentively than before, and they preached to all in their race, and they instructed many. Finally, after the Resurrection of the Lord, when the Apostle Thomas went into that province, they joined him, and having been baptized by him, they were made assistants of his preaching.

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